Adios, Moammar

| October 21, 2011

So, I don’t have to worryy about how we’re spelling his name this week any longer. Yeah, I found out from CNN since that’s what everyone tunes their TVs to at the new Walter Reed in Bethesda. My reaction was what you’d expect…reserved smile. Of course, the world will have to deal with his successor, whatever stripe he might be wearing. Qaddafi’s violent death was inevitable. I’m not so naive to think this will change much of anything in the region, but I’m glad he’s gone.

Claymore sent us a link to Townhall in which they post the video of Gaddafi’s final moments…I haven’t watched the whole thing because I’ve watched too many people die in various circumstances to find it very instructive or entertaining. I don’t take much joy from any loss of life, whether it’s deserved or not, and death by mob has got to be terrifying for any human.

ANyway, the comments in Townhall are indeed instructive. Watching each side try to twist the “meaning” to their own politics is fairly disgusting, an exercise in rhetorical pretzel-making. The Left uses it to bash Bush some more, and the right to bash obama.

The removal of Gaddafi from amongst the living has nothing to do with American politics, it just is what it is, and another reason to be more wary of the world we’ve made. Throwing fingers doesn’t make us safer

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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This makes me sad.

I thought WRAMC would be turned in to FOX news.

Old Trooper

@1: I think all gummint facilities are tuned in to CNN, because when I’m at the VA in Mpls, it’s on CNN there, too.

Old Trooper

“Claymore sent us a link to Townhall in which they post the video of Gaddafi’s final moments…I haven’t watched the whole thing because I’ve watched too many people die in various circumstances to find it very instructive or entertaining. I don’t take much joy from any loss of life, whether it’s deserved or not, and death by mob has got to be terrifying for any human.”



What struck me funny are the “Fuck yeah! O-BAMA! O-BAMA! In your face Repukes!” comments…wasn’t their guy supposed to be the Nobel Peace Prize dude? Wasn’t this president supposed to be the one who changed the “blood for oil” paradigm? Didn’t they spend 8 years running down the “chickenhawks”? Does long term exposure to weed effect your perception of irony?

509th Bob

Instapundit posted the best reader comment. When Gaddafi died, does that mean all the other spellings of his name are dead too?

Doc Bailey

OT: my one major complaint with AFN was that they put on CNN and MSNBC, but rarely put on Fox News or if they did it was at 0200

I would have to point out that this whole affair shouldn’t have taken so long. it took less than a month to destroy the Taliban in ’01, this sad affair is more an embarrassment than a victory.

Side note: do you hear any Libs screaming about lack of trial or the fact he was killed (as per Osama, and Sadam respectively?)


In my .gov facility, Fox News plays on every flat screen. Nothing else…just Fox.

Ironically, everyone I’ve talked to there would rather have anything else on. Even the vacuous newsbabes get old after a while.


He’s dead. I’m glad.


“I don’t take much joy from any loss of life, whether it’s deserved or not, and death by mob has got to be terrifying for any human.”

Agreed. Not disputing that some have to die for their crimes, but it should not give us the reaction of the primitives in the Middle East, who seem to make a Mardi Gras party out of others’ deaths.

El Marco

Say goodnight, Dick.


Moammar. Never liked those chocolate covered marshmellowy things.


#1 WRAMC is closed now. I oicked up the last of my equipment last month, dodging moving trucks. They’re all over at NNMC now.




#6. The U.N. has already asked for an investigation into whether his “human right” were violated.


Cedo Alteram

Yeah its great he’s dead, shithead got what was coming. I would have preferred it was one of ours, correcting what ever course of wrong doing he had just undertaken. I’m still very weary how this played out though.

The guy was terrified of us and on a short leash. We could have rolled on him anytime we wanted. He gave up his hitherto unknown WMD program and chemical weapons. In exchange for that and not supporting terrorist entities we allowed him a reprieve. Remind me what incentive is there to cooperate with the US if we’ll just overthrow your govenment anyway(this is not what happened in Iraq or Afghanistan)? Might as well ally up with like antiAmerican nations and develope your own WMD capability deterrent. We can’t be everywhere.

We didn’t do this out of revenge but because the Europeans volunteered us for it, a campaign they played very little in. We supported an opposition we still know almost nothing about, in a nation where we have very little national interests, and who’s ultimate objectives we don’t know or can readily influence. Meanwhile Iranians are attempting to assinate Diplomats on our own soil(HOSTILE ENEMY NUMBER ONE!!!), the horn of Africa is on fire, and Afghanistan is starved for manpower. Seems an awful lot to risk for a nation on the periphery of strategic importance.

I do see some encouraging signs that the Libyans are not as backward as some of the other Arabs(high literacy and education). That is something to hope for, thats all that we can do.