Try again, Junior

| November 22, 2011

TSO sends the above pictured Navy guy who weeps on the “We are the 99%” website about all of the things that get done to him. Of course, all of those things can be corrected, if he can summon the patience to do something besides bitch about his bad luck. But I guess it’s just easier to write your problems on a piece of paper and show it to the hippies.

If anyone else has the same problems, contact us and we’ll get something done about it…but we won’t let you publicly humiliate all of us with your willful ignorance and sloth.

Category: I hate hippies, Veterans Issues

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Any decent college/university usually has an office of veterans affairs that will untangle any tangle. I personally know one of the directors at Rutgers University that got my son his GI Bill benefits and is working with him to get him through to his masters degree in five years.

I call BS, too. If you’re too lazy to do the work with someone who knows what’s going on, then shaddap.


but it’s sooooooo much easier to be a whiny bitch than get off your ass and fix the problem yourself.

Country Singer

As a former squid, I feel compelled to point out that this appears to be one of our puddle-dwelling bretheren, given his USCGC Shrike (WPB 87342) hat.


Is it possible that his DD214 is “screwed up” and he can’t re-enlist or get his GI Bill because he received an Other Than Honorable Discharge (OTH) that he didn’t agree to get? Either that, or he is truly lazy and incapable of seeking assistance from qualified people other than sea lawyers. But something tells me that we don’t have the whole story.


“I can’t re-enlist because they screwed up my DD-214″? I think, if he wanted to re-enlist, and they wanted him back, there would be a way to re-enlist.
Just another whiner. Maybe if he’d get out of mom’s basement, put on a shirt, clean himself up and go looking, instead of waiting for the job to come find him, he wouldn’t be online whining.

Adirondack Patriot

I don’t hink he’s a Navy sailor. The cover he is wearing is from the Coast Guard Cutter Shrike, an 87-footer out of Port Canaveral, Florida. It appears he’s a Coastie. I wonder if the CO knows this guy and if he is still AD.

I think #4 has it exactly right. His DD-214 is screwed up because he is OTH.

He can’t get an entry level job because he has an OTH and now he’s looking for the “vet” label to save him.

Sorry, shipmate, you screw up and its on you — vet status or not.


JAGC – Indeed! Is it equally possible, even likelier, that the “screw-up” on his 214 is actually a general discharge under honorable conditions (which will deprive you of the GI bill but leave you with many VA benefits), the result of a well-deserved chapter, and the “screw up” is the fact that he didn’t like it?

Little point in speculating, I suppose, but I’d love to see that “screwed up” 214.


@7. Yes, he could very well have “earned” his General Discharge. Particularly if he had less than six years in, which I would bet is the case, because then they can simply kick him out for popping hot or whatever with no board required. Oftentimes, the VA will let a general discharge slide in relation to the GI Bill. Unless, of course, the guy is a real bad apple then it is within the VA’s right to nix the benefit.

But I’ve seen guys like this enough times to know that if someone is legit, he finds the right people to help him. Conversly, if he’s hiding something, then it comes across as shady as this guy AND there is always something holding them back from seeking legitimate and qualified assistance. Anti-military advocates who assist former servicemembers go with this logic and don’t ask the right questions; the rest of us see right through it and already know the answer. Hence, the difference between the GI Rights people and us.


You’re supposed to proof read your DD-214 before signing it. If there’s a Problem and you didn’t point it out and get it fixed?- tough shit you had your chance. Of Course if you were a Chapter, or General Discharge, well go figure

CI Roller Dude

Dang, I feel bad…I deployed to Bosnia and Iraq and actually enjoyed it! What precentage does that make ME?

Frankly Opinionated

This turd could have saved a bunch of ink and space on the page by just writing that crap in abbreviated form: “I AM A LOSER”.
Can’t get an entry level job? About the only thing I can see preventing that would be a felony record, or perhaps a drug bust or two. Not too many employers consider one’s military past for “entry level” jobs.
If he must be this public with his shit, I believe that there is a tattoo artist near him that would, at no charge, put I AM A LOSER, in bold black on his forehead.


