The baddest SOB on the planet

| October 19, 2011

The title of this is actually underselling him. He might be the baddest dude to ever live. I spent part of the morning listening to him. I didn’t talk to him because he might have ripped off my head and shat down my neck for being a panty waste. I will have more tomorrow from his speech, which included (among other gems) the line “I’d rather kill six Chinamen than go on a date with Ms. America.”

A little background might be in order….he enlisted to avenge his brother who was killed in Korea. He was assigned to a mortar platoon, but refused to go to it, demanding he be “sent to the line.” Eventually he just went without orders.

Ronald E. Rosser, MOH citation:

Cpl. Rosser, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry above and beyond the call of duty. While assaulting heavily fortified enemy hill positions, Company L, 38th Infantry Regiment, was stopped by fierce automatic-weapons, small-arms, artillery, and mortar fire. Cpl. Rosser, a forward observer, was with the lead platoon of Company L when it came under fire from 2 directions. Cpl. Rosser turned his radio over to his assistant and, disregarding the enemy fire, charged the enemy positions armed with only carbine and a grenade. At the first bunker, he silenced its occupants with a burst from his weapon. Gaining the top of the hill, he killed 2 enemy soldiers, and then went down the trench, killing 5 more as he advanced. He then hurled his grenade into a bunker and shot 2 other soldiers as they emerged. Having exhausted his ammunition, he returned through the enemy fire to obtain more ammunition and grenades and charged the hill once more. Calling on others to follow him, he assaulted 2 more enemy bunkers. Although those who attempted to join him became casualties, Cpl. Rosser once again exhausted his ammunition, obtained a new supply, and returning to the hilltop a third time hurled grenades into the enemy positions. During this heroic action Cpl. Rosser single-handedly killed at least 13 of the enemy. After exhausting his ammunition he accompanied the withdrawing platoon, and though himself wounded, made several trips across open terrain still under enemy fire to help remove other men injured more seriously than himself. This outstanding soldier’s courageous and selfless devotion to duty is worthy of emulation by all men. He has contributed magnificently to the high traditions of the military service.

Category: Politics

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I always considered Chesty Puller among the toughest bastards this nation has ever produced but even he would admit that this guy ranked right up there with him.

Doc Bailey

There was a captain from 1/27 that lead one of the last bayonet charges in army history. Really you read MOH citations from Korea and you get the kind you only get from truly f’d up situations


An insubordinate MOH winner. Funny, that doesn’t seem odd at all. In fact, the latest MOH winner disobeyed orders in the action for which he won it too. When something is important enough, these are the guys who say, “Screw ’em. If I live, I’ll deal with the consequences later.”


He is as tough as my old barber – HERNANDEZ, RODOLFO P .
Cpl. Hernandez, a member of Company G, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty in action against the enemy. His platoon, in defensive positions on Hill 420, came under ruthless attack by a numerically superior and fanatical hostile force, accompanied by heavy artillery, mortar, and machine gun fire which inflicted numerous casualties on the platoon. His comrades were forced to withdraw due to lack of ammunition but Cpl. Hernandez, although wounded in an exchange of grenades, continued to deliver deadly fire into the ranks of the onrushing assailants until a ruptured cartridge rendered his rifle inoperative. Immediately leaving his position, Cpl. Hernandez rushed the enemy armed only with rifle and bayonet. Fearlessly engaging the foe, he killed 6 of the enemy before falling unconscious from grenade, bayonet, and bullet wounds but his heroic action momentarily halted the enemy advance and enabled his unit to counterattack and retake the lost ground. The indomitable fighting spirit, outstanding courage, and tenacious devotion to duty clearly demonstrated by Cpl. Hernandez reflect the highest credit upon himself, the infantry, and the U.S. Army.

Yes, this man cut my hair when I was an Ensign….

Frankly Opinionated

It is the actions of men like this one, and the one mentioned by Kilroy, who cause the rest of us to go off on the phonies.

Cedo Alteram



You were able to actually occupy the same room? I’d have figured his balls took up all the space…..

Old Tanker

Above anonymous was me…


Another war story of a sort. This one is about a hero who likely never fired a shot in combat. He was a sergeant in the Army, stationed in the Philippines. Not bad duty, except the year was 1941. When the islands fell a few months after Pearl Harbor, he was ordered, along with the rest of the force, to lay down arms. He did as ordered and spent the rest of the war as a POW, a slave laborer for the Japanese. I had the honor of knowing the man. When his daughter offered to introduce me to him, I said, “I am more worthy of meeting the Queen of England that I am to meet your father.” Well, I nervously met him and the first thing he said to me after I greeted him was “Call me Lou. Everyone does.” I never could call him by his first name, not then and not on any of the subsequent visits I had to his home. Somehow, after he was liberated, he returned to a workaday life. He and his wife raised a family and he brought home the bacon. No fanfare. No expectation of special treatment. Just a quiet pain from a quiet hero. His name was Mr. Sachwald—Mr. Louis Sachwald. He died not long ago. I shall not forget him and I am grateful to have this place to remember him to you.


@2… It was Lew Millet. Years later as an instructor at Cg&S, Lew just wore his good conduct medal to piss off the system (and his mustache). The baddest dudes I ever MET was Bob Howard and Cpt. Denny Vaughan… Bill Fraker closes in for the trifecta. Bill is still alive… Retired as a full bull and still has it! I am so glad these heroes were on our side.