CCW in DC?

| November 14, 2011

The Washington Times reports that five Illinois Congressmen are trying to find a way around their own gun laws which may result in an amendment to the National Right to Carry Reciprocity Act that could extend the right to carry concealed weapons across the country;

Rep. Timothy Johnson and four fellow Republicans offered an amendment to the National Right to Carry Reciprocity Act that would allow a resident of a state or jurisdiction that does not allow concealed carry permits to obtain the permit in another state and then use it in their home state. The amendment would also allow people with a concealed carry permit in another state to bring that privilege with them into the District.

I have no illusions that this has any chance of getting past the Senate or the White House, but nonetheless, it’s nice to see folks still working on it.

Category: Guns

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AW1 Tim

My concern about this proposed amendment is that it could be a trojan horse for developing even more restrictive laws regarding all forms of firearms, and not just CCW.

What happens if the Feds then decide that THEY should be the ones who get to say who gets to have a CCW? All in the interest of “ensuring fairness”, etc.

I don’t trust my government one whit anymore, especially regarding gun laws.


For every well-intentioned law, there’s one hundred pages of regulations, definitions, and constraints that keep lawyers in business, politicians in money, and guns out of the hands of an unprotectable citizenry.

Illinois: be careful what you wish for.

Country Singer

I’m in DC for a convention and really wishing I had my EDC.

CI Roller Dude

Everybody has the right to Keep and Arm Bears…I mean keep and bear arms.

2-17 AirCav

It’s a vote getter. Ain’t happening.

2-17 AirCav

@4. What I wanna know is what’s so special about bears’ right arms?


The House just passed the bill 272-154. It doesn’t have a snow balls chance in the Senate or on CINC’s desk but we can hope.
