Young OK Mom blasts intruder

| January 5, 2012

Another link that you guys have filled my indox with is the story of Sarah McKinley who on News Year’s Eve sent Justin Martin to meet his judgement.

“I’ve got two guns in my hand — is it okay to shoot him if he comes in this door?” the young mother asked the 911 dispatcher. “I’m here by myself with my infant baby, can I please get a dispatcher out here immediately?”

Since these things never end well for the bad guys, the 18-year-old recently widowed mom blasted Martin as he forced his way through the door.

“I wouldn’t have done it, but it was my son,” McKinley told ABC News Oklahoma City affiliate KOCO. “It’s not an easy decision to make, but it was either going to be him or my son. And it wasn’t going to be my son. There’s nothing more dangerous than a woman with a child.”

She done good and apparently, no one in Oklahoma is going to attempt to prosecute her which is even better news than a violent thief (who, by the way, knew her husband had just died a week before, scum sucking pig that he was) meeting his last chapter.

Category: Politics

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She was on the phone for 21 minutes with 911 before she shot the perp. 21 MINUTES!!!! and the cops had not shown up yet. Which begs the question how weak was that dude that it took him 21 minutes to break down a door.


She lives in a rural part of OK, in rural America, there are like one or to Cops for every 20 mile stretch in some cases, so let’s not go too overboard saying that the PD is jacked up, ok?


I’ll say it. The average response time to an ARMED ROBBERY DURING DAYLIGHT HOURS of a pharmacy in my town is 9 minutes.

Sadly, because of the Oxy/meth/Xanax addicts, we’ve been seeing a lot more of those.

2-17 AirCav

I forget who it was (UpNorth?) but someone here once referred to 911 as the prayer line. Brother, if that’s not true, nothing is.


Good for her. I’m glad that she isn’t facing charges for defending herself and her family. I wish there wee more stories like this than the ones we usually read where someone is facing undeserved murder charges.


Other details I’ve gleamed from other stories on this indicate her husband died on Christmas eve (awful), and that these two punks came around afterwards “to introduce themselves”. Then they came back, armed, and most certainly not collecting for Mother Teresa.

I don’t think the 21 minutes thing is bad mark against the police being a rural area (it is what it is being rural), but it does give some creedence to the amount of guts this young woman has in that she had to suffer these 21 minutes while these maggots were trying to break in knowing they were there to steal and harm her, with all the other things going on in her life such as being a new mother and now widowed.

She’s got a hell of a head on her shoulders all things considered (and thank God she was armed).


Kinda gives you hope that there remain enough Americans with the will to survive that maybe we still can.


AirCav @#4, that wasn’t me, but it is true.
The town has a population of about 7,000, so it’s not even out of the realm of possibility that there was no police officer on duty at the time, and she was waiting for an officer from the sheriff’s department, or a neighboring town. Or waiting for the officer on duty to clear from a domestic call, or an accident. The possibilities are endless.
Good for her, too bad she didn’t bag both of the assholes.


It is sad that she feels that her own life is not worth defending with deadly force.

“I wouldn’t have done it, but it was my son,”

I think a good message to spread is that anyone’s life is worth fighting for.

Besides that, I am glad another punk has assumed room temperature.


In the Bay Area of California recently, a 90 year old man was threatened at gunpoint in his own home by an intruder. Gramps was able to reach for his own gun, whereby both shot each other. The intruder was shot multiple times and left the house and tried to escape in his vehicle, but had to stop due to his injuries. Tried to play it off but he was arrested.

Bottom line: Guns PROTECT law abiding citizens!


It looks like the dead guy’s buddy is looking at a 1st degree murder charge -

Boo f’ng hoo.


Not that I mind, but what is the logic behind charging him with murder? I figured ti would have been b&e, attempted murder etc.


HM2, most states have, in their felony murder laws, the proviso that if you’re involved in a crime that results in a death, you’re equally responsible for the death. The easiest example is the getaway driver who stays in the car during the armed robbery, while his pal inside kills the store clerk. When caught, both are charged with Felony Murder, or First Degree Murder.
Then, there is this, “Oklahoma law allows one to be charged with first degree murder if death results (regardless of intent) during the comission of a felony”.


HM2, Oklahoma law says that “A person also commits the crime of murder in the first degree, regardless of malice, when that person or any other person takes the life of a human being during, or if the death of a human being results from, the commission or attempted commission of murder of another person, shooting or discharge of a firearm or crossbow with intent to kill, intentional discharge of a firearm or other deadly weapon into any dwelling or building as provided in Section 1289.17A of this title, forcible rape, robbery with a dangerous weapon, kidnapping, escape from lawful custody, first degree burglary, or other offenses listed in the statute.


OK, sorry for the double reply, as I said in another thread, I’m obviously having some issues with Firefox, or my ISP.