The “smarter than you” crowd

| September 30, 2011

You know someone had to say it. al-Awlaki’s death has been ruled murder by the “smarter than you” crowd, beginning with DOCTOR Ron Paul and now Glenn Greenwald;

The vacuous Greenwald goes on to say;

What’s most amazing is that its citizens will not merely refrain from objecting, but will stand and cheer the U.S. Government’s new power to assassinate their fellow citizens, far from any battlefield, literally without a shred of due process from the U.S. Government.

Far from any battlefield? al-Awlaki was far from any battlefield when he encouraged Nidal Hasan to murder 14 American soldiers. In fact, Hasan was far from any battlefield when he did his dirty deed. So was Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab when he lit his drawers on fire and scorched his nuts off over Detroit that fine Christmas day. Carlos Bledsoe was far from any battlefield on that day that he shot two young soldiers outside of a recruiting station in Little Rock after getting his orders from al-Awlaki.

Um, Glenn, there is no battlefield and the enemy has no rules of warfare. it should have been made clear to you when Daniel Pearl was beheaded for our television entertainment.

Glen’s bedfellow, Ron Paul said;

“No, I don’t think that’s a good way to deal with our problems,” Paul said in a videotape of the questioning by reporters. Awlaki “was never tried or charged for any crimes. No one knows if he killed anybody. We know he might have been associated with the ‘underwear bomber.’ But if the American people accept this blindly and casually that we now have an accepted practice of the president assassinating people who he thinks are bad guys. I think it’s sad.”

Nice try…we had months to “accept this blindly” since the White House announced there were shoot to kill orders on al-Awlaki. If the American people had a problem with this, there would have been outrage and marching in the streets which would have made this president waffle, like he did on Guantanamo.

I guess no one noticed that our enemies in this war don’t exactly fight by the traditional Western European rules of war and in order to beat them, we have to do unorthodox things. And make no mistake, we HAVE to beat them.

Greenwald and Paul are only feeding the terrorists propaganda lines for their next screed.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Terror War

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Since the Geneva convention does not tell how non-uniformed combatants should be treated, we need to go back to the nearest previous document. That would be the Articles of War. Those documents state that combatants caught on the battlefield not in uniform, or in an allied uniform, are spies and should be hung by the neck until dead, dead, dead. No trial, no court, no last meal, no appeal.


I wonder if Union soldiers mirandized the southern rebels marching up the hill during Gettysburg?

And yet, they were natural-born, voting citizens of the US of A.

Greenwald is known for being outrageously liberal; living in Brazil (as he feels Americans don’t approve of his homosexuality); and for being the archetype of sockpuppetry: creating multiple online personae to support his commentary.