Is OWS-Indy basically a smelly Ent-moot?
Say what you will about the dirty smelly hippies of Occupy Indy, but man they work fast. 9 days ago they stated that:
“We at Occupy Indianapolis are gathering in FULL SUPPORT of the Occupy Wall Street movement in NYC.”
This is our initial statement, approved with full consensus on the ground at the statehouse in Indianapolis where our standing occupation is ongoing. Consensus is a gradual process, we will add to this statement (hopefully each night) as we come to consensus on the many issues which plague our nation and to which this movement seeks to respond through a creative and democratic process.
OK, strong start. I mean, is says absolutely nothing, but they were just starting. So now, after a week plus of contemplation, we get their magnum opus:
We are opening a dialogue for the education and empowerment of the populace about the socioeconomic injustices which permeate our society. We are here to get Corporations out of the American Political system. We are here in solidarity with the Global Occupy Movement. We are here to reclaim our Voice. We invite all people of peace to join us. We are Occupy Indianapolis.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but what in the hell does that mean? I could have spouted that nonsense 20 mins after the first missive, and I could have done it without deodorant deprived hippie douches waving their fingers in the air.
It just reminds me of Pippin and Merry at the Ent Moot, where like 4 days pass and then Treebeard announces that they have confabbed and agree that the Hobbits are not orcs. Really dude, can we speed this shit up a little?
On a totally unrelated note, I switched from World of Warcraft to Lord of the Rings Online, so if you could all alter your slams on me accordingly I would appreciate it. Tonight I am working on my farming and forrestry vocations, and Brown Neck Gaitor and Claymore will be crafting weapons and cooking. Good times, good times. If anyone cares to join, I think it is free, we are on Nimrodel server, and my name is Fennyferth.
I have no idea what the hell he’s talking about this game thing. Please ignore and move along.
Will you be working on farming grain or pipe-weed?
…beer. Assuming I new that you can craft beer in this game which I do not since I’m not playing.
Too late, Claymore. You’ve been outed.
Sneaky hobbitses…we hates them!
Old Tanker- Probably the vegetables tonight. I have about 2 bags of pipe-weed. Claymore needs to up his cooking skill.
I’m not one to talk about names but, Fennyferth? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH teh ghey!
and obviously, you don’t have to put a real email in your email spot……lol
Not to put too fine a point on it, but what in the hell does that mean?
“We want free shit.”
I don’t know what that poor kid’s worried about…
Based on the statements they’re coming up with, they have a HUGE future in political public relations…
You notice that OWS is tarting to sound almost Orwellian? Too much double speak for my tastes.
fucking tree hipsters…
If you can’t understand the mission statement, you are either uneducated or don’t know how to use the dictionary. Go back to your on-line games, kid -and keep shopping at Wal*Mart.
First of all I don’t stink. Second I will not be put into a neat cube and put on a shelf to be labeled. Lest ye forget we are part of the 99%, it takes all kinds. Third what’s the rush? Through workgroups and consensus we slowly get to pick apart complex issues that need solved. I would rather see all moves on the table than move my pawn in haste.
This mission statement was adopted on the 10th of October by the General Assembly. Maybe a bit more research would of helped but then again, researching facts isn’t a strong trait for you and your ilk. Of course you don’t understand it. After all you applause the death penalty, boo gay soldiers, cheer the death of the uninsured and go wild over electrocutions by a fence. Simple minds need simple words to understand things. Keep on staying ignorant. The GOP, Fox News, Rush, Beck and the 1% are happy to have you as puppets! hagd!
Jo, Zully, RDK: Way to go “opening a dialogue for the education and empowerment of the populace about the socioeconomic injustices which permeate our society”!
I for one feel much more open and, paradoxically, less permeated.
After reading your blog post, it shows you and others don’t know exactly how things work and who we are. We are a diverse group of individuals from all races, ages, creeds and all rungs of the economic ladder. We don’t have a party allegiance or belong to any organization. We are not “Smelly Hippies”. There are hundreds of people and growing, working from home using the many tools technology provides for communicating in our modern age. We use internet bulletin boards, Facebook, online conference call applications and other innovations that allow people to telecommunicate/telecommute in our various workgroups. Our workgroups also physically meet up at libraries, coffee shops and even in our Indiana Statehouse to discuss the issues and to come up with viable solutions. Physical occupation is still an important part of the movement but only one piece. It is understandable for people to think that physical occupation is all the movement is about because that is mostly all have seen in the papers and on television. We did not have a handbook on how to organize a leaderless, organic movement. So we are basically writing it as we go and learning what works and what does not. One item we overlooked early on is educating the public on how this process works. It is very interactive and democratic. When an individual finds an issue he/she would like to solve, that person talks to others to find support and those willing to work on it together. Together these individuals form a work group and educate themselves further on the issue. The more they know about the issue the easier it will be for them to articulate the need for change and garner the support to implement it. Education is a very large part of the movement. The workgroup develops viable solutions to problem and strategies on how to get those solutions implemented. Once they have completed their work a draft is posted for proposal to our bulletin board, Facebook and printouts given to those on the ground for public discussion for 48 hours. If changes are needed they… Read more »