Dumpster Diver Alan Colmes

| August 31, 2008

Alan Colmes takes the low road on the Sarah Palin selection. From Little Green Footballs, I picked up this story from Environmental Republican;

Alan Colmes–the dumber half of Hannity and Colmes–goes where no one could even have anticipated. Note this URL:


The link goes to a page that no longer exists but the URL tells us all we need to know.

Down Syndrome has nothing to do with pre-natal care as it is an extra chromosome that causes it. Colmes knows this–or should–but apparently chose to go down that nasty road.

Colmes removed the blog post, but the internet remembers;

It says;

Rogers Cadenhead gives the timeline associated with the birth of her newest child.  She had a speech in Dallas and, even after the water broke, continued with her activities, and then boarded a plane for home. She did consult by phone with her doctor.

Still, a Sacramento, Calif., obstetrician who is active in the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, said when a pregnant woman’s water breaks, she should go right to the hospital because of the risk of infection. That’s true even if the amniotic fluid simply leaks out, said Dr. Laurie Gregg.

Just disgusting. Just remember you Leftists, if you have a disgusting thought, don’t write it down because we’ll find it.

Colmes now claims he didn’t take the post down out of shame, but, it’s our fault for our vile comments (of course);

thanks to Wizbangblog.   I’m not running away from what I posted.  I simply wanted to avoid the vile comments under that thread.    The post wasn’t about Down Syndrome.  It was about the issue of judgment.  Those who read into this what I did not say have their own agendas.  So, go ahead.  Enjoy.

“Have their own agendas”…unlike Colmes, of course. Nothing is sacred to these buffoons. From Tom Blumer at Newsbusters we discover that Colmes also wrote a blog entry on Friday that attacks Conservative Family Values by pointing out that *gasp* Palin and her husband eloped and had their first child eight months later! How lame is that?

Colmes is the reason I quit watching the show because I tired of hearing how Colmes was an “honest liberal”. There’s no such thing. An honest Liberal would be a conservative.

If all he wanted to do was remove the comments, he could delete them all and then close comments…I’ve done that before. It takes two seconds. But now that he’s busted on it, he makes our fault for responding to his post.

Category: Politics

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Larry Sheldon

I have to mask:

Why do people read Sullivan, Colmes, and whatzisname at MSNBC.

And why drive traffic to them?

I can not imagine them having any thing to say that I would want to know about.


Just like John Roberts saying that Palin would neglect her “dwn-syndrome” baby. WTF? I mean then we could say that All fathers serving are neglecting the kids, right?
And, naturally If Obama had followed his ambitions while raising a Down’s afflicted child he would have a second sainthood for crying out loud. These people make me sick.


I quit watching H & C a few years ago because of Colmes. I just could not take him any more. I miss Hannity since our radio station took him off, but I don’t miss him enough to go back to watching the Colmes half of H & C. But this is a new low even for Colmes.


Quite often, Down Syndrome babies are aborted.

Sarah and her husband Todd, chose to have baby Trig.