You really want to go down this route?

| October 22, 2011

In one of the Occupy Wall Street links that is floting around Facebook this one is above(below) average that caught my eye.

Yes, We Have a Permit to Occupy

U.S. Hypocrisy about Occupations

On the morning of October 14, Occupy Wall Street protesters celebrated when New York authorities beat a last-minute retreat from clearing Liberty Plaza – as hundreds of labor and other activists rushed to defend the square.

But on that same morning, dozens of state troopers in riot gear cleared out Occupy Denver protests. In cities across the country, Occupy protesters have faced police violence, arrests and forcible removal.

The authorities say we don’t have the proper permits to occupy public spaces. Our permit to occupy is the First Amendment.

Really? Do you really thing this this is even close to a valid argument let along a legal one? Lets stop and thing about how all the different groups can use this as a legal reason to behave in anyway that they want. Some how this point is being painfully overlooked.

Oh it gets worse. Its make a useless petition.

To Mayors and Police Chiefs,

OUR PERMIT TO OCCUPY PUBLIC SQUARES AND PARKS IS THE FIRST AMENDMENT, which affirms “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

When people across the Middle East occupied public squares, leaders in Washington mostly cheered those protesters and warned Middle Eastern governments not to use force to clear them. Those other societies don’t have a First Amendment. Yet Washington affirmed the universal right to assembly and protest.

We DO have a First Amendment. The force being used to clear nonviolent protesters from public squares in our country is unacceptable. It must stop.

Yea and when does it allow you to camp overnight camping? This is all just too much.

Category: I hate hippies

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These people are just stupid and they can’t even blame it on youth.. I saw an article today about a 38 year old woman who left her banker husband and four children to protest and “clean a park.” She has decided that she has led them indefinitely. She likens it to “military members abandoning their families, so why should she feel bad?” Yeah, because abandoning your four children to camp in a park indefinitely is the same thing as being deployed in defense of this country…Oye!


“Our permit to occupy is the 1st Amendment…” Are you fucking serious? What are these mouth breathers on? And I want to see statistical evidence to back up every claim these shitsticks make, if they don’t have empirical evidence, then they are full of shit!

Dave Thul

Two interesting things jump out here-

First, I know a thing or two about petition for redress of grievances, and these folks have done absolutely nothing in that regard. They even prevented a Congressman from speaking in Atlanta, the exact opposite of what you should do if you want the government’s attention.

Second, in regards to the government cheering the protesters across the Mideast, you might want to remember that those protesters are all demonstrating in favor of regime change, and not always by peaceful means.

Doc Bailey

aside form needless hysterics, and pointless gestures designed to piss the cops off, what I see is a mob. A mob that ignores a LOT of the finer points of law, and has no respect for what it means to be an American in the first place. I see the cops trying almost desperately at times to contain this.

The other thing as Mr Thul points out, the “Arab spring” may not turn out to be a good thing. seeing as a bunch of Coptic Christians got mowed down during a prayer recessional. They also forget, that MOST revolutions in history, when they got what they wanted, turned on the very people that made it happen.


I’ll grant them that the 1st is their permit to do as they please if they’ll grant me that the 2nd is mine.


Drama queens, making noise, and demanding that everyone kiss their ass? I don’t think so.
“The force being used to clear nonviolent protesters from public squares in our country is unacceptable. It must stop”. Not a problem, pick up all your shit, leave every night, if you’re serious, come back the next day, stay off the sidewalks and out of the streets. No one will pay you any attention, but that’s what the rub is, no one will pay you any attention.


Except that Zuccati park is not a public park but private property


>Except that Zuccati park is not a public park but private property

Yeah when do they stop being “protestors” and start becoming squatters?


They crossed that line long ago, melle.

But given that the owners of Zuccotti Park just got a real sweetheart loan deal from the Obama administration to stick a windfarm on top of a mountain north of Concord, NH.

And funny, isn’t it, that this windfarm was approved without the usual hue and cry from the NIMBY/BANANA activists who typically piss and moan about how “ugly” power lines, etc., are. If you’ve followed New England issues at all, there’s a large group who are dead set against a transmission line called the Northern Pass, but nary a peep from them on this.

Curious, indeed.