Target Texas

| October 19, 2011

Old Trooper sends some links related to terrorism in Texas. The first isn the slies over the state when a lunatic decides to scare the living shit out of the 130 passengers;

“You’re all going to die,” a man dressed in black screamed at passengers Tuesday afternoon. “You’re all going to hell. Allahu Akbar,” translated as God is great in Arabic.

Federal authorities arrested Ali Reza Shahsavari, 29, of Indialantic, Fla., onboard the Boeing 737 after pilots made an emergency landing at Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport at 3:30 p.m. He is being held in the Randall County jail on a federal charge of interfering with a flight crew.

Down in San Antonio, there are Moroccans crawling around in courthouse air vents;

Officials say three of the men crawled through a window to get into the 120 year old Courthouse, which is a landmark in downtown San Antonio, and theother two were found in a van parked in front of the building.

Inside the van, officials say they found “photographs of infrastructure” including photos of shopping malls, water systems, courthouses and other public buildings which they say were taken in cities nationwide.

The first guy was just trying to use his perceived victim status to scare people, but that crowd in San Antonio look like they’re up to some serious shit. I hear there’s room for them in Guantanamo.

Category: Terror War

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Depends. When were they mirandized? As for Ali: sounds like he wants a payday from the airline for aggrieving his victimicity.

Old Trooper

I know that the feds are trying to play down the terrorist angle on the San Antonio crew, and probably for good reason, but most people are asking the obvious; why would you have a van full of pictures of malls and city water supply drawings AND be breaking into a courthouse at 1:30 in the morning if you weren’t involved in at least doing recon for a terrorist plot.


They just need their hot Muslim blood brought down to room temp. I love S.A. and live very close by. But…one would think they would Target Austin. Not S.A.


I am sure the media “questioned their motives.”

Doc Bailey

Question how can you be a victim when every terrorist attack is done by members of your religion who say ALMOST EXACTLY WHAT YOU DID? That doesn’t demand understanding that deserves a swift boot in the ass


I’m puzzled by the San Antone target choice myself. Austin, being the only “progressive” area of the state, may have fewer CHLs – but they may have heard of Perry’s CHL and thought that San Antone was “softer”. They’ve not heard of the Alamo?

To bad they didn’t let the Texas Rangers have them. May have found out more info.

As for “Ali Reza Shahsavari” – I’m surprised some Texan didn’t deck him right off.


@6. These guys are very happy to reside in progressive areas. If anyone grows supicious of them, political correctness silences the voice of suspicion. Now, let’s all sing a chorous Why Can’t We Be Friends!

Miss Ladybug

Listening to WOAI (San Antonio talk radio) this evening, the report says authorities are claiming these were just pranksters and a simple burglary, but the FBI will continue to be involve. Now, tell me, if it’s just a burglary, why, pray tell, does the FBI need to be involved, hmmm?


Wait what? He was born in Miss, but has a problem with english. Doesn’t anyone assimilate anymore? He’s 29 freakin’ years old. Where did he go to school?

“He said there was a language barrier for investigators attempting to interview Shahsavari, who is of Iranian descent. Shahsavari was born in Mississippi, Neufeld said”


Pranksters? Oh yeah, I remember my HS school years, crawling around in Court House vents, taking pictures of various infrastructures. Good times, good times.

We have not learned a thing since 9/11.

Old Trooper

jerry; no we haven’t. We are getting back toa 9/10 mindset in this country. What isn’t being discussed is if this group of 5 young, misunderstood, crazy kids are the only group of 5 young, misunderstood, crazy kids out there in the US doing the same young, misunderstood, crazy kid antics?

IOW How many more recon groups are out there gathering intel for the next attack?


Jerry, I remember it well, I passed up a chance to go drinking with a bunch of hot girls, just so I could go out and take pics of shopping centers, reservoirs, water towers, and city and county buildings. Yeah, great times.. Especially breaking in to courthouses and city halls.


#3 theJester: one doesn’t crap in their own oatmeal. Why target Austin when it’s already practicing dhimmitude?