Doing the jobs Americans won’t

| October 7, 2011

The Daily Caller is reporting that they’ve found paid Hispanic laborers among the crowds at Freedom Plaza at the Occupy DC protests;

Asked why they were there, some Hispanic protesters holding up English protest signs could not articulate what their signs said.

Interviewed in Spanish, the protesters told conflicting stories about how their group was organized. Some said it was organized at their church, and that they were there as volunteers. Others, however, referred to the man from the DC Tenants Advocacy Coalition — the only Caucasian in the group — as their “boss.”

TheDC asked that organizer whether he was paying the group to attend the protest, and he conceded that some protesters “aren’t” volunteers.

“Some of them are volunteers. Some of them aren’t,” he explained. “I can’t identify them. I’m not going to get into an identification game.”

So not only do they not have any real leadership at these protests, they also don’t have any followers. Or an agenda, apparently. I guess it’s just a big, fat gathering of filthy hippies on a massive social call. They have paid Mexican laborers to carry their signs so they have more time to hook up nd socialize. Lazy gringos.

Category: I hate hippies

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I am seriously beginning to believe that this Occupy ___________ bullshit is nothing more than a Soros/Obama ploy to incite a libber revolution that can, and will result in an issuance of orders for Martial Law and a suspension of rights, including a suspension of the next election for POTUS…

Just remember, ya heard it here 1st! If it’s WAR they want, then by God, let it be WAR!


Are the paid protestors paying income taxes on their earnings?

Yeah, I know, but it was a rhetorical question.


They’re even getting the homeless to inflate their numbers:

This guy calls himself “The Lotion Man”

More Homeless at Protest

[Re: YouTube Channel]
Seems to be some sort of hobby; filming the homeless and weirdos in NYC.


Yeah, he won’t get into an “identification game”, mostly because he doesn’t know any of them, either. This is just astro turf on a big scale. And no, I don’t trust a single media “estimate” of any crowd size.


The phrase I’m looking for to describe all of this “occupation”: Category V clusterfuck.

Doc Bailey

“listen to me, I’m poor and i REALLY want a job where i don’t have to work hard but get good pay.”


To make things worse, those lazy gringos won’t even mow my lawn, clear the weeds, an assortment of small jobs because their parents made them believe those things were beneath them.

CI Roller Dude

Did I ever metion that I fu—g hate hippies?

Doc Bailey

#7 are you kidding? my parents wouldn’t give me squat. I had to do so many odd jobs that i became the master of lawns! I challenge you to a (lawn) duel sir! ha ha

CI, no I’m pretty sure this is the first time.


I went to college with the Speaker of the NH House. He’s something like twenty seven years old. He dropped out of college to run for office precisely because each rep represents so few people.

Anyway, he’s kind of a RINO. Can’t count on him for anything.


@ #8-Roller Dude….I do believe that’s a first here for you, dude. Checking my book of quotations and wise sayings from TAH now. *cackle*


@5. A Cat V CF? That is funny! It’s nice to see that the expression CF is still around and an absolute scream that CFs are now categorized.

AW1 Tim

@9: That would be “ma’am, not sir. Kanani is good people.

What these illegals are doing isn’t “jobs that Americans won’t do”. What they are doing is underbidding and doing jobs at salaries that Americans cannot afford to work for. These illegals mostly live in substandard or many to a single place (many times trailers and mobile homes), work for cash and for $5-6 an hour and pay no taxes, etc.

Yet, they use our schools, get all sorts of welfare benefits and abuse our system. The one single thing that would begin to right our economy would be to mandate that NO welfare benefits of any kind be given to anyone who is NOT a citizen. I would further that to include public schools.

As to these mobs of stinking hippes, I consider them to be a “target rich environment” worthy of being administered to my lines of mounted police, fire hoses (probably their first bath in days, if not weeks) and dusted with tear gas until they all disperse.

These folks have an absolute right to speak their minds. What they do NOT have is a right to take over public parks, keep folks from going to their work or about their daily business and polluting the general area with the filth and body odor.

It’s one thing to walk a protest line. It’s another to act like human vermin and infest an area.