Gunny Dick Munch in Portland

| October 19, 2011

A couple of folks have sent me the link to a confrontation in Portland’s Occupy protest in which the police questioned a guy who called himself an “acting Gunnery Sergeant” – I guess that gives him an escape, since he was acting. Anyway, the clown had an airsoft pistol in his holster and a K-Bar…because ya know REAL Marines are always walking around in public with that bull shit, right?

Karlen picked up on these deficiencies;

Chevrons are incorrectly placed
Cover looks worse than a first week recruit
Wearing black boots
Has an airsoft pistol and knife attached at the waist

Someone posted this at Reddit;

I’m a former Marine who attended to protest today, and saw the police “disarm” him. I use quotes because the gun was an airsoft gun. I approached him and questioned him on who he was, what he was doing, etc. He identified himself as “Acting” MstGySgt Patterson (promoted under the authority of a Capt Nicholas Holtz), and said his unit was 3/1 MARSOC, 1st Company, based out of the Pentagon in Virginia. He reported he’d been in the Marine Corps for 7 years, and that his actual pay grade was E-7. He didn’t have much in the way of answers when I asked why he was wearing non-uniform boots, how he made E-7 in seven years and what “Acting MstGySgt” meant, why his chevrons weren’t positioned properly on his collar, why he didn’t have his military ID, what exactly “3/1 MARSOC” meant, when they started numbering companies, when captains gained E-9 promotion authority, why he was wearing utilities off-base and off duty against regs, or when they moved the Pentagon to Virginia and started basing combat units out of it. He became extremely agitated when I started pressing him on what his real story was. I suggested that there were probably enough Marines downtown that would instantly see through his crap disguise that it might not be a good idea to hang around. He left in a hurry.

James sent us these photos;

Category: Phony soldiers

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John Curmudgeon

And another one bites the dust. Airsoft commandos lead the way!


I love how even the fat ginger cop with the stupid goatee is laughing at him.


OH MY GOD!!! It’s the great grandson of Pvt. Pyle! What a POS!


The kid spouts off that he’s an E-7 when the chevrons are for a Master Guns, or E-9. Real winner.


How idiotic these guys are… Can’t they look at a picture of a Marine and atleast try to make an effort to look real? I think that besides the obvious faking pissing me off; it is their lack of effort in trying to pose.. If you are going to do something; do it right.

Their lack of military knowledge floors me. They don’t realize that real military people can look at their uniform and spot a fake a mile away.


I always tell my Marines, and posers should be aware of this too, though some are too utterly retarded to heed it. SOMEONE IS ALWAYS WATCHING.

Open Channel D

Not for nothing, the Pentagon has always been in Virginia.
Arlington as a matter of fact.


No way in hell this guy is a MasterGuns. What I am wondering is if he even served.

AW1 Tim

I suspect that there will be tons more of these sorts of wannabe commandos. The leftists are fumbling and grasping for any sort of legitimacy, and if they can’t get real veterans or AD folks to support them, then they’ll do exactly what they’ve been doing since Vietnam: manufacture them.


Dude, what a freaking faker!!! Can we add him to the fecal four???


I was wondering why shit-for-brains OG’s asshole buddy was posting from an Oregon IP address (kidding, but it wouldn’t surprise me.)


@ AW1Tim – Here’s a Navy veteran who supports the OWS protesters. I think he also knows a little bit about Wall Street as well.


One of the first things I learned in the military, before even setting foot off of Sand Hill, was that people are always watching. Anyone who has ever served in the military knows this. When you go party in the club, when you go buy furniture, when you are eating in a restaurant, someone is always watching. And no matter what your rank is, there is someone higher up that is most likely right nearby.

I had a CSM that would always address my company prior to a long weekend. “Go ahead, fuck up. Go out and act like an idiot. I dare you. When you get back, I’ll know and I’ll be waiting.”


What is it with fakers coming out of the freaking woodwork?

Doc Bailey

Ah sand hill that brings back memories.

