He Said Balls!

| November 20, 2011

They’re Coming for Our Balls

A public school in Toronto has put a ban on most balls their kiddos toss around during recess because school administrators have deemed such projectiles dangerous. Well hello, wittle wussies.

The author goes on to suggest:

While you’re busy outlawing hard balls, why don’t you also mandate that everyone in your school wear pink tutus, chartreuse neckerchiefs and signs on their butts that say, “China and Islamic Radicals: Kick Me Hard.”

It is a sign of the times, I guess, but they ARE coming for our balls, and have been for some time.

Now excuse me while I go look up the lyrics for Kumbaya.

Category: Geezer Alert!

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Yeah, and it’s not just our playground balls they’re after… What was it that Bull Simons said?

“If history is any teacher . . . it teaches that when you become indifferent and lose the will to fight, some other son-of-a-bitch who has the will to fight will take you over.”


And now you know why kids are killing themselves. They are so fragile they can’t even play with balls.

2-17 AirCav

I remember once talking to a baseball coach regarding my son’s playing for him. “We’re here to have fun,” he said. “Sure,” said I, “and win more ball games than the other teams.” He looked at me sideways and said, “Well, that’s not important in Fall baseball.” My son played for another coach. Competition through games is NOT something that has to be instilled in American kids. It is something that has to be taken from them.


Just give everyone a medal or ribbon for “participating”. We certainly wouldn’t want to make anyone feel bad by keeping score, or having winners and losers.
We’ve been doing that for a few years and look at what we’ve gotten, Occutards shitting in the streets, pissing all over, raping, stealing and generally being asses in public.
Now, it isn’t “fair”, that someone may actually work and have more than Joe Shit the Rag man down at OWS, Joe deserves it too, even though he won’t work for it.


Don’t mind if everyone gets a little something for participating (we used to have sweaters/jackets upon which we wore those letters and stuff, didn’t we?) and even some dinners or picnics or something at the end of the season where all the kids get their little token whatever – along with the big trophies and such for the actual winners!

Pretending that life is fair is doing a serious diservice to the drooling younger generation. The old way rewarded those who showed up with a certificate or something (like pay day), but the ones who got the big bennies went the ones who worked hard and excelled (like pay raises and promotions). That is now considered radical!

Doc Bailey

Well I guess it’s only a matter of time before acting like you have testicles is illegal.