Palin Negates Obama’s Convention Bump
A Zogby poll taken Friday and Saturday indicates that McCain’s VP choice has negated the traditional post-Convention bump of the Obama campaign;
The latest nationwide survey, begun Friday afternoon after the McCain announcement of Palin as running mate and completed mid-afternoon today, shows McCain/Palin at 47%, compared to 45% support for Obama/Biden.
In other words, the race is a dead heat.
The interactive online Zogby survey shows that both Obama and McCain have solidified the support among their own parties – Obama won 86% support of Democrats and McCain 89% of Republicans in a two-way head-to-head poll question not including the running mates. When Biden and Palin are added to the mix, Obama’s Democratic support remains at 86%, while McCain’s increases to 92%.
However in a four-way race, McCain’s lead diminishes.
I guess McCain’s chore is to prove to Independents that he can do the job better than Barr – he’s never going to pry those Democrat votes away from Obama, so he needs those Barr insurgency votes.
H/t to Rurik for the email.
Below the jump: To illustrate the rabid anti-Republican voters, I trolled the Washington Post discussion forums yesterday and came up with some pretty disgusting comments that are representative of the new Republican Derangement Syndrome. I was going to comment on each one, but I’ll leave that to you guys. I need a shower;
misssymoto wrote:
nctravler357 wrote:
I bet Sarah Palin’s oldest daughter is the one left with the responsiblity of taking care of the baby!! How selfish!!UMMM, FOLKS, HATE TO TELL YOU THIS, BUT SARAH PALIN’S OLDEST DAUGHTER IS NOT WATCHING HER BABY–BECAUSE SHE IS NOW PREGNANT WITH ONE OF HER OWN!!!!!
Seriously!! Who in their RIGHT MIND, espeically women in America would ever vote for a woman that puts her kids and family on the back burner so she can focus full time on political life?
For someone who preaches ABSTINENCE as her own daughter is knocked up, and has a 5 year old baby with Downs Syndrome that she is willing to put into SECOND PLACE for a career–Sarah Palin is one thing–
dmbethesda wrote:
Sen. McCain’s choice is an insult not just to women but to all Americans. It is hard to imagine a more complex and difficult job, particularly at this time in history, that President of the United States. Choosing Sarah Palin as a running mate and potentially as a successor — a self described “hockey mom” with executive experience running a town smaller than most voting precincts in a state with oil revenues that create a budget surplus — is demeaning to the office of President, demeaning to qualified women of both parties, and demeaning to those of us who take this election seriously and long for a gifted leader to help us out of our current malaise.
onomar wrote:
Shame on me.I was reminded of ” Linda Lovelace for President”
nctravler357 wrote:
I am totally against abortions, but I cannot speake for everyone. Sarah Palin may be pro-life, but I don’t believe she knows anything about “taking care of – life”. I don’t know woman who would abandon the nurturing of her child for her career when she has the option to take convalescent leave. She is living like a teenager that has a child at an early age and leaves the child with someone else to care for!! I have 3 children and I do not pawn my responsiblities off on my spouse or other people. Mr.Mom was a movie with a great moral message!! Maybe Sarah needs to watch the movie!!
jameschirico wrote:
Having a handicapped child leads me to believe she may be a trojan horse to be replaced by Mike Huckabee. Obama was smart to praise the pick, for others would make McCain harder to beat. NV and MI just went to Obama with disaffected Romney supporters. She in the minds of most Americans is not qualified to be CIC with her admission of not knowing the Iraq theater, where her son that just joined may be sent. She does come with some baggage firing the person that would not fire her ex brother-in-law. Being a drunken, abusive husband did not break Alaskan law. We have had 8 years of great people getting the can when they would follow the law or disagree with the neocon line. Start with Christine Whitman, go to Eric Shinseki, then Porter Goss, see Colin Powell not get the resignations of people that fooled him and resign, go to Wilson that called them liars on Nigerian yellowcake and had his wife Plame an expert on Iranian nuclear proliferation outed in Fitzgerald’s Cheney conspiracy, then go to centcom commander Adm. Fallon calling Iran an ant easily squashed and getting the can when McCain had the opposite position. What a waste of incredible talent. We don’t need four more years of the same.