Anon2: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! Over. Seriously if anything what you’ve posted makes the offense worse. I don’t give a crap if he”knows a thing or two about wallstreet” If he really did serve in the Navy he’s not worth the meat he’s printed on. He violated the oath he took and has disrespected every man in uniform with this slack jawed fagotry


Hey guys, off topic I know, but has anyone else noticed some thread “resurrections” and some friggin weird posts….they all seem a little “off” like someone using a not so accurate online translator….

Old Tanker

Uhhh….what Doc says!!!


@ Doc Bailey – “If he really did serve in the Navy he’s not worth the meat he’s printed on.” You’re an idiot. Tell that to Bush 41 or the SEALs who killed bin Laden. And Gross didn’t “violate” shit or disrespect anyone in uniform by what he said. If anything, he’s going to bat for the guys who traded in their Class As for civvies and ended up wearing a blue Wal-Mart vest.


Maaaaaaaaaaaaan, I do NOT understand these people. Where is the shame?

Redacted1775 : Yes, I have. The one I really noticed was on a Jose Guereña thread.


Bro-in-law would ream this ding-dong a super jumbo size new one.


Many decades ago, before I was old enough to enlist, I saw an episode of Gomer Pyle, USMC about a con artist who wore a Marine Corps service uniform to gain access to the base. When Gomer first saw him, he pegged him right away as a phony because the guy had his bulky wallet in his back pocket. Parris Island taught me that that really could be a way of distinguishing a good Marine from a poser.
I guess these shit-for-brains never saw Gomer Pyle; the fakers really are easy for real Marines to pick out.


Old Soldier, these people MUST be sociopaths, they obviously feel no shame and no remorse for being fucksticks


And btw, the only MARSOC elements are in Lejeune, Pendleton, and maybe, maybe, a few Reserve elements around Vegas and Damneck, aside from that, there are no local elements anywhere near the Anacostia Navy Yard. There is a CAG unit (Civil Affairs Group) thats it, and they are not considered SOF by the Jarheads….

Doc Bailey

@anon2: Question, are you insinuating that DEVGRU are shitbags? Question 2: Really what is WITH the Bush Derangement syndrome?

I would counter that YOU must be an utter retard to come on here and try to tell people who hold things like Duty, Honor Country, so dear and try to tell them that this ass hat did nothing wrong. we hold onto things that we can not touch. That uniform stands for an ideal, of putting ones mortal body between loved ones and wars desolation, a nobility of spirit and purpose that no protester could ever hope to match. The uniform matters. The men who die in it leave their essence on every fiber making an unbroken line to the founding of the country. To disrespect that uniform in such a way, betrays every man (and now woman) that ever wore that uniform, many of them young, far too many of them never having known the joys of family.

I DID END UP AT A WALMART and you know what, this fuckstick isn’t standing up for shit. Do not DARE presume to tell me what the uniform means.

Frankly Opinionated

#16 Redacted:
Those comments are some damned foreign spammers practicing their english invasion of our internet. Jonn addressed it a month or so ago. They’ve become quite frequent lately. If you can make any sense out of their comment, let us know because we can’t figger it out.


The “fuckstick” is a Navy veteran. He didn’t do anything to disrespect anyone. And “DEVGRU”? Really?!? I had to Google that–clearly I’m not fluent in “Fobbit.”

Doc Bailey

If he was indeed a Navy Veteran (highly doubtful) then he took a giant shit on the Marine Corps. by wearing Mgunnysgt rank, getting involved in political disputes and looking like an utter JACKASS. I mean really an AIRSOFT pistol, and a Ka-BAR? What exactly was he “guarding/defending”? I mean the only cops there were BICYCLE COPS. He clearly thinks that Marines love doing stupid shit like this. He also must not think much of the average civilian, to come up with such a BONEHEADED and easily debunked fraudulent story.

You do realize there is no such thing as SEAL team 6 anymore right? They’ve been DEVGRU for years. If you had any ACTUAL experience you fucking turd biscut you’d know that. Just like there is no “delta” but there IS a CAG.

