Time reprints my criticism

| November 22, 2011

Some of you may remember the review I did last week on Time magazine’s cover story about the widening gap between the military and the protected classes of our society. Well, Harriet Barovick, one of the journalists over there acknowledge my criticism in this week’s edition of the magazine;

‘Yes, there is a divide ­between the warriors and the protected,’ Army veteran Jonn Lilyea wrote on the military blog This Ain’t Hell in response to Mark Thompson’s cover story “The Other 1%,” on the disconnect between civilians and the military. The retired platoon sergeant praised our story but criticized Time and other media outlets for contributing to the rift by focusing disproportionately on “anomalies” like the scandal at Abu Ghraib.

I’d link to the quote, but I can’t find the damn thing, Harriet was good enough to email the text to me.

I’m glad that Time recognized my criticism, but I’d be more glad if they’d change their editorial policy to print the good that the military accomplishes in the same way they’re so quick to print the bad.

I repaid their attempt at good citizenship by buying a year’s subscription – but they may come to rue day. I started reading Time for the first time since college and there’s some real off-the-wall crap in there.

Category: Media

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Just A Grunt

Dammit Jonn, next time check with me. Yeah Time magazine has really gone off the rails similar to Newsweek. They have both been taken over by former Democratic PR people and are now about as biased and slanted as you can get.

The fact that you could find a single redeeming thing in any of their articles is comparable to finding new clues in the location of the Ark of the Covenant.

2-17 AirCav

You bought a subscription? Oh man. Now every mag in the world will be wanting to interview you. At last count, excluding libraries, airlines, hospitals, and doctors’ and dentists’ offices, I believe Time had 11 subscribers.


“Protected Class”. Nice – you rail against class warfare even as you invent new terms to elevate your exalted status.


>“Protected Class”. Nice – you rail against class warfare even as you invent new terms to elevate your exalted status.

Well Joe-what would you call the people that have no military service, but expect to be protected by those people that do? Protected sheep?

>You bought a subscription? Oh man. Now every mag in the world will be wanting to interview you

Time so hard up for readership; it is quoting bloggers now to get their business-LOL Jonn-newsweek will be calling you next.


Say what you will about Time, but I’d rather have Michael Weisskopf embedded with me than most other journalists.


Doc Bailey

“protected class” nice I think its pretty clear that as a minority class in America, we are one of the LEAST protected classes. You also ought to understand Joe that “class Warfare” is always used in Rich V. Poor terms, not Vet V Everybody Else (here’s a hint, everybody else wouldn’t have a chance we actually know what we’re doing)

We could talk about that utter drivvle Karl Marx put out, or we could talk about something important like the fact that our society only seems to recognize the bad parts about being a soldier and never wants to recognize the good parts.

Troll away if you must.


Never forget CNN and Time’s 1998 airing of the Operation Tailwind lie. Rick Kaplan was the architect of the airing of that lie.


Since you’re throwing good money after bad, howzabout buying me a new truck?



I didn’t realize Jonn had invented the term “protected class”.

I (and a lot of other people) might owe him royalties for using the phrase over the last several+ years.

2-17 AirCav

@8. I’d like a new pc and a flat screen. No, I don’t want to be greedy. Just a big ass Samsung LCD. Thanks.

Zero Ponsdorf

Dang, folks. Don’t encourage him.

What’s next? Interviews with Chris Mathews? Talking head on CNN?

Can’t you see it? “This just in from Jonn Lilyea at Occupy DC…”



Next thing you know, he’ll be just another f’ing hippie.