Coastie. Port Canaveral. Possible OTH. Can’t get a decent job.

Pissed hot, and probably still does. I’ll put money on it. That’s what you get for sampling the seized goods, homie.


Guess he should have chosen a better MOS…..


Particularly if he had less than six years in, which I would bet is the case…

I would bet the same way (if I were a betting man). If he’d been in long enough to reenlist, then he ought to have some GI benefits based on the first enlistment.


Instead of bashing this guy why don’t you candy-asses up and go investigate. See if you can find out what happened and try to help a veteran out. Most of you are probably still in the military or veterans that are verywell taken care of monetarily through the VA system. i am but I still wish all of our vets could have jobs when they come home. Instead of having to struggle in a different way when they get home.

Old 21B

#9 hit it on the head. If you signed an incorrect DD-214 “they” didn’t screw it up, you did.


@15… You missed the point. There are many of us who have an open door to assist veterans and there are certain buzzwords and patterns noteable to the experienced advocate that nearly always leads to the same problems. This person’s sign fits the mold part and parcel ie “screwed up DD214” and “screwed up GI Bill,” and most telling, a refusal to allow him to re-enlist. I was bluntly translating what this means in a real-world, experienced manner.

I think everyone here wants vets to have jobs and to fix the homeless problem. But the military has its share of washouts who are ultimately kicked out for one reason or another. This guy’s description might as well be a primer to young advocates on red flags when dealing with a struggling vet.

Also, the writer of this post offered to help anyone who is struggling with the VA. Sadly, if this person came to the blogger here, they likely would be stymied by the facts and red flags.

Doc Bailey

@15 we bash shitbags and fakers. He is obviously one of the two. Believe it or not there is a way to change one’s DD-214. People who have well deserved “other than honorable” discharges can get that changed to honorable, and thus get all their benefits OR Re-up. I don’t care what his excuse is, he’s obviously not working the problem, or he’s got a criminal record. EITHER WAY he’s just like about 99% of OWS in that he wants someone to take care of him or is demanding things he’s not entitled to.

So yes, he’s fair game.

Adirondack Patriot

#15: If he gave us him information, maybe we would. But (like you) he chooses anonymity. He shrouds his face and lurks in the shadows.

I’d love to find out more about the guy so we (the 99%) can find out how he fouled up so bad.

Oh, and are you still blogging from that feces-stained tent?



Any of those things might have happened to a vet. I’m a little skeptical that they all happened to him at once, but…it could be.

He won’t “bother” to go to college because they screwed up his GI Bill? I wonder what he means by “screwing” it up. Something tells me that there’s more to the story.

I think he just wants some sympathy. They Occupy Crowd will give it to him because they need the “We love vets more than you do” narrative.


By the way, the only reason I got the job I have now is because I’m a vet. The unemployment rate for OIF/OEF veterans in my state is even higher than the general population, if you can believe it. So a bunch of politicians are working together with industry to get veterans back to work.

I feel lucky that I landed a job with my current employer. Plenty of people would love to have my job.


He is a professional victim. His family will kick him out of the house shortly when he will complain that there wasn’t enough milk for him at breakfast. This type of guy (professional victim) is easy to spot. Wait till he tells you of his women problems… Always someone else’s fault. This type of guy is incapable of bootstrap pulling. Use efforts for those who have the capacity instead of spinning wheels with a pathetic pro. I refuse to be conned. Too many out there.


Yeah…I had trouble finding a job after I was separated from my 4 years of enlisted service…back in 1973. I was a Vietnam Combat Vet as well, and had trouble finding a good paying job…of course, the fact that I did not have a degree didn’t help my cause, so what did I do?

I took minimum wage, shitty jobs, saved $ for a couple of years, then started college in 1975 on the GI Bill, and still worked full time or at least part time for the next 4 years until I was commissioned and came back on active duty.

