The scumbags and Veterans Day

| November 14, 2011

One of my ninjas trolled the Facebook walls of some of the derelicts this past Veterans’ Day and sent me these screen shots of Doug Zachary and Bobby Whittenburg respectively;

Zachary was chaptered out of the Marines for his bad behavior, but he makes it sound like he was ‘resisting” – like Ward Reilly’s AWOL stint shacked up in Bavaria with a German chick was “resisting” the war which had ended the year before.

In the same vein, Whittenburg chooses to honor the military’s shitbirds instead of the people who serve honorably. I think it’s an attempt to justify their bad behavior and to tempt others to follow suit.

Zachary, by the way is the chief fund raiser for veterans For Peace, Whittenburg left IVAW when they proved to be not as radical as he’d like. Both of them are from Austin, former Marines and friends of Carl Webb.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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The Sniper


That’s about all of the polite conversation I can manage at the moment.

I’ll leave it at that.


I always like the “US funded the Taliban to fight the Soviets” thing. Never gotten a good response when I point out that the Taliban formed in 1994 and Soviets pulled out in ’89.


Spade, it is inconsiderate to duel wits with the unarmed. Though, it is often hilarious.


I guess that Zachary then falls into the category of ex-Marine, defined so well in another thread? Kicked out, not let out.
Reading Whittenberg’s “thought”, all I can say is, just go get another hit on the bong, Bobby. And, that “Richard A. Smith”, is that dicksmith?


#2 People as dense as that can’t be bothered with pesky little things like FACTS….If i’m not mistaken, the U.S. trained and equipped the mujihadeen to fight the russians during soviet occupation. The mujihadeen later developed into the United Islamic Front, or the Northern Alliance as we know it. They fight the Taliban, granted some mujihadeen trained by us fought for the taliban as well, but for the most part, that lady is out of her fucking mind.

2-17 AirCav

Conscience, eh? If anyone here is unfamiliar with Corpsman Desmond Doss, give yourself a treat and read about him. His is a story worth knowing intimately. As for the clowns on the Facebook, I was going to hardcopy the page, take it outside, and piss on it but, quite frankly, even my piss is too good for them.


Whittenburg, a veteran is someone who puts country above self and does so with a minimum of bitching or attention whoring.

Begone, shitbag.


Saying that the Taliban defeated the Soviets is like saying the Foo Fighter’s best album was Nevermind. Or for the old folks, Wing’s best record was The White Album.


Good Dave Grohl reference, a fitting comparison.

2-17 AirCav

What’s Wing?

Old Trooper

@2: Yep, Spade, it seems that Richard A. Smith is the actual troll, since he sputters the mantra of the uninformed.

Just for Richard A. Smith (troll):

“BACKGROUND: After occupying Soviet troops withdrew from Afghanistan in 1989 and the pro-Moscow government fell in 1992, U.S.-backed Islamic rebels swept to power. Almost immediately, they turned their guns on each other, killing an estimated 50,000 people and destroying entire neighborhoods of Kabul. In response to the bloodletting, the rigorously Islamic Taliban movement — composed of religious students, or “taliban” from the southern city of Kandahar — emerged in 1994. With help from Pakistan and, it is thought, Usama bin Laden’s well-financed Al Qaeda organization, the Taliban seized much of the country. They took Kabul, the capital, in 1996, and declared themselves the legitimate government of Afghanistan.”

Yep, I don’t see any “US funded” anywhere in that. Plus, before any leftist turd decides to sputter the other mantra, no, the US didn’t fund Osama Bin Laden, either.


Right on Old Trooper, right on. Saudi funding of Arab Afghans does not equal US funding of Arab Afghans.

On another note, is that the same Richard A Smith from VoteVets posting on this site?