Changes Here at TAH?

| November 8, 2011

First this from TSO via FB.
Burly rugby player has a stroke after freak gym accident… wakes up gay and becomes a hairdresser

He was taken to the Royal Gwent hospital where his girlfriend and family waited for news – but said: ‘I was gay when I woke up and I still am.’

His friends were stunned by the dramatic changes to his personality, especially his change in sexuality.

Chris said: ‘It sounds strange but when I came round I immediately felt different.

‘I wasn’t interested in women any more. I was definitely gay.

I dunno if cataract surgery can have the same effect, but it stands to reason that Jonn will be seeing things differently.

We all need to be alert. Jonn may join the IVAW or start blogging at VFP or some such.

Category: Administrative, Geezer Alert!

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Doc Bailey

yes indeed. Hope John doesn’t develop a love of knobs


Sure, Zero. After your failed putsch, it’s all love and kisses now, eh?

Old Trooper

Maybe Jonn will start writing for Veterans Today? I hear he has a call into Gordy.


You’ll know Jonn has gone around the bend when he gives Mattis Chiroux posting rights.


Ohhs no!
I just had cataract surgery – two weeks ago.
If Jonn turns gay, I’m gonna be real worried.
I may have to…. – no. I’m not gonna do that.


So just what kind of “stroke” did the guy in the article have?


Our first clue will be a change in TAH’s color scheme to pastels.


So does this show that gay isn’t an inborn trait, but something that comes from a “head injury?”

This story is ridiculous. He must have hit his gay switch in his brain.

Old Trooper

@4: Also, Sparky, we’ll know when Jonn buys a Kia 😛


Well, he can’t have mine!!


If he buys a Prius and gets some toy dog, then that could be the first sign.

Old Tanker

We all need to be alert. Jonn may join the IVAW or start blogging at VFP or some such.

Dear god let’s hope for his sake that he just turns gay…..


12 OT: well, either way Jonn’s screwed.

Maytag --- Nam 66/67

If this guy had a “Stroke” or got “Stroked” He might have liked it all along—Thanks to Obama he can also join the Military


So, the guy went from a fat dork with homosexual tendencies to a skinny dork with homosexual tendencies?
Does this mean that Bruce will be out on his ass, if the “rugby player” bumps his head again? Inquiring minds, and all that.


I’m still wondering how TSO finds all these stories.


>I’m still wondering how TSO finds all these stories

Great Britain– It is a wealth of socialist stupidity!


Great Britain doesn’t explain his “penis flower” post.


True enough

Adirondack Patriot

Maybe the answer lies with the great Chinese philosopher Balzon Chin.


>Great Britain doesn’t explain his “penis flower” post.

LOL– That is the product of a “dirty mind.” 🙂


And it’s already been blogged about here. Funny spin on it. It’s called Brain damage makes you gay. Three cheers for brain damage.”