Occupy Black Friday

| November 21, 2011

Yeah, I’m tired of the OWS posts, too, but every time I turn around they piss me off. Country Singer sends a link to Ace of Spades who mentions that their next tactic is “Occupy Black Friday” wherein they stop retail sales at publicly traded companies so they can “Hit the 1% where it hurts – in the wallet.”

Yeah, that’ll work. Think the 1% can’t weather one bad sales season, think they’ll all go bankrupt because of one day’s sales? Besides, the 99% are already “camping out” at the retailers so they can spend their money.

Oh, yeah, ever hear of internet sales? How are you planning to interrupt those without breaking some terrorism laws?

And who is really going to be hurt? If sales are down, it’s the employees who’ll lose their jobs, starting with the newest and the lowest paid. So who is the inspiration for this occupy movement? This gathering the young Americans? Back to Ace:

Lasn is sixty-nine years old and lives with his wife on a five-acre farm outside Vancouver. He has thinning white hair and the small eyes of a bulldog. In a lilting voice, he speaks of “a dark age coming for humanity” and of “killing capitalism,” alternating gusts of passion with gentle laughter. He has learned not to let premonitions of apocalypse spoil his good mood.

So this movement was blueprinted by a sixty-nine year old Canadian. Feel foolish yet?

Well, all of this talk about revolution and killing capitalism makes me feel good about moving out here to West Virginia where the local entrepreneurs are being rounded up by police in droves; here, here and here.

Category: I hate hippies, Occupy

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Here’s my suggestion to the OWS/Occupoopers…

Go inside every major retailer on Thanksgiving night after closing. Ya’ll only need a couple of people. Stand in front of the doors. Every Walmart, every Target, every Kohl’s, every everyplace that has Black Friday sales.

When the doors open and the crush of humanity presses at the entrances, push back and tell them they can’t come in.

Win-win for humanity.


Yeah, that won’t work for them, they won’t want to lose they’re place in line at the iStore. I’d pay good money to see your idea in action Sparky. Hell I’d even hire a band and a fleet of hearses.


As much as I deplore Black Friday and refuse to participate, the only people they’ll be hurting are the regular Joes and Janes who save up their money or free up their credit to do this massive shopping.

Yeah, this is for the people.

Just Plain Jason

Smelly hippies being trampled at the walmarts… That’s hilarious.

2-17 AirCav

I can just imagine a dozen or occutards locking arms and sitting in front of any WalMart on Friday. Oh, the humanity!


The cool thing would be all the news video you could watch…


#1 Sparky: spot on!

Interesting that a millenialist praying for apocalypse is getting credit for the idea. Wonder if the Che-wannabes will ever learn the definition of “useful idiot.”

Doc Bailey

I’m going to have to work on black friday. So a part of me is actually ok with this idea. BUT I would also lose not only my job, but the nice bonus I get if my store does well. Clearly they have no idea that Capitalism is all about the Carrot, and Communism/whatever the fuck its called that their advocating, not only uses but REQUIRES the stick. So which do you think people will be happier for?


They always think they’ll be the one holding the stick.

CI Roller Dude

Damn it, I was going to purchase a new 1911 on Black Friday…
now I guess I’ll have to wait…


Actually I never get tired of reading about these idiots, they are pure comic relief.

Old Trooper

@5: The news video would be classic showing some old ladies beating the shit out of the occutards in front of Walmart. That would definitely be my Christmas card. Then, the occutards would be praying for pepper spray, cuz hell hath no fury like grandma being denied at Wally World!!


The communists are behind the scenes in charge of a few OWS protests, They are few in number, but through deceit they have multiplied their effect. In America, this is communism’s last great hurrah. When America realizes where they are going they will be rejected by a huge margin. But they have the zeal and capacity to do some social damage. And they will try. They really need to be beaten into cerebral palsy, but it would be a waste of good people to do that. If we defeat them at OWS, I believe they will fade into history. Hopefully in ten years, commies will be rarer than aging hippies. Neither of them having contributed any lasting benefit.


Indeed! Having the occuidiots duking it out with the welfare queens – what a pic that would be!!

“But lady, we are doing this for YOU! Saving you from the capitolist pigs!!”

“Fool, get outta my way before I hurt you.”

Doc Bailey

my problem with the ocutards, has more to do with the response. In Oakland they “occupied” one of the ports. This is a BIG deal, and later there was violence (and damage). In NYC they’ve been allowed to go on and on and on stretching the city budget, and have come quite close to actually storming one of the few places that people are doing their best to fix things. Their attempts to get at the rich would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous to the working man. Time and again they’ve proven that they are dangerous, if not in the society crumbling way that they’d like to think (you can’t change the system with chanting and drum circles thus: violence) in that, they can further damage the already broken parts of our economy and cause this engine to stall.

We need an Oil Change not mothballs in the gas tank! I worry that this will cause our economic engine to seize and blow out a shit ton of smoke, and when it clears we’ll realize how screwed we are. The only plus side to that would be that it’d be a hundred years before hippies ever tried to rear their heads again.


I’m with Mommynator on this. They’re so stupid, they don’t realize they’re hurting working stiffs like me. I only plan to buy 2 things for my kids on that particular crazy day, and the Black Friday sale will save me about $200. This will be the first Black Friday I will be engaging in because of budgetary reasons, so if they were to interrupt my foray to Wally World on Thursday, I would have to kneecap a MFer. Just sayin’.


I want film at 0100! No smelly hippy will last 30 seconds in the face of a herd of welfare baby mamas intent on getting that big screen TV at 90% off. Remember the throw down two years ago in a Walmart where someone was killed?

They won’t need police, they’re going to need ambulances to police up the bodies. Nobody, but nobody gets in the way of the American shopper clutching a handful of credit cards. On Black Friday we will see who the REAL 49% are. I bet they take the “99%” down with a KO early in round one.

And I as part of the “1%” will sit back with a fine scotch and cigar, my faithful hound by my side and “vidy the ultra-violence”.

God Bless America!

Robert A. Hall

credit card companies collapse, and everyone loses their life savings and investments, bonds (being a debt) become worthless, no one will lend money for fear debts will be forgiven again, everything is cash because there are no checks or credit cards, there is hyper-inflation, capitalism is destroyed so all companies close, no one has jobs, there is no food grown or delivered by closed capitalist food companies, and only those with guns can eat. Won’t it be great? And the debt forgiveness is just one of their demands. When they get close to winning, I’ll max my credit card…on ammo. I will link to this from my Old Jarhead blog.

Robert A. Hall
Author: The Coming Collapse of the American Republic
(All royalties go to a charity to help wounded veterans)
For a free PDF of my book, write tartanmarine(at)gmail.com

Robert A. Hall

Sorry, failed to copy the first line:

Boy, I can’t wait until Occupy Wall Street wins, and all debts are forgiven, thus all banks and credit card companies collapse, and everyone loses their life savings and investments, bonds (being a debt) become worthless, no one will lend money for fear debts will be forgiven again, everything is cash because there are no checks or credit cards, there is hyper-inflation, capitalism is destroyed so all companies close, no one has jobs, there is no food grown or delivered by closed capitalist food companies, and only those with guns can eat. Won’t it be great? And the debt forgiveness is just one of their demands. When they get close to winning, I’ll max my credit card…on ammo. I will link to this from my Old Jarhead blog.

Robert A. Hall
Author: The Coming Collapse of the American Republic
(All royalties go to a charity to help wounded veterans)
For a free PDF of my book, write tartanmarine(at)gmail.com