LA SWAT loses 30 weapons

| October 19, 2011

In a link sent by Old Trooper, CBS Los Angeles reports that the LA SWAT lost 60-some weapons including scores of submachine guns;

The 21 MP-5 submachine guns and a dozen Colt 45 automatic pistols were taken from a locked container inside the Kennedy Building on San Pedro Street, police officials said.

The weapons were apparently configured for training ammunition and can’t be used to fire live ammo as they currently exist. I don’t know what that means, but I do know that if that many weapons were missing in the Army, everyone would be confined to the barracks until they’re recovered. I have no idea how someone could just walk away with that load.

It’s no wonder that crime is rampant in LA, if the police can’t secure their own facilities.

Category: Politics

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Old Trooper

Later in the story it says that the facility didn’t have cameras or alarm system on it. Yeah, that makes a whole lotta sense, eh?

The Dead Man

The company I work for now handles the local PDs alarm and camera systems. I always get a laugh out of seeing the police called on the police. This story reminds me of the the SLPD SWAT Team leaving an M4 on the lawn of a target’s house though.

What I want to know is just how much modification there is on those guns for ‘training’ purposes. Is it a quick hack job to put them back in working order or are these glorified Airsoft guns?

Old Trooper

I think the only modifications are to the bolt carrier group. They might have been modified to shoot .22 rounds which are much cheaper than 9mm


Anyone check Mexico yet?

Old Trooper

Ah sweet Jesus. That’s what happens when you let clowns control weapons. Ever been on a base that “lost” a single weapon? I have. Full and total lock down of the entire base for 3 days. Everything in or out gets searched. Maybe they could call in the Justice Depart… oh never mind.

Sgt K

Confined to barracks?!? A sister battalion down at Ft Hood managed to have 60 odd pair of NVG’s get stolen back in ’92 and they had to set up tents in their motorpool for a couple weeks.

Dave Thul

OT, the M-16’s could be modified to shoot .22 caliber, but I don’t think the MP5 can. Too different a caliber.

I’m thinking they were set up for simunituions, the new paint ball ammo that can be shot out of any caliber. It requires a different bolt that wont fire live ammo. I’ve used it before and it is great for training.


Your public service unions at work… hey our jobs are secure, where’s the doughnuts?

Old Trooper

Could be, Dave, or it could be that whole retrofit kit that I link to above. Either way, it would still take some cash money to convert them back to firing real ammo. You can’t just walk in to most gun shops and buy 30 MP5 bolt assemblies. Or, maybe they are going to sell them to their cartel connections, as was hinted at by Sparky?


“Operation Fast and Furious” in now in LA!

John Curmudgeon

I’m not going to go into details, but I had a 1SG lose his M4 on the way to a raid. WTF is right…

Doc Bailey

Do they look real? that’s usually enough. And HOW exactly have these been reconfigured?

I suppose accountability isn’t really important in LA. Its not like there was an hour long shoot out in North Hollywood, which they STILL teach.


@Old Trooper Either that, or they’re were modified to fire Simunitions:


21 mp5’s and a dozen top notch 1911’s that fire training ammo?!


I’ll be in my bunk…