jbs3 wrote:
I have many concerns about the capability of Palin, beginning with her lack of family values. She has a 5 month old infant with Down’s Syndrome who will need to have intense early intervention, attention and care to ensure that this child develops to his full potential. Yet, Palin put her career over her family. There can be balance between a career and family life, but the reality is when one has as many children as she has and one with special needs, either her career or family will suffer given the demands of being a vice-president. Unless of course her husband quits his job and enable him to compensate for her absence.Furthermore, no one seems to be commenting on her unusually slim academic record. She has no advanced degree, no training in law, history, international relations or political science. This is highly unusual for a VP candidate, or any pick of higher office. That may make her a “maverick” and an “outsider” but that also suggests that she does not have the credentials or background that would enable her to critically evaluate the impact of legislation or fully comprehend the consequences of many issues that she would encounter.
In contrast, the Obama-Biden ticket is a clear, resounding vote for family values. Furthermore, they believe in the value of higher education, something that would raise the income and quality of life for all Americans. A vote for McCain-Palin could send this country back to the stone ages in regard to education (e.g., Palin believes in teaching Creationism in the schools). A vote for McCain-Palin would leave America behind in technology and education in contrast to some other countries that value it and were on display at the Olympics. So, who do you want your children to become? Leaders who are smart and contribute to the world or those who will be trapped doing the bidding of others from countries with less freedom but belief in education and training?
nctravler357 wrote:
She has 5 children and loves them all?!! Please!! She was boasting on her son being in infantry for political gain!! And she has a baby with special needs and has not given the bay any attention. She went back to work 3 days after she had the baby!! Not to mention the baby is only 4 months now, and she is out campaigning with McCain!! There are particular things mothers must do for her children and she is not doing them!! Are there any christians in here? Romney/Paul 2012!!
lockmallup wrote:
Take the poll: Should Biden bow out now so Obama can put a woman on the ticket?
And, anybpdy, what are the pros and con’s of replacing Biden with a Napolitano, for example, at this point?
msreginacomcastnet wrote:
Palin did not, did not earn the womens vote. 18 million voters voted for Hillary, not Palin. Shame or Palin for suggesting she is qualified to walk the walk and talk the talk of Hillary Clinton. Hopefully, Chaney will take her hunting with him! She is the Btch from he..l that no good woman wants to be associated with. Good luck to her children – I hope she understands that people who would have voted for McCain will not now.kackermann wrote:
cmmckee wrote:
Palin can’t possibly win my vote. She is just a pretty, disarming face backed by fierce political AMBITION. McCain is so fooled by her it is embarrassing. He reminds me of an old
man who just discovered Viagra. I think Miss Beauty Queen is more of a threat to Cindy McCain than Bin Laden!!
She’s not pretty, she looks like a pig! Go look on youtube. There is a video of her trying to lie about her abuse of power charges.
Tell me she is not a pig.DEAD GUY/PIG 08′
nctravler357 wrote:
I honestly believe most whites are just afraid of a black man being president. I also believe that John McCain selecting a nobody is really condescending to women. Does he really think that a women are that naive that they will vote for someone just because she is a woman!! The only reason he didn’t pick Romney is because Romney is a mormon and that is wrong too!!
