When The Musics Over – Yet More Hyperbole?

| August 31, 2011

John Hinderaker over at the Powerline weighs in:

It has come out that Juszkiewicz is a Republican donor, while the CEO of one of his principal competitors, C.F. Martin & Company, is a Democratic donor. Martin reportedly uses the same wood, but DOJ hasn’t raided them, leading to speculation that the Obama administration is sending a warning to Republican businessmen that they had better not oppose his re-election, lest they face criminal investigations. Normally such speculation would not be credible, but Eric Holder has politicized the Department of Justice to a point where such questions must be taken seriously.

Made me smile anyway. YMMV.

Perhaps, as I noted earlier, pointing out a pattern isn’t hyperbole after all? Or is it?

Category: Geezer Alert!, Politics

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Zero Ponsdorf, my “hyperbole” comment was directly in reference to “Gun Grabbing Fascists,” which were your exact words; and the thing you said about how the next thing you know, the bad old “guvmint” is gonna force C&W stations to play Arabic music. That’s exaggeration, that’s over the top, that’s silly, and that’s hyperbole. In my opinion, of course.

And you know, I think you understand exactly how I meant it.

I’m not totally convinced you’ve “point[ed] out a pattern,” but that’s not what I meant by hyperbole. Again, I think you know exactly what I meant.

But hey, whatever. It might surprise you to know that I agree with you in part; something is rotten in Denmark on this Gibson deal. I said that before.

But I really want to be clear on this (again), I took issue with the term “Gun Grabbing Fascists” and the ‘slippery slope’ example you chose to use. Words matter. I feel you chose yours poorly.

Really, this is a disagreement over semantics more than anything else.

I don’t comment often. In fact, I only tend to comment when I’ve got a bone to pick with something. But I’ve been reading TAH for a lot of years. How long? I’m not really sure, but it was before TSO came on board, for whatever that’s worth.

I like TAH, by and large. I don’t agree chapter and verse with every word written here, but I didn’t know I was supposed to. I’ve got a thick skin, and I can handle the back and forth just fine, but if you’re going to call me out, call me out for what I actually said.


Can you you two hold on for a few? I’m out of popcorn…


It’s not funny, DaveO. This is the internet. The Internet! Serious business. I got my serious face on.

I’m not stalking the comments section, honest. Just checking back in before I get back on the road.

Like I said, thick skin, and I think the same goes for most here. In all the back and forth I believe there is still lots of mutual respect.


When you smell smoke, it’s never wrong to go hunt the source. It bears noticing that Gibson was raided, when other manufacturers, who use the same wood, were not raided. A closer inspection is necessary to find out WHY Gibson was singled out for attention by the feds.



It all depends on what you identify as a pattern. That Gibson’s CEO donates to Republicans, and was raided, while his rival at Martin, who donates to Democrats, should be a one-off.

But it isn’t. The dealers of GM vehicles who donated to the GOP or non-Democrat candidates were shut down. The dealers who loyally donated to Democrats were kept open.

When the EPA wrote and imposed its new AGW rules, it didn’t go after blue states or companies that support Democrats. Its going after red states and pro-GOP companies.

We can expand the argument to look not just at whom the law is applied, but whether the law is applied or prevented wholesale.

For example, the New Black Panthers Party – law is not applied toward them. 2010 Census: void. New legislative districts in each state from the 2010: void – the compliance section of the DOJ Civil Rights Division are super-die-hard Maoists.

States of Arizona and Texas: state laws prevented wholesale in spite of democratic, Constitutional creation and implementation.

Zero’s use of the term ‘gun-grabbing fascists’ is on point, both in the context of historical fascism and in today’s reproduction by our very own DOJ. As an aside, you may find studying the Yugoslavian meltdown and war of 1990-1995 to be filled with interesting parallels to our situation today. Thank you Andre Carson!

And, seriously, popcorn spew is easier to clean off the screen than coffee. Just sayin!


@#4, spot on, PN. Why, in the opinion of the DoJ, or President Present, was it necessary to “raid” Gibson, when the same could have been done with a “cease and desist” order?
“The dealers of GM vehicles who donated to the GOP or non-Democrat candidates were shut down. The dealers who loyally donated to Democrats were kept open“. Same was done to Chrysler dealers.


Well I read an article @ hotair.com that manchelle obummer gave a gibson guitar to sarkozy’s.
So wouldnt that make her just as guilty in trafficing as the DOJ accuse gibson?

Stitch 0369


Hell no it doesn’t…Uncle Omar (an illegal alien) gets “Shit in the pool” drunk and nearly hits a police vehicle and doesn’t get deported…why? Because nephew is the Prez, and he demanded to call the White House…

NO WAY the 1st lady would EVER get into trouble…