But, But… A Free Press is Supposed to be a GOOD Thing?

| August 5, 2011

First this almost viral story:  From Don Surber, and many others.

That Vietnam hero John Kerry is saying:

And I have to tell you, I say this to you politely. The media in America has a bigger responsibility than it’s exercising today. The media has got to to begin to not give equal time or equal balance to an absolutely absurd notion just because somebody asserts it or simply because somebody says something which everybody knows is not factual.

It doesn’t deserve the same credit as a legitimate idea about what you do. And the problem is everything is put into this tit-for-tat equal battle and America is losing any sense of what’s real, of who’s accountable, of who is not accountable, of who’s real, who isn’t, who’s serious, who isn’t?

Then I stumbled across THIS curious bit of logic: Journalism Needs Government Help

At the same time, however, the financial viability of the U.S. press has been shaken to its core. The proliferation of communications outlets has fractured the base of advertising and readers. Newsrooms have shrunk dramatically and foreign bureaus have been decimated. My best estimate is that there are presently only a few dozen full-time foreign correspondents from the U.S. covering all of China, despite the critical importance of that nation to our future.

Both the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Commission are undertaking studies of ways to ensure the steep economic decline faced by newspapers and broadcast news does not deprive Americans of the essential information they need as citizens. One idea under consideration is enhanced public funding for journalism. (emphasis added)

Mr. Bollinger goes on to say we need NOT fear government control of The Press:

There are examples of other institutions in the U.S. where state support does not translate into official control. The most compelling are our public universities and our federal programs for dispensing billions of dollars annually for research.

I guess nameless bureaucrats in some cubicles deciding who gets how much, and for what, isn’t really a form of control?

We, The Great Unwashed, are simply not enlightened enough to make these decisions in the market place! Big Brother will take of of us in yet another way.

Category: Geezer Alert!, Media, Politics

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1984 anyone ???


Fuck Kerry, he is another POS from MA.

Doc Bailey

I suppose an idiotic notion might be that Kerry could possibly be an effective CiC, or that he DIDN’T purjure himself infront of congress in that whole Winter Soldier debacle. The Media must by the very rules of journalism provide in depth scruntity for ALL ideas being advocated by our leadership.

As for subsidies. Deciding who gets what is ALWAYS a political process. How much you want to bet any subsidiary of News Corp. Would NEVER get any funding


What Kerry fails to realize is that if the media stopped giving equal time to absolutely absurd notions, he’d never be quoted again.

Hey…wait a minute…


“The media has got to to begin to not give equal time or equal balance to an absolutely absurd notion”. I got my decoder ring out and translated the latest from Jawn Effing Kary, and it comes out as this: The media must absolutely come to me, or in my absence, Reid or Obama, for any notion, absurd, or not. No Tea Partiers, or Conservatives need be talked to, as a matter of fact, when we enact this rule, there won’t be any of them around to give any equal time to.

B Woodman

The People are voting with their feet, fingers and dollars into NOT continuing to support the Leftist old media that forgot how to do its original job. The Old media just won’t face the competition of the new Social Media and the internet, and change to give the people what the people want. Instead it’s the old joke line “What’s good for General Motors is good for the USA”.


This from the guy whos character reference had his silver star revoked and is in jail on child porn.


Well Zero? John F’ng sKerry may kiss my ass. The ultimate question is, how do we go about shutting him and his cronies down? Juxtapose that one and we have the $64k answer.


[…] But, But… A Free Press is Supposed to be a GOOD Thing? – This Ain’t Hell […]

Doc Bailey

I might ask exactly how he, ore anyone else for that matter would propose to PAY for such subsidies?

If we follow the Free Market system all such venues will close, or change their act. In the end I think once the different organizations stop trying to beat up News corp, or report on slanted issues, you’ll find that there might actually be an INCREASE in the News Business, as Fox, usually wants its reporters on hand, even if its a secondary thing like Libya.

but then no one would give ANY air time to Kerry’s “idiotic” ideas.


Guess we could just be grateful that he is being “polite.”

(OK – I tried…)


Interesting. Democrats and Progressives claim to believe in Darwin and his theory. Then they turn around and try to save dinosaurs like print media.

Perhaps they are Creationists at heart. So long as they are the Creator.