Yes, that was Jesse MacBeth you saw on Judge Judy
Several of you have emailed me asking if that was THE Jesse MacBeth they saw on Judge Judy last week. Dude, like I watch Judge Judy, right? I’ve been looking for video of the program, but all I’ve been able to find is a Wikipedia entry;
Macbeth appeared on the November 17, 2011 episode of “Judge Judy” after ex-girlfriend Tywanna Savage sued him in a dispute over a leased car. Macbeth filed a countersuit. Both cases were dismissed.
So, if you find a video of IVAW’s favorite son, I’ll post it, but I suspect it’s twenty minutes of stuttering. Maybe it’ll make it to his next book that I’ll make TSO read.
Category: Iraq Veterans Against the War, Shitbags
I can almost hear her voice now…”YOU’RE BOTH IDIOTS!!! GET OUT OF MY COURTROOM!!!”
Oh the thought of that skinny prick in any setting makes me want to break something. Maybe his Xbox.
Judge Judy is airing this one again in DC.