Soulja Boy recants like the punk sissy he is
Old Trooper sent us a link as an update to our post about Soulja Boy who said “F### the troops” in the lyrics of his latest song. And, oh, can I brag that Michelle Malkin linked to our first post. I thought she’d forgotten we were alive.
But, anyway, Soulja Fella starts his statement with a joke “As an artist…” I got a belly laugh from that line. In what plane of which dimension is he an artist? Apparently in that particular area of space “Fuck the troops” means “Golly gee whiz, I really love you guys and want you to come home” according to his statement reprinted in it’s entirety on Fox;
In no way would I ever want to offend those who are protecting our freedoms … a lot of homeboys who I grew up with, a lot of people who come from the neighborhoods we live in … In no way do I want to hurt any of our honorable soldiers who put their lives at risk, regardless of how they feel about the two wars we fight in.
How could you guys ever think that “Fuck the troops” means I was being offensive? What are you stupid, too? No, he said what he meant and he meant what he said…and now he doesn’t have the cojones to admit it.
I am just frustrated that we haven’t been able to bring you all home quick enough and my frustration got the best of me. I am deeply sorry.
Bullshit! He wrote: “Fuck the FBI/And fuck all the army troops/Fighting for what?/Bitch, be your own man/I’ll be flying through the clouds/With green like I’m Peter Pan“. That hardly sounds like frustration…it sounds more like a little punk calling everyone else a little punk from the safety of his recording studio.
I hope his nuts fall off…if they haven’t already. And when can we expect his apology for calling himself an artist?
Category: Shitbags
I bet he’s on John Kerry’s iPod.
Twist his head off and let the collective branches have a turn taking a giant shit down his neck.
Fucking scumbag couldn’t even stand by his lyrics like a man.
Its kinda like that guy who knows he is about to get his ass whipped really bad, and he nervously says, “hey I was just kidding. No offense.”
AAFES told him to go screw too:
This idiot can’t defend his lyrics because he didn’t write them and his 5th grade education won’t allow him to understand what he is taught to parrot.
He’s a complete tool and wouldn’t last one night running a 7-11.
No way in hell he wrote that. No way in hell he meant it either.
Too little, too late, little bitch.
Jonn, His nuts can’t fall off, he never had any!!!
So some publicist wrote an apology for him. BFD.
To paraphrase an old saying “You can sell a million rap albums, and fuck one sheep, and people won’t call you a rapper.”
Tough titties, sheepfucker.
“In no way do I want to hurt any of our honorable soldiers….” I think that was stolen from a Tokyo Rose broadcast.
“Fuck all them soljas!!!
Uh, I mean, I love you so much I can’t wait to get you home safe and sound just as fast as possible.”
That pretty much sums up the attitude of 90% of the campus leftists I’ve ever met. They hate ROTC, military uniforms, military recruiters, military songs, military haircuts, military flyovers, and any mission that the military happens to be engaged in at the moment.
But they don’t hate the military. They love the military more than you can even imagine, and that’s why they don’t want anyone to ever join and they want every war we fight to end in humiliating defeat.
Oddly, for people who would never join the military, they sure seem upset that people who do join of their own volition aren’t allowed to smuggle cock in the barracks. At least not until next Tuesday when the cock-smuggling ban is lifted.
Too little, too insincere, too late. #9 and #11, love it and think you both hit the nail on the head.
If this turd is an “artist”, I am a “Picasso”.
Loser, playing to losers.
I’m going to state the obvious here. This was planned by SB and his agents, start to finish. That apology was in a folder somewhere, just waiting to be trotted out for the inevitable reaction to his rap. This mediocre kid had to do something to get that 15 minutes of fame, or fade into yesterday. He couldn’t care less about the FBI, or the war, or the soldiers, or anything else — just the money he wants to make. THAT interests him; nothing else.
The sad part of all of this is that the very real indignation and hurt soldiers will feel over this won’t change that man’s mind about anything he said or did. The only real emotion he experiences has to do with the green in his bank account.
of course he would, all military stores have banned anything that pertains to him,he is losing out big time for being a street soulja talking crap about our troops who defend our freedoms and our country,he should of thought real good about it,he will lose more than gain out of this,watch!
[…] listen to the lies anymore. Stop watching movies and TV shows that are left-wing crapaganda. “Soulja Boy“ recanted when his dumbassery was exposed. If you are going to call out the pig, take him out […]
[…] said “F#ck the troops” in one of his so-called songs a few months back and then recanted is having trouble making his rent these days; Now TMZ has learned the rapper, real name DeAndre […]