Deflecting blame…shooting your own foot
Apparently, Jay Carney, the nimrod who is currently the White House press secretary, took time out today to blame the President’s poll numbers on the people’s fury with “Washington” according to The Hill.
Obama’s high-30s approval ratings, Carney said, are a reflection of “a high reservoir of skepticism toward Washington in general.”??
“I think that everybody associated with Washington is being viewed quite dimly right now,” Carney said. ??
To that end, Carney continued the White House assault on House Republicans, whom Obama and his allies are blaming for gridlock that “wasn’t just frustrating; it was harmful.”????
Hey! Numbnuts! You ARE Washington. From where were you speaking? The dead fucking center of Washington…at the best-known address in Washington. If the President isn’t Washington, what the fuck is he?
Who was the numbnuts who early in his presidency defended his impending agenda with the snarky “I won”? Own it all.
ADDED: Thanks to Jim Geraghty at the National Review Online for cleaning up my language.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Economy
More of that new civility from the left.
That’s right, own it all. We’re all “gonna have to ride in the back” for a while, right, Pres? That’s where you told us to ride back in 2010, so don’t mind us if we do, you’re driving this train wreck, drive on.
Gotta love it. WH blames Republicans for Obama’s failures because they didn’t go along with it. That’s like saying Jonn is to blame for me putting my crank in a light socket because he didn’t go along with it.
Obama, how’s that ditch working out for you? Cuz it sucks for the rest of us, and you’re the one who dug it deeper with stimulus and Obamacare and backdoor bankster bailouts. We’ll remember in November.
More blarney from Carney.
Every election cycle it’s the same damned thing: exploit the anger at DC, and after the election, join the conga line.
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