Dicksmith’s hyperbole
Dicksmith at Vote Vet’s VetVoice piles on the with the crowd that somehow all republicans booed a gay soldier in Iraq at the debate the other night in a post entitled; GOP Finally Honest About What They Think of Troops;
Republicans will wear their flag lapel pins and put yellow ribbon magnets on their car so long as you support their narrative. The moment you deviate from their party line, they throw you in the gutter. It’s what they did to Pat Tillman. It’s what they did to this Soldier last night, and it’s what they’ve done for decades to Soldiers and Veterans by exuding superficial patriotism on the campaign trail and betraying us once they end up in office.
Yeah, listen to the “GOP” booing the soldier;
I guess dicksmith buys into the conspiracy theory that the Bush Administration ordered the assassination of Pat Tillman because he was about come out against the war. I could hear maybe two people “boo” in that video, given that tehre were hundreds of Republicans at the debate, i don’t see how two booing members of the audience can be extrapolated to the entire party, whether the whole party was in the room or not.
There are people who agree with me on every issue – but I’m still embarrassed by their behavior. And just because they’re jerks that doesn’t make me falter on my principles. I know the smithy of dicks is hoping no one will actually listen the video, and the intellectually vacuous reader [not plural] that VetVoice still owns probably will not listen.
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Question remains: were the boos from Republicans?
This is just part of the campaign of distraction keep Americans from considering our financial and employment troubles.
In the still of the video, the dude kinda looks like Rick Duncan/Stradloff.
We knew this was coming; they are going to take every chance they can to bring in the “gotcha” moments. Maybe they should have included a video of the dude in Colorado that is both black, gay, and a Tea Party member who was verbally abused by a bunch of the caring leftists?
I don’t know.. I kind of think that if you put yourself out there politically then you are going to get a “political” response. I don’t think just because you are military member that you should be immune to it. Who’s to say that the boos didn’t come from other Veterans.
Nobody knows the motivation of those booing. And I don’t think this had anything to do with him being gay, but more the question he asked and his position. Let’s face it, if another soldier got up there and asked the Republicans if they were going to support something that most Republicans are opposed to like partial-birth abortion;I think that soldier would have gotten the same response.
BTW, I can’t wait for a soldier to ask Obama in a Democratic townhall if DADT repeal causes problems would he reinstate? I have a feeling that the Democratic audience wouldn’t be to friendly to that soldier….
I seem to recall boos being heard when a certain big shot was asking a question at a townhall meeting. I could be wrong, because I saw that video a long time ago, but I thought there was some.
Ugh…Saw a bumper sticker…Veterans for Obama…Guess they haven’t been reading the news lately? Dicksmith is, was, and will always be a dick.
Interestingly, the booing did not immediately follow the Sweatpea’s announcement of gayhood. It wasn’t as if he said “I’m a gay soldier,” followed by booing. Instead, the couple of boos could be heard after the question was asked, suggesting that DADT’s repeal was the reason for the booing. By the way, what did Sweetpea’s sexual perversion have to do with the question asked?
Just so I’m clear… the meme that “the GOP booed they gay soldier” (I’ve seen it pushed from other places as well) also means that Democrats believe that the people who died in the World Trade Center were “little Eichmanns” who deserved it, right?
I’m going to go with the “fact” that those who may have “booed” the gay soldier were democrap plants. They can’t prove those who booed were Republicans, or conservatives, or democrats. Maybe, they were just assholes who engaged their mouths before they had their brains fully functioning? Or, maybe they just booed, like 2-17AirCav said?
Um, I think I heard two boos, hardly the “party”. What the hell is he talking about? VoteVets, who cares? Only have something like two turds left on staff. They are only important in election years.
I was more wondering what the fuck that fudgepacker was doing on camera in PTs? I remember that you had to have at least ACUs (clean) on to do an interview or video unless you were in full A’s.
Then again, my CO gave me a standing order to NEVER talk to the media… something about me not giving a shit and answering questions truthfully. Yeah, pissed a butter-bar off with that too by telling a One-Star the truth when his staff wasn’t during a craptastic AT.
I agree with Cedo I heard two boos. I’d hear as many if I spoke out against racism. And you know what, this is America, they can say whatever the hell they want to.
Personally this guy is an ID10Tango!
1). he outted himself when he didn’t need to
2). It IS a socially devisive issue, and a majority (over 60% in most areas) really don’t feel that they SHOULD have to put up with Homosexuals or their antics
3). is it just me or is the dude flexing?
4). “lie about who i was”??? Why on earth would you have to lie? were you trying to bed a cute Privit? Dude, the second part is pretty simple DON’T TELL, you don’t have to lie at all, just don’t fucking talk about it!
>my CO gave me a standing order to NEVER talk to the media…
Apparently the military is running interference with the media for him, so I find it highly doubtful that they didn’t give him permission or at least know he was going to ask the question at the Fox News debate.
Here is the Stephen Hill fan club page on facebook:
This is what he posts on that page: “Thank you all very much. I appreciate the support. The SLDN is handling all the media requests I have gotten, but just know even though I am not publicly speaking about what happened, I am reading all the support (someone sent me this too)… It means a lot.”
Here is his facebook page.. is private except the pictures- Apparently he was deployed in 2010. I don’t see anything for 2011.
I wasn’t worried about the boo’s…they certainly weren’t an indictment against the GOP as a whole, and every group has those that make you wince. It’s not as if we don’t hear far, far worse come from radical fundamentalists every day.
What pained me more was the fact that Santorum didn’t condemn the boo’s. But considering his logically inept answer, that’s not surprising.