Manning evidence disputed

| December 20, 2011

I am thoroughly confused here:

Attorneys for Army intelligence analyst Bradley Manning on Monday challenged evidence linking him to the biggest classified document leak in U.S. history, arguing others had access to the same files and that it cannot be proven Manning sent anything to WikiLeaks from his computer.

The 24-year-old Manning is suspected of downloading thousands of classified or confidential documents from the military’s Secret Internet Protocol Router Network, or SIPRNet. Those files are thought to have later appeared on the whistleblower website WikiLeaks.

I thought the other day his defense team was arguing that it was an acute case of the Gay that made him do it. Also, didn’t it come out at some point that Manning had downloaded the SIPR stuff to his lady GaGa CD?

Category: Politics

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The Dead Man

…ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, I have one final thing I want you to consider. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense!

I’m pretty sure at this point they’re just out to confuse everyone else in the trial. Didn’t he admit to it at one point?


Trouble is, that neurotic little homo, Bradley Manning, [bragged[ about giving that info to that other psycho, Julian Assange, and, in fact, Manning was very smug about it, too, if my memory serves me correctly.

But then, Eric Holder will conveniently forget about that, or spin it to Mannings advantage, making excuses for that creepy little twerp. Can’t prosecute a homo, can we? Not in an election year.

2-17 AirCav

Variation on the classic pleadings in the alternative:

I wasn’t there. What? You find I was there? No matter if I was there. I didn’t do it. What’s that? You find I did do it? Not a problem. I was legally justified in doing it. Huh? You find there was no justification. Ah…right! I had a very good excuse for doing it. Whaddaya mean you find that isn’t a basis for excuse? Okay, forget all of that. There’s mitigation…

CI Roller Dude

Funny thing is, what is going on is a “Cyber investigation”…which the Army is very short of the investigators who actually have the skills to do one.


Funny thing with SIPRNet,(unless policies have changed in the last year since I retired for deployments), you have to logon with your own username and password that is created for you after you been verified. Therefore tracking who downloaded what and who logged on what system and when should be a breeze.

I had a case like that where was a Movement Control Team that was attached to us in 25th I.D. G-4 and I caught their LT downloading songs to the SIPRNet from his Ipod. It was his word against mine, but the G-6 folks proved, within a few hours, that it was him.


@4 while I won’t/can’t comment on how the investigation was conducted or specifically by whom. I can say the people who handled the evidence colleciton/analysis and/or conducted the investigation were top notch and some of the highest caliber DOD has to offer in this realm. The DOD as a whole brought in their starters in on this one, if that ment calling in experts from outside Army for assistance then thats what they did.


Doc Bailey

I bet everything is going to be contested time and again. I heard they even questioned why he as an intel annalist had so much access to classified info (DUH!)

Another motion was grilling the Army about why they continued to trust him after he sent pictures of him dressed like a woman to his supervisor.

Then they question the Judge’s objectivity, and that was turned down by higher.

now all the evidence is in question. The funny thing is that this kind of fuck-around could have worked in a civilian court. Pretty sure it won’t fly in a military court.

Too bad the prosecutor took off the Death penalty. This is a hook line and sinker case.


Where were these Army Attorney’s when they railroaded Lt. Michael Behenna?


Typical SOD defense- Some Other Dude did it


It’s going to get to the point where they’ll contest the meaning of the word “is”.


I’ll put this out with some requisite vagueness, but many Gov and Mil agencies were asked to look at any effects his actions could have caused with regard to the areas of focus for those agencies.

That, and IP tracking through his SIPR/JWICS accounts…..slam dunk.

The defense can clown around all they want, he’s going away for a very long time.


So basically the defense is: “Bradly didn’t do it, someone else did, but if he did do it it’s because he’s the ghey and was upset with his love life. Oh and Bush is Hitler.”


They already had testimony where manning admitted in an email that he was the one who released the Apache video. It was interesting to note that in the witness list memorandum, it states that the SSG who first found the video and showed it to Manning, pointed out that one of the ‘civilians’ was carrying an RPG, not a camera.


Imcco, the heads of his commanding officer and noncom supervisors should roll, too. Bloody incompetent twits.

Doc Bailey

#14: Speaking of which anyone have word on who his CO and First line supervisors were, and what their fate might’ve been? I have a feeling “relief for cause” might’ve been floated around.


We can only hope.