A week of light blogging
TSO thought it would be a good idea if we both attended the American Legion Convention in Minneapolis this year, so I accepted his offer. Consequently, blogging will be light until I get back from the adventure next Friday. Luckily, there are eleven other people with posting privileges to keep you entertained and I’ll have my trusty laptop and mobile card with me, but I’ll be real busy with my new friends, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Al Franken (who TSO tells me will all be there – like he said, it sounds more like Yearly Kos than the American Legion Convention). I hope no one leaves me unsupervised for too long.
Anyway, now you’re up to speed, so don’t abandon us.
Category: Administrative
I’m sure you’ll have your very own Secret Service detail to keep you company, Jonn.
President Obama wouldn’t THINK of leaving you unsupervised anywhere near him, I’m sure.
Crap, Jonn will be brainwashed and come back talking of unicorns and hope. He’s such a gullible naif.
I expect to see pix of him smiling next to his new friends. {sigh]
I’m going to take a wild guess that George Lauve will not be making any appearances.
Come back with your laptop or on it.
Make me proud.
I’ll see what I can gin up for a couple stories/posts.
My plane is already delayed, so you may be drinking alone tonight.