MacBeth: Watched beheadings as a child

| January 6, 2009

Jesse MacBeth’s continuing saga;

I guess the Tylenol overdose must’ve damaged his brain. He claims that another reason that he’s so screwed up is he was forced to watch beheadings when he lived in the Middle East for seven years. Unfortunately, I can’t find anything that mentions he ever lived in the Middle East and he doesn’t name the country. The only proof he presents is the fact that he was born Jesse Adam Al-Zaid.

I finally found a copy of the DD214 he used to gain entry into the IVAW and here it is;

Anyone who spent a minute in the military would spot this DD214 as a phony. “Purple Heart/shot during active service” isn’t the kind of entry you’d expect, is it? If this what fooled the IVAW, I’ve got a bridge in Alaska I’ll have no problem unloading on them.

I suspect he’s pretty intoxicated by the attention he got on YouTube over the last few days after I discovered his first two videos, so I’m sure he’s going to give us plenty of updates on his upcoming book (he claims he has 50 pages written) in which he plans to name names in IVAW.

Before you IVAW guys get all excited, at this point, he’s just for entertainment value. If he implicated Obama in the perpetration of his fraud, I wouldn’t publish it, except to point and laugh at him. I’m pretty sure he’d say anything at this point for a bit of fame. But that doesn’t let you IVAW guys off the hook for thinking we’d fall for this Gomer. If that’s the DD214 he “fooled” you with, you’re as guilty as MacBeth.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers

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Hey Jonn- How about a post where we help Jesse come up with a title to his book? We have some pretty clever readers, maybe one of them could help Jesse come up with a title that would really grab peoples attention.


At the time Jesse Macbeth joined, IVAW wasn’t requiring DD214s for membership. He may have given it out, or even given it to someone else in IVAW, but it would be more likely to be shoved somewhere than actually looked over. He’s the reason we now require them.

However, I will say that whatever his falsified records, they apparently fooled the VA and he got I believe tens of thousands of dollars out of them. So I don’t think IVAW should bear teh only burden of mockery for his deception.

Also, it’s good that you’re watching and telling the highlights. I stopped watching/reading his responses once he started deleting TSO’s.

David M

Qualifyed? Really? Since when has it ever been spelled like that?

11 bravo? Really? ???? We don’t spell out Alpha Characters… The MOS Designator is 11B – Infantryman.

Alden Pyle

My DD214 is typed in all caps, never seen anyone else’s so I don’t know if it was a Marine Corps thing, a cap happy REMF, or standard practice.



[At the time Jesse Macbeth joined, IVAW wasn’t requiring DD214s for membership. He may have given it out, or even given it to someone else in IVAW, but it would be more likely to be shoved somewhere than actually looked over. He’s the reason we now require them.]

Braxton of the IVAW High Command handed out Jesse’s bad paper when people started asking for it.

INTERGRITY CHECK TIME A/S….How many Braxtons do you know who are IVAW or associates of IVAW?


One, female, Amadee Braxton, who is director of development. She’s a civilian, though, and I’m not sure if she would even have known what the blocks meant.



Back on March 11, 2005 Amadee Braxton was interviewed by the peacepalestine/ In that interview she states several things:

“… Iraq Veterans Against the War was founded in August of 2004 at a national annual meeting of Veterans for Peace, which is a large and longstanding peace organization made up of veterans…”

“…We’re finding that many people who aren’t actively serving in Iraq right now see that the war was a mistake…”

“… I think our organization is unique, because we’re calling for immediate withdrawal of troops…”

“…OKeefe: I’m wondering if Iraq Veterans Against the War is also consciously looking at the example of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War and the big impact that they had?

Braxton: As I said, our organization was founded at a meeting of Veterans for Peace, which has a lot of Vietnam veterans in it. And Vietnam veterans have played a big role in helping nurture our organization and sharing their parallel experiences of Vietnam with us…”

So A/S, when Braxton says “I think our organization,” was she then claiming membership?

And since you say she is a “higher up” from the Philly area does that mean she was guided and payed by thelike of Bill Perry? You know, the brave VVAW member Bill Perry, who while on a mission in Vietnam, let his fellow troops walk into an ambush while he hid in his friendly mamason’s hootch. Some real fine company you associate with there./sarcasm


Yeah, the very same Bill Perry who should have been shot while he was still in mama-san’s hooch? And, how can someone be a member of an organization who’s first two words of identification are “Iraq Veterans” if they’re not an Iraq Veteran? Or is IVAW just fishing for bodies to make themselves look better in someone’s eye, to try to ramp up their credibility?


That just shows that IVAW is hurting for bodies, and as such, is padding itself so as to appear a larger political force than they actually are.




Come on, two more…at least two.



You don’t have to be an Iraq veteran to be an Iraq Veteran Against the War.

When you start off with something that fundamentally dishonest, there’s no place to go but down.

Army Sergeant


She should have said ‘the organization I work for’. Also, she’s not a higher up, she’s a civilian and thus by definition cannot be a higher up. Raoul said higher up, for some reason.


She really is the only Braxton I know, other than an old NCO of mine who is now making comedy movies, and I don’t think you mean him, as he is not an IVAW member.


Hey, now, let’s be fair and open minded. I know what it is like to be doubted! I happen to have a genuine photo of myself being given a special award by Forrest Gump, Teddy Roosevelt and JFK for bringing peace to Ireland. I mean, sure, if you want to be picky, there are a few white lines around the images, and yeah, part of the picture is color and part is black & white, and yes, yes, our heads and upper torsos are all different sizes, and sure, some people would say that they spotted Scotch tape around the edges of JFK, but come one! Are we open minded people or not? After all… we just elected a nice Kenyan lad as our CIC !
Right? Right?



Oh, I must have gotten her mixed up with Amorita Randall. Wasn’t Amorita a member of IVAW? Maybe I got the right one this time?


1stCav. Speaking of Bill Perry… appears that things are heating up with him. Real soon, I expect 😉

Army Sergeant

1st Cav:

I’m not sure. All I’d be able to do was google search. If I don’t know them, and they’re not AD/NG/AR, I have no way of knowing who they are.



Geez, the Philly “anti-war movement” is full of nepotism.

Ask Braxton, “Who’s your Daddy?”

Maybe we should make that, “Who’s your Commie Daddy?”



[Raoul said higher up, for some reason]

Because she one of the prime movers in IVAW. Does a lot of the work, calls a lot of the shots.



I don’t see her do a lot outside her lane. Obviously, your mileage may vary.



“I don’t see her do a lot outside her lane.”

She handled media relations when the questions about Jesse started. She’s the one who released his DD-214 to the media.

Maybe you need to be more observeant as to what is going on at the IVAW tree house.

“Obviously, your mileage may vary.”

Obviously. Mine seems to be consistantly better than yours.



Don’t forget, “Who’s your Daddy?”

Let us know what she says.


[…] He also points up that Jessie MacBeth is back in the world again. Of course he is in typical Democrat style, blaming everyone else for his problems.  This Ain’t Hell also has a bit up on this. […]


[…] you saw on Judge Judy November 21st, 2011 Several of you have emailed me asking if that was THE Jesse MacBeth they saw on Judge Judy last week. Dude, like I watch Judge Judy, right? I’ve been looking for […]