3 gay airmen request discharge before DADT repeal

| June 28, 2011

Stars & Stripes reports that three more airmen have “outed” themselves and seek an early discharge before the repeal of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy which is scheduled to begin in coming months;

According to the Air Force, during the past month two female staff sergeants and a male 2nd lieutenant made statements identifying themselves as gay and asked to be separated quickly from the service. Air Force Secretary Michael Donley approved the discharges of the two women, and accepted the resignation of the man.

I predict that dicksmith will use this as an excuse to lecture us again on how the policy is detrimental to the military’s readiness – I’ll also predict that he won’t mention that they outed themselves in order to be discharged. But this isn’t a new phenomenon – some of you may remember Bethany Smith/Skyler James who absconded to Canada when the soldier wasn’t discharged when she/he outed her/himself.

I guess the value of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is in the eye of the beholder.

Ooops, I should have checked VetVoice before i made my predictions about dicksmith.

Category: Military issues

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It’s just too easy,, Jonn. Like shooting fish in a barrel.
And, it appears that Dicksmith doesn’t know that the Iranians and the insurgents didn’t get the memo ending combat in Iraq.


Good riddance. General discharge, no benefits. There’s a long line of people at the Air Force recruiter’s door wanting to take their place.