Yeah but?

| September 30, 2011

I just can’t leave this one alone.

From AP:

Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul is condemning the Obama administration for killing an American born al-Qaida operative without a trial.

Sigh: I’ll admit that this sort of thing could get out of hand, but… The single/signal thing this administration has done right thus far is kill tangos.

I have no idea why this is true and it confuses me some?

Still, one less tango, and one more reason to aim Ron Paul towards the looney bin.

Category: Geezer Alert!

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Miss Ladybug

A not-friend, but friend-of-a-friend on FB always has to chime in when I comment on the mutual friend’s posts re: Ron Paul. He doesn’t see RP as completely unserious on foreign policy. Seems to think the Founding Fathers would be rolling in their graves over our “foreign entanglements”. These people just don’t seem to comprehend that oceans are no longer enough to protect us….

John Curmudgeon

Watch out Ponsdorf the Paulbots might show up at your doorstep sacrifice you on the golden altar.


Or, show up at TAH and waste too much bandwidth, John.


Hmm. Am interpreting the confusion to be how we feel about gunning down a US citizen. Because I, too, have a fairly powerful reaction to it.

The whole concept makes me sick – not because it happened (obviously it had to be done) but instead because it shows loudly and clearly that our society has so degenerated that it would NEED to be done at all.

As difficult as it is to teach the young that certain behaviors (such as killing your fellow citizens) is outside the bounds of good social order, recovering from NOT doing so is even worse. As we see here and are living every day now.

Some things are simply intolerable no matter how loudly some folks shout that they are.

Mike D

its poisonous to a civil society, but the Chicago Way has its advantages in Drone strike approval meetings.

i dont support obama’s re-election but whatever candidate I do vote for has to assure me of their total willingess to press America’s unique advantage in UAV capability to its full and max extent, as least as vigorously as Obama has.


I’m sorry, but in My opinion he did have a trial…it’s called, “click, click…BOOM”