How Were the VP Nominees Selected?

| August 31, 2008

I think it would be a great understatement to say that this is an unusual campaign season. McCain was never the favorite of conservatives (like me) but Obama (the confirmed socialist) was too scary to risk getting into office. The Vice President selections for each was poised to be more important than any time in recent history.

Both selections for Vice Presidential nominee were somewhat surprising and neither was made totally by the candidate.

Putin chosen Biden and the Politico chose Palin (sort of).

Here’s the logic. Obama was glaringly weak in every conceivable presidential category; foreign policy, military, executive, experience, economics, trade, etc…This actually wasn’t all bad because it made almost any selection help the ticket. This looked particularly good for young governors with some executive and economic bona fides.

But then Putin decided to remind the American people that the world is still a dangerous place and amateurs can’t be trusted to handle dangerous foreign policy.

Other than being chairman of a committee, I still don’t see what Biden brought. He was wrong on the Cold War, the 1st Gulf War, the War on Terror, Iran, etc… In any case, Obama had to appear serious and get some experience on the ticket; and 35 years in the same job is certainly that.

With Biden on the ticket all McCain needed was someone with executive experience and strong economic credentials. Mitt Romney was out campaigning for McCain with both attributes and chewing at the bit to debate the gaffe prone Biden. Romney also had the added benefit of strong Mormon support in the west and putting Michigan in play.

But then The Politico had a tape of John McCain dodging a question about how many homes he owns. The media and left jumped on it and the seeds of a class warfare avalanche were being sown. When McCain counted Romney’s houses, Mitt was disqualified. Nothing gets punished in America these days more than success.

Without Mr. Obvious and the Republican base threatening a revolt if he chose a pro-abortion Ridge or Leiberman, McCain needed to make a big splash with a youthful surprise pick.

In my mind that left him with two rising stars Palin and Jindal. Jindal has more experience and is a solid conservative governor but had no natural cover from an attack dog like Biden. Palin’s experience is fairly shallow but she is a chief executive and most importantly she’s a she.

I don’t think Palin will lock up the female vote for McCain in spite of initial buzz. I do however think that Biden with lock up the female vote…for McCain.

Biden’s very loose relationship with facts and his constant habit of exaggeration is not what makes him an effective debater. What makes him effective is that at his core he is a condescending prick.

He has been on Meet The Press more than Tim Russert himself. He constantly interrupts people, insults people, impugns their integrity and attacks the person instead of the issue.

That Scorched Earth attack technique may have worked against a young man like Bobby Jindal; it won’t against Sarah Palin.

Two words: RICK LAZIO

Category: Politics

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