And please before you try to play up some secret squirrelly goodness in your background, I’d advise you just shut the fuck up right there. You don’t know dick about what the Uniform represents. I don’t care if its USA, USAF, USN, USMC USCG, those uniforms MEAN something. And bullshit like this pisses in the face of that sacred Honor that comes from wearing them.


The nic is the give away. Anon2 is a troll. Doing what all Anon’s do, pathologically lying.


Gotta ask this again…

Anybody heard of this guy? Marine Sgt. Shamar Thomas. Is he active duty?



Doc, sounds like that greasy douchenozzle has been reading too many Tom Clancy novels.

Bubblehead Ray

Doc, just an aside here.

After I got out of the Navy I held a number of jobs (some well paying, some not so ) and did OK until I moved to Florida and I had trouble finding one. I kept plugging, and ended up working at an Office Depot. Once employed again, I was able to catch my breath, do some research, and go back to school to get my RN. I’ve been working as a Nurse now since 97.

Keep plugging. The only bad job is one you don’t take pride in doing well. I have every faith in you that you’ll kick ass.

Old Trooper

@ #13: Yep, my 1st Sergeant and platoon Sergeant would stand in front of us before a long weekend and ‘splain to us that if we get thrown in the jug, it’s gonna be a very long weekend because they only have Master Card and the jail don’t take plastic for bail. That wasn’t even the bad part. That came when you stood in front of Top, when you got back, and he just drilled holes through you with his stare. Then the “fun” would begin.

Old Trooper

BHR in #30: Damn right! The jobs that snot nosed kids look down upon as beneath them are what our forefathers looked at as opportunity. No one said being stock person at a big box store had to be a career. If you want it to be, then fine, but most people look at it as a way to make some money while they work out their future plans. That’s why I don’t get this idea the smelly hippies have that you must pay a high minimum wage to people as though that is their career. This younger generation is so stuck on thinking that they have to be on top in everything in order to stroke their self esteem that they miss opportunities and then expect everyone else to come to their rescue. The protesters think that there is such a divide and they are envious of what they don’t have, but didn’t work to get it and now demand it. The mantra of a “living wage” rings hollow when you confront the person saying it and ask them what that means, specifically. I have asked a person I work with that very question and he didn’t have an answer. If you can’t define it, it means nothing and is just another slogan to put on a bumper sticker. That’s why I like Herman Cain. He told the protesters that if they weren’t rich, don’t blame Wall Street; blame yourselves. When I wanted to buy a house and needed more money for the downpayment; did I bitch that the downpayment cost was unfair and the bank was ripping me off? Nope, I took a part time job working at a busy liquor store stocking shelves, the coolers, and doing carry outs, etc. Did that make me less of a person? Nope, because I had a goal and I achieved that goal. When I got divorced and my bills didn’t equal my income; did I bitch that the system owed me? Nope, I picked up a part time job working the stock room of a retail store. The easy way… Read more »


@15 Sand Hill? Navy? I’m confused with your Ah sand hill that brings back memories statement.


#28: No. The question from yesterday is: is the man in the IRR, or has he achieved former-Marine status?


#34 Dave – TYVM.



@13 Utah Vet: I normally hate war stories but in keeping with your post.

Back when Planet Ord was still open, we in the 2nd Brigade (Cold Steel) had a very loveable, huggable BDE CDR-COL Lynnwood Burney or as we lovingly(?) called him, “Darth Vader”.

Any Soldier arrested for DUI was met by Burney at the MP station and they had to beat him back to BDE HQ. Burney drove, drunks ran, wobbled or whatever. Needless to say it was not pleasant.

Matt Brennan

How did everyone miss the gum in his cock holster?


courtesy of /k/, probable ID of the Gunny


I think he was an “Acting” Gunny of his Local Airsoft Play group. As far as actual military, I don’t think so. Just because you go to a gym and work out doesn’t mean you served. As an Aside, could they punish him under the UCMJ if he was Prior service for doing that?


Gunny dick munch likes to play dressup………creepy. He would have been better off showing up as Obi Wan Kenobi….