In case you missed 60 Mins last night…

| November 14, 2011

I used to count Baird as my 5th favorite Congressman. Somewhat surprisingly, all 5 were Democrats. Anyway, I don’t agree on political issues with him at all, but he was GREAT on the Iraq War after having a sort of Come to Jesus meeting with the troops when he went there, and he always seemed a real honest guy. I’m glad to see him get the press here.

If Boehner does have his stuff in blind accounts, he needs to just come out and say so. This bill should have passed a long time ago.

Category: Politics

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2-17 AirCav

I bet it was a good story But there are too many ##$$##$%$$%%% commercials embedded! Arrggghhh.


AirCav–it was, shall we say, “enlightening.” Keep all heavy and sharp objects out of reach as you watch this story.

2-17 AirCav

I’ll try again later and will heed your advice. Today, I think I need to keep my hands off weapons and sharp objects altogether.

Tim McCorkle

Why the surprise? they are carreer politicians… and this seemed to be a rather pointed press attack on Bohener and the republican side of congress…. what about the cattle futures and other crap.. They could have talked about ALL of them They focused on political Hotpoints