buzz3 wrote:
Palin is a stupid, corrupt, lying, “religious” right nut case. She believes the Earth is 6000 years old and denies that global warming is caused by the burning of fossil fuels. CO2 levels and climate models will mean nothing to this moron. Her attacks on more corrupt Alaska republicans do not make her a “reformer.” Her record is that of the typical republican prostitute to the oil industry. This is another republican stooge, like Monica Goodling or Brownie. Forget about that “reformer” crap you are hearing from the republican party and the corporate media. In spite of her “no thanks” lie yesterday, she is on the record supporting republican Sen. Stevens’ “bridge to nowhere” and other corrupt earmarks destined for Alaska because, in her words, their congressional delegation had the power to do so (prior to getting hammered by the Democrats in the 2006 election and the indictment of Sen. Stevens on corruption charges). And what would a Republican politician from Alaska be without an ongoing investigation, which Palin has for abuse of power. What little experience she has is the WRONG kind, especially given what a wreck McCain is physically and mentally.McCain is a rich pig who “earned” his fortune by divorcing the wife who stood by him while he was a POW for a much younger heiress (the Paris Hilton of Arizona) who never worked a day in her life and inherited a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars. His economic policy is the same as that of Reagan, Bush, Gramm, and Gingrich. Poor and middle class Americans should make even more sacrifices so that people like McCain and his wife can have more houses and Bentleys they can’t even keep track of.
You fox news viewers must think Hillary Clinton’s voters are almost as retarded as you are.
madigo wrote:
Mike60 wrote:
I am a man & a Democrat & …———————–
Very funny. A man, a democrat, a white (may be), English-spoken etc. You society is constructed in a very funny manner. People are distinguished by their formal labels.
Nobody know, what “democrat” means, until you show me a typical “anti-democrat”.
But I can easily explain what “nazist” means. It means, that somebody ready to kill women and children, if they are not his voters. This is completely applicable to McCain. I am sure, this is MUCH more important feature, than your “man, democrat etc…”. All your american discussion is just irrelevant.
Hempy wrote:
Picking Sarah Palin is not a gender issue, it’s a religious issue. The Repugs have caved in to the extreme wing nut religious right of their party. Palin’s extreme anti-abortion stance would mean that if a young, Downs-syndrome teen girl gets raped and impregnated, she has to carry that fetus to term. All in the name of a doctrine that has no biblical basis.It’s strictly a religious view largely inherited from the Catholic Church
LDTRPT25 wrote:
what a bunch of hypocrite’s the republican’s say they are the party of the family,now they are going nuts over a woman with five children one with downs syndrome yet she will be on the road away from them most of the time letting someone else raise them, just another example of a selfish woman caring more about her career than her family and that’s family values?
Nice job, Republicants. Once again, the outer trappings of concern for the issue (here, women’s rights) wrapped around a cynical core of patronizing contempt for them. See: Clear Skies Initiative, Patriot Act. I advise any women casting their vote for McCain/Palin to wait until after menopause.
LDTRPT25 wrote:
what a bunch of hypocrite’s the republican’s say they are the party of the family,now they are going nuts over a woman with five children one with downs syndrome yet she will be on the road away from them most of the time letting someone else raise them, just another example of a selfish woman caring more about her career than her family and that’s family values?
rugman wrote:
hitpoints wrote:
“If the Democrats simply ignore the fact that she is a woman and focus on how conservative she makes the McCain ticket, the Democrats will win.”
That’s the effect it’s had on me, a life-long Democrat who was about to pull the lever for McCain. I do not believe Obama is ready, and his tax plans, especially capital gains tax, really bother me. McCain could have won as a RINO, but he’s cast his lot with the ultra-Right at a time that the core GOP is despised for what they’ve done. If I had wavered on election day, I might have written in Clinton, but now with a VP choice that rewards a portion of America that I really don’t want to gain more power and influence, I must vote Obama. I urge other on-the-fence Democrats to do the same.
laurelphoto wrote:
John McClone figgures any woman with five children likes sex. So at his advanced age and deteriorating medical conditions, the only thing he could use to entice a ambitious politician from the corrupt Alaska Republican Party was VEEP.
madigo wrote:
victexflo wrote:
I am voting for McCain—————————-
You are voting for killer, Ossetian children’s blood is also on your hands! Look better!
Sweet, huh?
Category: Politics