We’re All Zombies on This Bus

| October 29, 2011

Are zombies real? Maybe… but they CAN teach us about ourselves.
What Zombies Can Teach Us About Braaain Science

Dr. Steven Schlozman, assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and a lecturer at the Harvard School of Education, uses the undead to teach the living about the brain. In fact, he says, talking about zombie brains and folklore, like those in Romero’s classic, can give people a safe fictional context to discuss serious issues in medicine.

“You watch Romero zombies and you can see there is something not right about them, and you can pinpoint what’s wrong with them,” he explains. “You can postulate what’s going on biologically.”

So, just to be safe, tell the next zombie you see – Thanks.

Or maybe you can do the same thing with some of the OWS types and they won’t eat your brains. Who knows?

H/T John Gresham on FB.

Category: Geezer Alert!, General Whackos, Health Care debate, Politics

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Doc Bailey

Shotgun. Backpack, remote area. Remain mobile. Find someone fatter and slower than you. Check!


Nah. Fatter and slower doesn’t mean much when Zombies are pretty much slow to begin with. Best to find someone with a 4×4, plenty of gas in the back, and is only slightly less crazy than you are.


Unless it’s the zombies from 28 days later. Question is do they actually qualify as zombies though, being infected with rage and all?


Why do zombies seem to show up in trailer parks and remote places? Admittedly, I haven’t watched any zombie movies in a looooong time so maybe they are now appearing in places such as Oakland, Atlanta, and NYC.


@4 – “Fast zombies” are a Hollywood invention obviously. Everyone knows real zombies are slow and shambling…. 🙂

@2 – “Shotgun. Backpack, remote area. Remain mobile.”

Add something that doesn’t run out of ammunition, like a crowbar or my standby, a sharpened garden hoe.

…not that I’ve been planning for the zombie apocalypse or anything…..


And don’t forget your training material, consisting primarily of your DVD of, “Shaun of the Dead.”

Doc Bailey

Crowbars, Cricket bats etc. weapons need to include the proper PPI, lest infectious fluids/brain matter get on exposed cuts, or in your mouth.

I would expect that it really depends on the type of Zombie. The “dead” zombie, as in the ones that have actually died and been resurrected. Those would not be fast.

The ones that are infected with “rage viruses” like in 28 days later. . . would be fast until their lack of eating or drinking, would slow them down. These would not be true zombies though, rather they would be unthinking angry and unfocused living people (much like today’s liberal). they would be easier to kill, as you just need to make the heart stop beating.

when the zombie apocalypse DOES come you will probably find a lot of red staters surviving far better than blue staters.


Doc they’d waste too much time trying to understand the zombies and sympathize with their plight. On the otherhand we only need to understand one thing: zombies want to eat your brains. Your tasty, tasty brains.

Doc Bailey

that would rule out a lot of Liberals. Not much brains there


Point taken.

B Woodman

I thought it was “We’re All Bozos On This Bus” (H/T to Firesign Theater).
Maybe a Libturd egghead ivory tower professor can do a silly study on that, that we can all laugh at.