Ladies and Gentlemen: Your combatants for National Chumpian of the first annual “Jesse MacBeth Stolen Valor Tournament”

| October 21, 2011

Ballduster McSoulpatch v. MSGT Soup Sandwich

Tournament starts Monday, runs through Friday, and if I figure out how to set it, you will get multiple votes.

Category: Politics

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If nothing else this contest has been worth it to see some of your photo shop… just brilliant and absolutely hilarious!



Doc Bailey

Um I’ve got to ask one more time, what is the “prize” if Soupy wins.


Doc – with luck, we’ll get yet another photoshop, with his face in a suitable moment of triumph, and a caption of “veni, vidi, vici!” (Easier than translating, “I inhale shoe cleaner” into Latin.)

Who could ask for more?

John Curmudgeon





I’d love to see an actual trophy made, since it is named after MacBeth it would have to do something with him.

Sadly, with the never ending stream of posers coming out of the wood work, this may very well end up being an annual thing.

Doc Bailey

I’d pitch in for the making of a trophy. But it has to be something utterly humiliating, and has to be given IN PERSON. Lots of photos, and an explanation why they earned this. If that happened I’d drop about half my considerably small paycheck on that.

Lastly this would have to be blasted on every news site available.

509th Bob

I’ll have to go with Ballduster. The prize? A male gay porn video, or maybe just a video clip that can be emailed to the winner, time and time again.

Adirondack Patriot

Photoshopping a movie about two guys who exchange their man-batter is priceless for slugs named “SOUPY” and “BALLDUSTER”.



Soup! Soup! Soup! RAH!

#8&9 Tman,Doc: Concur. Up front and PERSONAL. If this does turn annual, after I graduate and cash flow increases, I’ll be able to finish the man cave – might be able to come up with a cast and/or machined doohicky with a suitable Index of Humiliation.

And remember, mom or our daughters could see this so a modicum of decorum, shall we gents … ?


its Ballduster hands down…..

you know why?

if there was more fiasco and youtube footage, news people, etc for Soupy….it might have been a tighter race.

3 photos vs. news people, a fake bio, youtube….is no contest.

Doc Bailey

Isn’t ballduster gay? Isn’t that the whole reason he dressed up that way? Maybe he might enjoy breaking soupy’s back.

Mr Wolf


While Soup had the cajones to walk into the commanders office and demand ‘justice’ wearing his finest, ‘Duster paraded at an INAUGURAL for a MAYOR.

With CIA accouterments to boot!

Did I mention the Mayor was gay, too?


The photoshop above was enough for me to order a case of brain bleach. You guys are right, when you say what has been seen can’t be unseen.

And just in time for Halloween, too.

El Marco

PintoNag, start drinking heavily and maybe you’ll kill the memory cells with that image. That technique doesn’t really wor, but it’s an excuse to stay hammered.

Man, this is a tough vote. Soupy pulled his pud in Benning, but I’ve got a softspot for Ballduster. I still like his SAS badge.

Adirondack Patriot

Do you think Soupy leaves his desert boots on?


Gotta be Soupy… Ballduster is a close second, but it takes considerable chutzpah to march on to a military base, decked out in the finest that posers can accumulate, to make an ass of oneself.

Adirondack Patriot

You know, when he wears his service dress uniform?

C’mon, whaddaya think I meant?

Sheesh! You guys. . .


Interesting. I recall when this happened, just realized it was the same guy after reading a paste of the article on a military website: “…y/flight06.html Pilot’s suspicions led to man’s arrest Sky marshal story convincing, at first 02/06/02 By Susan Finch Staff writer/The Times-Picayune At a time when all eyes are peeled for the possibility that a passenger has carried a gun on board a commercial flight, Michael Patrick McManus’ undoing began with a pilot’s determination that he wasn’t armed at all. It tended to undermine his claim that he was a sky marshal, a story that had gotten him past an airline ticket agent and then a gate agent — both of whom should have known that sky marshals dress in civilian clothes, carry concealed weapons and seek invisibility, officials said. McManus, of Palo Alto, Ca., bounded onto a Dallas-bound flight last month at New Orleans’ Armstrong International Airport sporting battle fatigues with badges, including one for Delta Force, an Army unit that handles counterterrorism operations. When the pilot asked about the military garb, McManus had a ready answer: “The sky marshal program was not up to speed, so they were using Delta Force members as sky marshals,” according to an FBI affidavit filed in court. As for his lack of a weapon, McManus said “he was Delta Force and he was trained to handle any situation,” the FBI said. Then the real sky marshals boarded the flight. McManus, apparently exposed as an impostor, if not quite a terrorist, was hustled off the plane. He was not immediately arrested or publicly identified, and was allowed to return to California. Now he faces a federal felony charge of impersonating a U.S. officer or employee. A federal grand jury late last week charged him with passing himself off as a U.S. Transportation Department air marshal and a U.S. military major assigned to perform a security check of American Flight 1970 on Jan. 21. New Orleans Acting U.S. Attorney Jim Letten said the indictment shows the government is serious about aircraft safety. “We think this intentional, well-planned-out breach of security is something… Read more »


Gotta go with Soupy here…

Let me recount his glory…

HE WALKED ONTO F*CKING FORT BENNING WITH AN UNGODLY AMOUNT OF CRAP ON HIS COAT! What didn’t he stop to consider that he might end up like this? Benning is after all…a proverbial bowl of testosterone and manliness. Full of people that know their sh*t.

Yeah…Ballduster was gutsy, he went to a Mayor’s inauguration wearing an SAS badge and General stars…got it he went big.

But Soupy……wow.


if I figure out how to set it, you will get multiple votes.

How Democratic of you.

Sorry, couldn’t resist.


Sammich’s “I knew this was a bad idea” dipshit stare is classic. P-shops into anything hilariously, but especially good in the above pic, with the ‘Duster standing on pitcher’s mound with a big ‘ol grin.

Lt. Rasczak

Oh man… I was afraid it would come to this. They are both so deserving of this.

As a suggestion for the winning prize, it is clear that both these guys desire attention, so I suggest that you put together a press release about them winning the award and send it out there on PR Wire and to all the TV, Radio, Newspapers, etc. Phrase it in such a way that it will not be slander or liable, and that the TV reporters will be willing to publish it. Might want to avoid terms like “ballduster” that would let the reporters know it’s not intended as an honor. You could even include a video clip of you behind a podium announcing the winner, (with tounge firmly in cheek) holding up a trophy, and announcing that regretfully the winner couldn’t be here to accept his award. Have a couple of hot women in low cut evening gowns behind you in the video as presenters… that will help it get on TV. Try to hook it into something that is “hot” like the Occupy movement. Then sit back and laugh when CNN picks it up and runs with it.