So…don’t take your gun to NYC

| January 3, 2012

A Marine is learning that lesson the hard way, according to a Daily Caller link sent to us by Old Trooper;

Ryan Jerome was enjoying his first trip to New York City on business when the former Marine Corps gunner walked up to a security officer at the Empire State Building and asked where he should check his gun.

That was when Jerome’s nightmare began. The security officer called police and Jerome spent the next two days in jail.

The 28-year-old with no criminal history now faces a mandatory minimum sentence of three and a half years in prison. If convicted, his sentence could be as high as fifteen years.

Yeah, I go back to see my Mom in New York State and I can carry concealed across the state of Pennsylvania, the before I get to New York, I have to lock up the ammo and gun separately and out of my reach, and out of the reach of the passenger, because, apparently, the urge to be a criminal is stronger in New York than the other 33 states that do allow me to carry a weapon concealed.

According to the Daily Caller article, Jerome found faulty information on the internet, which led him to believe that he was within the law…that never happens. And, apparently, he’s not the only one;

In December, Tennessee nurse Meredith Graves noticed a “no guns” sign at the World Trade Center site and asked where she could leave her weapon, only to face similar charges.

The “no guns” sign should have been posted around the whole State. Unfortunately, ignorance is no excuse, especially when it comes to guns and New York City. The Daily Caller goes on to say that Jerome faces a mandatory two years in prison, even if they give him the benefit of the doubt and credit for being straight-forward about the gun and trying to do what he thought was right.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists, Guns

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And yet crime is rampant there. Hey, you’re robbing me with an illegal gun!!! How can this be!!!

Just A Grunt

Too bad gun owners for the most part are law abiding. If I was a liberal I might try to organize a rally and flood NYC with thousands of gun owners all carrying just to see how many would get prosecuted and to raise more awareness of this issue.

You know, if I was a liberal that is.


I’d say the NYC District Attorney isn’t properly using the discretion it’s given in pursuing charges.

Old Trooper

@3; that’s because he’s part of mayor “anti-gun” Bloomberg’s apparatus.


Just to play devil’s advocate, do we really want someone who’s so completely unaware of the world around them that they don’t know the government in NYC is hostile to gun rights to be carrying a firearm? I don’t think it should be punishable by jail time, but that’s a special kind of ignorant.


He should change his name to Plaxico Burress, then if he’s convicted, he’ll only do 18 months, not the 3 1/2 years they want him to do. And do it in a protective custody unit.
A good warning for anyone who has a concealed carry permit, and carries, stay out of New York, you’ll likely become a statistic.


Stay out of NYC? The entire state of NY??

No problem.


@5- The tricky part of this is that you can look up New York State’s gun laws, but they’re very different than New York City’s gun laws. Both are “New York laws” to the average bystander, and they’re likely to just run with whatever one they find first.


What ever happened to these two terms: Letter of the law/spirit of the law; Common sense?

Army Sergeant

Is a defense being organized yet? If not, we should start one.


Yes, please – somebody get us an address for his legal defense fund! If folks can be excused for purposefully violating the law, someone who is trying to NOT violate the law certainly should have no charges filed against him.


#9 they don’t exist in the People’s democratic republic of New York. As a non resident in North Carolina I was able to get my CCW permit in about 2 weeks. As a resident of New York State it would take me a year minimum to do the same. While NC looks for disqualifying factors for CCW applicants, NYS looks for reasons why you should be allowed to carry a concealed weapon. They do everything ass backwards,ESPECIALLY Erie County.

AF REMFER Not quite a fatass

Fuck NY and Nanny Bloomberg with a rusty pitchfork.

AF REMFER Not quite a fatass

But hey maybe SCOAMF will issue him a pardon. Since he and Michelle love the US Military so much.

Bah Bodenkurk

@2 – If you were Liberal, you’d be stroking Bloomberg as he banned all evil guns…


The Supreme Court has consistently ruled that Article I of the Constitution means that the military can exert jurisdiction over service members, even retired ones, over civilian courts.

The military would have to prosecute him as if an UCMJ offense occurred, but he’d get a more fair case on it.

So, where is his Command on this?

BTW: the rule came in real handy during the civil rights era, and I know two cases in the last twenty years both involving a rape allegation where exactly this happened…

So again, where is his Command on this?


@ #16….You will duly note “former”?

Air Wx Recon Guy

@#5 Because he relied on faulty information should not relegate him to the “banned from carrying a weapon to protect himself” file! If there is anyplace I WANT to carry a weapon it is in NYC (also, Washington, DC!) – but I understand that you better be WELL informed before doing that. Even as a LEO I’ve been known to walk into the courthouse while off duty carrying my off duty piece and forget it was there… but in Florida and a LEO there was no mandatory charge for that (just a good tongue lashing from the head of court security!). And besides that – he’s a former Marine. I WANT him carrying a weapon as I walk down the street next to him!


New York’s laws regarding firearms are pathetic. I guess you get the kind of governement you ask for though. Why do the liberals scream from the roof tops the “constitutional right for a woman to choose” yet ignore the 2nd Amendment? Another good reason not to go to New York!

Cedo Alteram

#5 Yep your Right OT. Jersey is nearly as bad. Thats the same Bloomberg who runs a santuary city in defiance of federal law. Lets arrest him for that.