This is the Difference Between a Movement and a Cult
I saw this at The Corner but it needs a bit more commentary I believe.
Hurricane Gustav is the fault of John McCain’s VP pick Sarah Palin.
Extremist conservatives like Sarah Palin have ignored environmental warnings about coastal erosion, climate change and the importance of mangroves and have tried to stop the progress that would halt unnatural hurricane events like this.
Okay kooks, listen up, this is getting out of control. It is true that Governor Palin hasn’t drunk the Kool Aide of Al Gore and the other nutjobs preaching this communist drivel.
It’s fair to criticize her for her position on drilling in ANWR. I don’t know her position on Mangroves but it’s probably fairly shallow given she is from Alaska.
But here is where I take exception:
“tried to stop the progress that would halt unnatural hurricane events like this”
This statement is far beyond ill-informed stupidity; this is pure insanity!
There is not one damn thing humans can do to stop hurricanes. To think there is the height of selling one’s soul to the idiotic hyperbole of the these wackos.
If Sarah Palin caused Gustav, just who in the hell “caused” the most deadly hurricane in US history!? It wasn’t George Bush you bunch of mouth breathing imbeciles. Hint: Galveston, Texas 1900.
I am not saying that every Democrat is an idiot but I am saying that voting Democrat (at any level) further empowers this army of morons.
Category: Politics
Richard Wheeler wrote the message, and approved of the ad.
What a lunatic thing to say!! But — then again, people that believe this kind of crap would just put anybody’s name on it.
Although, I think I agree with 509th Bob.
This from the same folks that bring us Alan Colmes and his wacky ideas. Loonies, the lot of them.
And, I have a fan up in British Columbia, Vancouver area that wants a bumper sticker of Palin over the Canuck flag. Easy done, even used a morphed US Canadian flag.
She is so good lookin’ people just want to see her name.
Top that Joe Biden. People look up to Sarah Palin. Joe Biden looks down on people. Large difference here. It is the respect thing, RW.
nuf sed
Indirectly it is a reaction to her, but the fault of all the liberals haters who are now overheated.
Global warming has nothing on how hot and bothered liberals get over losing. All that negative energy from liberals has rebuilt a dying hurricane and one again liberal hate and incompetence will take it toll on NOLA.