Mother drills kidnapper

| October 19, 2011

Old Trooper sends us a link to a short Fox News article about a heart warming story of a mother who ventilated a thief turned kidnapper when he tried to haul off her 1-year-old child;

Authorities say 22-year-old Elizabeth Easterly was alone in the store with her 1- and 2-year-old daughters. Collier County Sheriff’s spokesman Jamie Mosbach says the man was acting erratically before the incident.

Mosbach says the clerk shot the man as he headed toward the door with the child. He was taken to a hospital where he died of his injuries.

I hope he was conscious in his final moments so he that he came to regret his actions. And, i hope it was painful, too.

Category: Guns

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Old Trooper

She drilled him right in the knob. I say that’s fine shooting under any circumstances.


She just got nominated for Parent of the Year award in my book.

Frankly Opinionated

But, but, but she didn’t give him a chance for counseling. Now we will never know if he was a potential good citizen.


Never mess with the Mommy! He must have missed that memo…

NR Pax

And let us be thankful that the woman who did this was working at a store that her grandfather owned. Had it been a big chain, she would have been fired for not cooperating with the man.


Gun control is a good shot group.


The one thing I will agree with that Sarah Palin said, is “Don’t mess with Mama Grizzly!!”


NR Pax…and I’d help her out until she found another job…which might be all of 5 minutes in my neck of the woods.

NR Pax

I think I like the kind of area you live in, NHSparky. -:-)


Sweet…and a little more Clorox added to the gene pool of life.


Rest in pieces scum!


For those not reading the entire story, the clerk aimed at the perp’s knee area as she was taught to do so. So in fact she wasn’t going for a ‘kill shot,’ not that she wasn’t justified in doing whatever she needed to save her child. The perp was then tackled by someone by the door and later he died at the hospital.


My children are the one reason I would be able to kill without remorse. I will shoot you dead to protect my babies, and then shoot you again while you lay dying…

Old Trooper

rock on Melle!!


For all you left/liberal types out there, that’s effective gun control: being able to hit your target!


Successful targeting= Room temprature

Doc Bailey

How much better would our society be if there were more women like this?

Army Mom

As I told my pregnant Daughter-in-law “You will be suprised when you grow Teeth & Claws when it comes to that baby”, her first.

Never mess with a Mama Bear’s cubs.


Learning never stops only we do…


[…] to NCH Downtown Naples Hospital, were he died from his injuries. Heh, rest in peace, asshole. H/T: Jonn Lilyea, This ain’t hell… Share this: Filed Under: Crime, Culture Tagged With: Del’s 24, East Napels, Florida, Gun Control […]


This is why when I am asked for my position on gun control I usually reply, “Prone”.