A note of apology?

| October 21, 2011

Yeah, age is a real bitch;

You may have noticed that recently, I haven’t posted as well or as often as I have in the past. I’ve been having problems with my eyes. The problem began last year when I was diagnosed with cataracts, they’ve finally reached the point where I need surgery which will begin next month.

On the upside, when they’re done cutting my eyeballs up, I probably won’t need glasses for the first time since I was seven years old. In the meantime, don’t feel ignored…it’s hard to read your emails (but don’t stop), and it’s hard to read the news articles, and even harder to type without errors, so please bear with me while I wait for the Walter Reed doctors and nurses to work their magic. My only complaint is that they didn’t do it in December when I first asked them to operate.

This is not to gain your sympathy, just an explanation. Thanks for sticking it out with us.

Category: Administrative

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Good luck with it. My mom had cataract surgery and had improved vision for many years.


Good luck Jonn!


Old Trooper

At least you have this to hang your hat on: Even with cataracts, you still outshot TSO 😛


Love WRAMC and the folks there. You are going to heal up great, John!


Ooh! Ooh! – are you opting for the bionic lenses with IR and telephoto focus?

More seriously, good luck. A friend had this done and it was a life changer for him (in a good way). I’m pushing my eye doctor to prescribe this for me, since I’ve got (early/mild) cataracts but more importantly, my today my health insurance covers it. Heaven only knows what my insurance (or discretionary funds) will be like in 5 or 10 years when they finally decide they’re bad enough to indicate surgery.

Toothless Dawg

Good luck Jonn … I’ve known several people who have had that procedure done. It really was a difference between night and day.


Get the frickin laser beam attachment. Wicked cool.


Good luck, brother


Don’t get X-ray vision. With some things, and people what is seen can’t be unseen, and there’s not enough scotch in the world to bleach the brain!


They don’t slice open your eyeballs any more. It’s much less invasive these days, and so much more successful. You’re going to think you got new eyeballs, what with the implanted new lenses.

Get better soon!

Blue Cyclone

I had both eyes done about 6 years ago. Like you, I had glasses since third grade. Took me a year to get comfortable without glasses on. Still use them for reading. Bet you’ll have at least a couple friends who won’t recognize you if you just walk by them.

Marooned in Marin

Good luck Jonn

Doc Bailey

Here’s hoping your surgeon doesn’t have a drinking problem

AW1 Tim

I had this done about 5 years ago, and as others have said, it’s a life-changer. I’ve had to wear glasses since the 4th grade, and now I have 20/20 without them. The only bitch is that you still have to use reading glasses for anything inside of 24″ or so, but that’s a simple trade off I’m happy to live with.

Best of luck to you, and if there’s anything I can help with, don’t hesitate to ask.


🙂 this means you can’t read anyone else’s typos?
woo wooo!!!

John Curmudgeon

Good luck Jonn, I hope the procedure goes well!

Robert Chiroux

Get the “Crystal Lens”. It adjusts for distance and helps a lot. Need far less power on my reading glasses than is typical with the the standard fixed focus lens. Anyway, the surgery is pretty straight forward and vision improves dramatically. And as an added bonus if we are ever exposed to too much UV or ionizing radiation everyone else will get cataracts but you will still be able to see just fine 🙂


You’ll also have an actual twinkle in your eye under certain lighting conditions, due to how the artificial lenses refract light back out.


Good luck, it should be a simple procedure. And, what Dave said in #9.


Good luck, Jonn! And what DaveO and UpNorth have said….

Old Tanker

Good luck to you, I’ve never once heard anyone regret doing it!


It’s very, very painful. You’ll wish you were dead. It’s a searing pain that just won’t go away. Then, of course, things sometimes go wrong–very wrong. No need for me to supply the details. You can see what I mean. Well, you can’t really “see” it but that’s kind of what I’m talking about. You can imagine it. Think of it as practice for the post-operative procedure.

I couldn’t help myself. Everyone was being so nice that I just had to say something mean. Actually, I wish you well and there is no need for an apology. As a matter of fact, this week and last, the topics have been very meaty and have made for first-rate dining. Good luck.


Best of Luck Jonn for a speedy, painless recovery!


Jonn, it’s not hardly even a pain in the ass. I just had this done to left eye Monday. I can already hit a golfball better just because I only see one of them. Great stuff.

I don’t have a cataract in the right eye – but I’m thinking maybe I should get one….

Frankly Opinionated

Jonn, I am but a half step behind you in this situation. Going to hit an optometrist for the info on getting things done.

AW1 Tim

I have to say that, despite my apprehension of the surgery, it was absolutely painless. I was also so far off in never never land that I really don’t remember any of it. I had a VERY mild headache for about 24 hours, but after that, no pain whatsoever and the vision was remarkable.

The only frustration was that your eye looks like the Terminator’s cyber-eye for a few days, and you have to take eye drops 4 times a day for a month. Otherwise, no problems at all.

But also, the lenses they pout into my eyes have a UV coating too, so I only need sunglasses for the brightness, not for protection. An added plus, that!

Best of luck, Jonn. It’s an easy surgery and your life will be amazing afterward without eyeglasses.



Very simple procedure. I had my left eye done when I was thirty-something. Was in the waiting room longer than the actual surgery. All they do is remove the lens and insert an artificial one. Was rather disconcerting when I could hear the doc say something to the effect of “this is odd, I wasn’t expecting …” Cataract surgery was nowhere near as invasive as the other surgery I had a few years prior, where they sliced open my eye and sucked out the blood and other built-up fluid, and did a bunch of other fun stuff while they were in there…

#22 2-17AirCav… that was just … mean… but I still laughed.


My Dad had the surgery when he was 73 and he can see better now than he did at 20. And, at 75, he drives better than he did at 60.

You’ll be fine…but I’ll say a prayer for you anyhow.


Good luck John…..


Good luck, Jonn!


Been there, done that, glad I did. Everything is so much brighter and clearer. No longer looking through or feeling like Vaseline is smeared on the eyeball. Good Luck. You’ll do fine.


Best of luck to you, Jonn!


#22 AirCav: Just remember, what goes around comes around, you mischievious wretch.

Jonn, you’ll do just fine. Thanks for keeping us in the loop and in your life. Good luck!

Bubblehead Ray

Thanks for the heads up Jonn… Good Luck! We’ll keep an eye out for ya!

(sorry, couldn’t resist.)

Connie C

I had my left eye done..at frist I was able to see great. Then the next week I couldn’t seem to get both eyes focus..the Dr said.it takes a little time for the brain to put it together. It’s been 4 weeks now and I’m still not focused…????