The return of Tuesdays with Claymore

| October 18, 2011


Send in the drones.

Topple the productive class.

…and liberals aren’t progressive, they are collectivist shitbags.

Slobbering Barney on the OWS protests…it’s political? No shit.

Occupy Stupid.

As opposed to “the world owes me whatever I want”?

Wait, this is “proof” Teleprompter Jebus can’t be bought? The weed must be good at these protests.

Pot calling the kettle…

Wealthy actor slams the wealthy.

Change you can believe in…like a loaded diaper.

…then everyone applauded: Freeway edition.

Alabama Trailer Trash

Life is a game.

Clearly a liar as opposed to the protesters who are all truthful and virtuous.,

Tanks for nothing.

Policing the CIA….someone call Alex Jones!

Is the honeymoon over or is this a bullshit lie?

Yeah, there’s clearly nothing more to this story /rolleyes/

“It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury.”

Nice iPad there, anti-corporate commie boy.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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It’s hysterical that the person who claimed never to get a hand-out also states that she received two scholarships which pay 90% of her tuition. Way to show those dirty hippies how to make it on their own(with help paying 90% of your tuition).


Yes, because as we all know, getting a scholarship takes no effort whatsoever, especially the ones that offer almost a free-ride.


See a scholarship is EARNED it isn’t given. The person worked pretty hard in high school and competed for those scholarships that someone said hey we think this person deserves to have us pay for their education. Their is a difference between EARNING and BEING GIVEN. If you can’t figure that out insipid then I guess…I don’t really have a whole lot to say other than just to point and laugh at you.