Manning defense witness: The Army shouldn’t trust soldiers

| December 21, 2011

I guess the Manning defense team is trying to baffle the jury with bullshit, tossing all kinds of defense strategies against the wall until one sticks. So far, they’ve claimed he didn’t release classified communications to Scandi albino, Julian Asange, the Wikileaks founder, but if he did do it, it was only because he’s gay and it’s hard to be gay in the military. But today’s defense is that the military had the audacity to trust soldiers to not release classified documents to Scandi albinos (Associated Press link);

But witnesses said soldiers routinely accessed music, movies and computer games over the network as well.

“I remember thinking that was something we shouldn’t be so liberal about,” said Capt. Barclay Keay, who was in charge of a night shift Manning worked for a few weeks in late 2009.

Hey, Captain, just how “in charge” were you if you allowed it to go on? Seems to me that someone who was responsible for the product generated by that shift could make his own policies. But, irrespective of this captain’s inability to accept responsibility for the actions of his crew, I assume they all had security clearances and had agreed not to release classified documents to Scandi albinos and they all knew the consequences of their malfeasance if they did.

Keay’s impression of Manning was that he was a good soldier who “did good analytical work.”

But Sgt. Daniel Padgett, one of Manning’s supervisors, said otherwise, recalling an incident when he sat down with Manning for a “counseling session” after the soldier was late for work.

When Padgett tried to impress on Manning the importance of being on time, “his demeanor changed,” the former supervisor testified. He said Manning then stood up and overturned a table, spilling a radio and computer onto the floor. Padgett said he moved Manning away from a gun rack while someone else restrained him until he calmed down. Padgett said he didn’t remember reporting the incident to his supervisors.

So, despite the fact that Ron Paul and Code Pink think that Manning was mistreated by the Army which therefore mitigates his malfeasance, someone in the Army was coddling him. Further evidence of the Amy coddling the sociopath;

Former Spec. Jihrleah Showman, who was Manning’s supervisor, described a succession of outbursts by Manning at their Army base stateside and, later, in Iraq, leading up to a confrontation in which she said Manning “punched me in the face, unprovoked, and displayed an uncontrollable behavior.”

And when Showman reported Manning to her supervisors for the assault, nothing happened. So where is the evidence that he was victimized by the Army because he was gay? It looks to me like they were protecting him.

They should have imprisoned him the first time he was caught lip syncing Lady Gaga’s “Telephone”.

ADDED: ROS sends this nugget;

The Advisory Board of the Bradley Manning Support Network includes Robert Meeropol, whose parents, communists Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, were convicted of violating the Espionage Act and executed for giving the secret of the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union. Meeropol says “it is an honor to join a Board that includes Medea Benjamin of Code Pink, as well as Daniel Ellsberg of Pentagon Papers fame, and filmmaker Michael Moore, among others, but also because I believe it is imperative for as many people as possible to raise their voices in support of Manning.”

Emphasis is mine.

I’m glad to see those traitorous genes still gainfully employed and in the proper company.

Category: Military issues, Shitbags

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CI Roller Dude

When I wore the uniform in the last several years, I carried these words on my dog tag chain. I pulled it out when soembody was fu–ing up.

Army Values
Selfless Service
Personal Courage

this guy f–ked up


Manning aside, much of these gets back to what I said in the first place: there should be a lot of officers in that unit sitting in their own Court-Martial. This sort of lack of accountability and leadership at the company level is a cancer in the Army.


re Paulson,

He knows he not Scandinavian, he know he’s not an albino either. Way to be the last train to pull into the station.


Why don’t you shut your cock holster, paulson…
We know your blow buddy is an Aussie…but he’s also a skinny, weak, pussified, pale albino mother fucker.

Maybe you can go visit Manning and Ass-wipe (once the Swedes extradite him to the States) and spend some quality conjugal time with both of them at some point.

See…even a loser like you can have something to dream about…


So why not just call him an aussie albino? Wouldn’t it make more sense? Oh, I get it, that’s part of the joke. Jon is a retarded kraut. Hahahaha, you see I know Jon’s just stupid and doesn’t actually have Down’s syndrome. I also know that Jon’s American and not actually German but kraut is just funnier. Oh man, thanks notso you’ve taught me a new style of humor.

Old Trooper

BTW, Paulson aka dickweed: It’s Jonn, not Jon.

I’m glad I could teach you reading comprehension, numbnuts.


I like the comments by Manning’s and Paul’s supporters. They
make me feel so, so, well, so sane. I’m not, you know. 😛


The little bitch punched a woman in the face? and got away with it?


Define “important shit”.


One N or two he’s still a shit filled idiot and you follow him you moron fuck.