This kid needs to pull his head out of his ass, man the fuck up, seek assistance from the VA and get his stuff fixed. If it’s truly a case of “he’s a dirt-bag”, too friggin’ bad, boo friggin’ hoo…self inflicted wound.

And for #15 (Anon) “…candy-asses…”…really? Beat your face…this kid is too lazy and/or too stupid to take control of his own destiny. He wants everything to be perfect…right now…and wants everyone else to make it so for him. Screw him, and you too for that matter. Otherwise, we are in agreement on wishing that all vets could get a good job as soon as they walk out of the separation point. But that doesn’t happen…didn’t in 1975 and it’s not gonna happen now without some work on the part of the vet.

Marble Mountain

I call


On this scumbag


Which USCG District is Cape May in?


Ack! Pre-mature post….ugh. Screw this shit bird if he can’t get an entry level burger flipping JOB at Mickie D’s…Even if he did FUBAR, there is no reason for him not to be able to find an entry level job, none.

Adirondack Patriot

#25: Fifth District.

I have calls out to people who would know. Looks like this guy is not a Coastie at all, just some guy who has a Coast Guard cover.

As of October 1, those unit covers are no longer authorized and we have to wear generic “U.S. Coast Guard” covers with no unit info. I think he went dumpster divin’ for that one.

Adirondack Patriot

Oh, and Anonymous is a syphillitic troll with scabies and a propensity for infantile buggery.


@ #15 My candy-ass would be quite happy to go investigate. Do you have any suggestions about under which bridge I should begin that investigation?

Evidently I missed that line at the VA which was handing out happy pills because I don’t see that they are providing much monetary care for me. Nope, looked again and I actually don’t see any of that monetary care coming this way.

But then, I’m not whining about it either.


@ #28….I was thinking more like that too. @ #29- OWB? Maybe they have us on record for the 04 election? *hehehe*

2-17 AirCav

“I can’t re-enlist because they screwed up my DD-214 as well.” That’s all I needed to see. Nothing says bullshit like that statement. He’s the freakin’ Shell answer man. The only problem is his answers are all wrong. I don’t even want to start, this pisses me off so much. Get your ass out of the chair, put down the sign, and do something constructive. Your staying with your family? Then go the hell home and help your family out. I wouldn’t give a guy like this a job if I had 10 slots and was desperate for help.


@ #30 Maybe…


You’d be my kind of man, 2-17….garryowen.




#18 – People who have well deserved “other than honorable” discharges can get that changed to honorable, and thus get all their benefits OR Re-up.

A popular idea, but not quite true. You can apply to have your discharge upgraded, but to get an upgrade you have to show error or injustice in the original characterization…and that is not easy.

To reenlist with something less than an honorable discharge, you need a waiver (at least on the Army side you do) – and given how easily the Armed Forces are meeting their recruitment totals these days, you can imagine what the odds of that are like.


“you have to show error or injustice in the original characterization…and that is not easy. “. Isn’t that the whole idea? If you manage to get an OTH, it shouldn’t be all that easy to get it upgraded.



2-17 AirCav

Regardless, knucklehead’s sign says “they screwed up” his DD-214. A screw-up is a misspelled name, DOB, or gender/race designation. The only thing screwed up is him.

Hosstyle Squid

As many above have noted, his paperwork issues are his problem, and his alone. The employment issue, however, expands much further than just his. I (linguist) got out, finished my degree on the GI Bill, and have spent the last six months trying to find work. Too experienced for hourly work, wrong major (my bad decision there, international relations isn’t as marketable as I thought it might be) for entry-level businesses. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for some contract type work, but I’ll be damned if I bitch to anyone about it being the fault of anyone but myself for my current situation. I refuse to even go on welfare or food stamps as any man should be able to support himself.

To Hell with anyone who bitches about the world not bowing down to service his/her every need.