Can you be dumber than me?
Yeah, I just figured out, after being at work for three hours, that today is Columbus Day. In my defense, sort of, I’m usually the first one there when I work in the office, and the people I work with are mostly in DC and one is in Georgia – so the only way I “see” them is in email.
Sorry, I just had to own up to my lack of consciousness today.
As long as I’m blathering, if you haven’t noticed, spam is kicking my ass this week. I’m pretty sure it’s not the hippies’ fault as some of you have suggested. I doubt they’re that bright and we’ve been getting about 10k spam comments/day since September.
If your comments get lost in the flurry, I apologize ahead of time. I’m pretty much deleting everything that mentions what a wonderful, informative blog this is – even I don’t believe that shit.
Category: Pointless blather
People get random days off for no reason? I am at work too. Holiday’s (Is Columbus Really a reason for a day off anyway?) have no meaning at my job.
See us active duty types got 4 day…. 🙂
Hmmm… Well, even on days I don’t have a beer I have to check somewhere to know what day it is. You just missed a holiday so I reckon I AM dumber than you.
BTW; There’s no mail today.
Makes me proud!
I’m almost afraid to admit this on a public forum, but the one I didn’t live down was coming to work on a day that I personally requested off. I couldn’t explain it and they NEVER let me forget it.
My company doesn’t give us today off, but on the plus side….my work is quiet as a crypt with the .gov and .mil gone….and the commute towards the beltway was (for once) peaceful.
I didn’t realize today was a holiday until a co-worker mentioned it at lunch last Friday. Most weeks I’m a day or two behind the actual day … and don’t even ask me the date!!!
Here’s some bathroom trivia. Columbus Day, to be celebrated each October 12th, was officially proclaimed by FDR in 1937. In 1971, things changed. Columbus Day became an official Federal holiday, celebrated on the second Monday of each October. Most states do not include Columbus Day among their official state holidays. You may now flush.
It’s October, isn’t it?
And for what it’s worth, Jonn, I started being hit with unbelievable numbers of nasties (of the computer variety) in mid September. Enough that the machine groaned continuosly. It’s still not entirely happy, but better than it has been.
Today’s a holiday? Next you’re going to tell me I don’t have to work this weekend. What sort of fantasy world do you live in?
What some people call a 40 hour work week I call Wednesday.
No problem I have been helping with that most of yesterday. Seems that there was a escort service that was spamming the site every 5 mins.
i’ve been wondering why the hell there’s been posts about threads that are months (or years old)
John you’ve got a wonderful blog. Full of great information. I’ve got something to sell you. Wanna buy it? ha ha ha