Another nude photo scandal?

| August 3, 2011

What the hell is it with those morons in politics?

New Jersey Democrat Louis Magazzu, 53, admitted sending the photos to the woman he said he had been corresponding with online for several years.

He claims she requested the pictures but was working with an ‘avowed political enemy’ at the time and that he did not know.

And now this dickweed has resigned;

‘Unfortunately, in my personal life, I did not always demonstrate the wisdom and balance that I expected from myself, and that the people of Cumberland County deserve and have every right to expect.’

No shit? Really? Apparently he was set up by a Republican activist…but, that’s certainly no excuse. I can set you up all day, but if you don’t do anything, what good does it do to set you up?

There are pictures at the link – but I think they’re being overly generous with the big blue dots.

You can scour the internet and you won’t find any incriminating pictures of me – all my malfeasance is done away from any camera lenses. See how that works?

Category: Shitbags

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At least it was a Dem that shot themselves in the foot.

509th Bob

Until now, Dems were never held accountable for their sexcapades.


ABSCAM and the DeLorean Defense certainly figure into a lot of excuses by our elected representatives these days.


“It was a private communication intended for one other person only.”

Yeah. So’s murder.

I don’t think that’s gonna fly here, dude.

Cedo Alteram

Cumberland county is in South Jersey. I could have sworn it was pretty republican, but I might wrong. The south of my state is not my natural “environment”.


I just have to wonder, what the hell part of “if you take pictures,send texts or email any damn thing, it is no longer private” do these effing morons not get…

Doc Bailey

when you’re a public official, it is said you have no privacy, so why not show your ahem privates.


It was despicable of the Republican to get in my mind and make me send nude photos of me to someone out in the interwebs. Just another terrorist thing they do, sayeth the NJ dem.
So, she “requested” the pics? Would you have shot yourself, literally, if she “requested” it, dumb shit?

Doc Bailey

You notice how Democrats accuse Republicans of Machiavellian plots, and yet, they are guilty more often then not of doing what they accuse.


#9 Doc:

Some folks say Dems are projecting their psychological fears onto Republicans. That doesn’t explain why they subsequently get caught doing what they accuse Republicans of doing, i.e. vote stealing, scandal.

I’m of the opinion that Dems accuse when they know they’ve been caught, and the newsies can’t suppress the info – a form of subterfuge. The Dems then turn around and use their (usually false) accusation as justification for doing their doing the deed.

The tactic works. It works very well.


At least he’s upholding the tradition of Dems getting caught with their trousers down while Repubs get caught with their hands in the till.


Repubs get caught with their hands in the till.

Like “Cold Cash” Jefferson?

Don Carl

I thought Marion Berry was the only one allowed to use the “Bitch set me up!” defense…