That stumped him. 8)

Adirondack Patriot

No one knows for sure who Assange’s father is, so I guess he’s literally just another bastard desperately searching for relevance. Whether he’s Australian or Apothekarian or Hypnodiarrhean, he still a confused, self-centered psychotic punk locked in pre-pubescent tendencies.

And so are his supporters.

Old Trooper

Ah yes, Paulson comes back with such a great retort. I bet you believe you’re the smartest chimp in your zoo, too?

You started by trying to pick fly shit out of pepper and got burned, because you aren’t as smart as you think you are and then resort to one of the lamest attempts at getting me back as you could muster. I suppose your next attempt will include calling me a booger?

Adirondack Patriot

paulson can’t reply. They shut off the wifi at the gas station near the Occupy Sheboygan camp.


Army Sergeant should be weighing in, about now….Unless she’s gone AWOl….lol!


er AWOL…..sheesh!

Curteous Cutey Curt

To me whether or not the military can trust soldiers is the 20,000 dollar question.
I was reading an MP blog today. After I got done reading it I thought to myself. Holy shit the Army is just making this stuff up. For example it said that two NCOs from the same unit were charged with being drunk on duty after they were administered a breathalyzer by thier CO. Then there was a report of a commisioned officer charged with leaving the scene of an accident. I thought to myself my God this is just one blog for one small part of the Army what type of shit bags are we allowing in to uniform today.
But then I had an ephany. I thought to myself. Big fucking deal if two NCOs at Baumholder had 3 or 4 drinks at lunch it is not as if they were on guard duty in Iraq. Big fucking deal if an officer thought that no one saw him and he could get away with not being caught after having two drinks then getting behind the wheel.
OK I agree these people should be punished. I had an accident once in which I am sure that no one saw me before and I reported it. That is why we have insurance.
But compare that with priests and college coaches molesting children. Compare that with banks conducting banking practices that required a huge taxpayer bailout when they were warned by many people for many years that these practices would lead to a huge number of forclusers. Compare that with pharmasuitical companies that create the perception of a problem that can only be cured by a drug that they just happened to have created. Compare that to Big Ag selling Round Up to farmers which led to the creation of super weeds that Round Up can no longer control.
These things makes the MP blog look quite tame by comparison yet no one will suffer for these huge crimes.
Thank you for that. Your leadership is peerless.


Man, oh, man – where do you start with this heaping pile of dung?

Having spent some time in both the military and civilian worlds as a line supervisor, I understand that it is often somewhere between difficult and impossible to properly supervise folks when the chain above you doesn’t back your decisions. And I also observed that during the decade of the 90’s there seemed to be a complete take over in the upper eschelons of wimpy, goody-two shoes, how-do-YOU-feel idiots within the military.

However, their lack of fortitude never kept me from doing the right thing, even when their lack of follow-through tended to make us both look foolish. The immediate responsibility for my shop was mine. Somehow, we all managed to survive.

So, yeah. failure of supervisors to supervise is on them. Putting those under your command in danger from other employees is always inexcusable.

Doc Bailey

Hey Paulson have you ever heard of satire? Quit getting your panties in a twist over irrelevancies.

I need to point out that everything the defense is throwing out is only making the case worse. It’s also making the case for more stringent rules. Manning should have had his security clearance revoked long before this.

I know I’ve ragged on intel weenies in the past. God alone knows our S-2 must’ve been smoking something, but he occasionally put out nuggets that did actually save lives. We literally can not afford to have our intel people acting the fool like this. I can get having Armed Forces Radio on a receiver in the workplace, or a NIPRNET computer playing music, but not a SIPERNET. They have red screens for a reason, and you can’t exactly change the background.

And if there is some motion that Manning wasn’t aware his actions were wrong, there’s bulletins on every TOC, that “SECRET” intel is in the TOC, and the S-2’s are *usually*further subdivided, with even more warnings about the info they’re dealing with. One would literally have to be blind deaf and dumb not to understand that releasing classified material to an albino child molesting narcissist is a bad thing.


@21 – ” They have red screens for a reason, and you can’t exactly change the background.”

Actually you can, but the salient point below….

Manning signed no small number of NDAs. He knew exactly what he was doing and he knew the ramifications of his actions. He committed them with malice and aforethought. His ‘defense’ did nothing by him but a disservice to Manning and the Armed Forces.


I guess the Manning defense team is trying to baffle the jury with bullshit.

It’s at the Article 32 stage so there is no panel (jury) at this point. (There may well never be. In fact, I would be quite surprised if he goes for a panel trial instead of judge alone.)

Depending on the case (and I haven’t been following this one closely enough to make intelligent comments), Article 32 strategy can be way different from trial strategy – so there’s no telling just what they’ll do when the actual trial comes up.