Jon Huntsman’s Stolen Valor Spokesdouche
Saw this over at Ace’s shop, from Politico:
Jon Huntsman’s 2012 video voiceover man
It’s actor Brian Dennehy, of “Tommy Boy” and “F/X” fame, who narrates the Fred Davis web videos that the press is enjoying, including this new one that was showed before the candidate announced today at Liberty State Park.
Yeah, Brian Dennehy, the guy from First Blood that made us all look like lunatics on the edge. But it is okay, because he’s a big time combat veteran:
“As for killing someone, anyone in combat would agree that it’s pretty much accidental. It’s not what you’re thinking about. You spend a considerable amount of time just trying not to be in a combat situation. You’re trying to avoid coming face-to-face with anything. So when something bad happens, it’s usually accidental. But the implication in war movies is that war has this rational beginning, middle and end. And of course none of it does. It’s absolutely fucking chaos. Apocalypse Now is the movie. Even more interesting is that it was made so soon after the war was over. It was and is the most sophisticated overview of the experience.”
Yeah, he goes on about his awesome service in Viet Nam. Which he apparently garnered via his acting, like that other jackass Val Kilmer. Regarding Dennehy:
Dennehy is a fine actor and apparently does a lot of research into his roles. But he is not a Vietnam veteran. According to his military record, which we obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, Dennehy was on active duty from Sept. 15, 1959, through June 4, 1963 — before the war really got cranking. He wasn’t wounded in combat. Dennehy’s only overseas duty assignment was as a Marine football player in Okinawa in 1962.
Dennehy finally admitted in a lengthy handwritten letter to us that he had not served in combat in Vietnam. He’d started “shooting my mouth off in bars” years ago. From there it snowballed.
In 1998, when Stolen Valor was published, Dennehy got calls from newspapers asking about his claims. He came clean.
“I lied about serving in Vietnam,” Dennehy told the supermarket tabloid The Globe, “and I’m sorry. I did not mean to take away from the actions and the sacrifices of the ones who did really serve there…I did steal valor. That was very wrong of me. There is no real excuse for that. I was a peace-time Marine, and I got out in 1963 without ever serving in Vietnam… I started the story that I had been in ‘Nam, and I got stuck with it. Then I didn’t know how to set the record straight.”
I wouldn’t vote for Huntsman anyway, this makes it no less or more likely, but now I will be pretty vocal bashing him.
Category: Politics
A fake Republican with a fake combat vet spokesman….yawn…
Gov. Huntsman is an Obama liberal pretending to be a RINO.
I think I will vote for somebody else.
On the flip side: Dennehy did ‘fess up.
Too bad. I like him as an actor, but this makes it pretty much impossible to enjoy his work.
I never understood lying about your military experience. The shame and sheepishness I’d feel would prevent me from doing it, even if I didn’t already believe it’s wrong.
I could never accept praise for something I never did.
“Strictly speaking, he slipped up. You’re lucky to be breathing.”
No good deed goes unpunished Rambo.
> On the flip side: Dennehy did ‘fess up.
After he got caught.
Now I’m glad he got shot in Silverado by Kevin Kline.
> On the flip side: Dennehy did ‘fess up.
So did Weiner.
I would question whether he served when he said Apocalypse Now was the most accurate portrayal of the Vietnam War. Sure a movie derived from a fictional book about Africa, “Heart of Darkness” really?
The Obots sure do love Huntsman. But he’s just below Ron Paul on people who I’d vote for, and anyone who knows anything about me knows I’d rather punch myself in the balls than cast a vote for the scrawny whiny little runt.
I still can’t figure why anyone would ever want to lie about their military service. There was nothing disgraceful or shameful in what I did, as un-glamorous as it was. I was a Combat Service Support rear-echelon Field Radio Direct Support Repairer (quick – name that MOS).
I didn’t slog through all the mud that the infantry did, but I kept them, (and the tankers, and the HQs, and the commanders at all levels) talking to each other, with wireless (radio) and wire (switchboards & field phones).
So why lie? We all served together to help each other. I just don’t understand.
Being not crazy, stupid, Romney or Obama I have to say Huntsman will probably get my vote, voiceover actors sketchy pasts or not.
re # 9
The left is getting cozy with Huntsman because they want to sabotage him in the Republican primary (looks like it’s working). Dems know the only two people in the race likely to beat Obama is Romney or Huntsman and so they’re rubbing the love off on them to turn of Republican primary voters.
NSOM, #12, so,you’re comfortable with voting for someone the left likes, ala John McCain? As for your #12, right now, Obama loses to a “generic Republican”, so that line of reasoning isn’t valid, either.
And, they don’t have to”turn off” R voters, Romney and Huntsman have done that all on their own.
re #13,
The two “generic Republicans” are Huntsman and Romney. The translation of “generic Republican” being “unoffensive alternative”. Welcome to the new dynamic.
NSOM–Out of the seven candidates I watched on the New Hampshire debate last week, I could in good conscience vote for at least four of them were the NH primary held today. Two I’d have serious reservations (Gingrich, who won’t be around in a few weeks anyway, and Romney) and one would fall into the “no fucking way” category (Paul.)
Throw Huntsman somewhere in to either of the last two categories. I still know a few people in Utah (or U-tarrrr as Karl Malone says) and to a person they think Huntsman is as phony as a three-dollar bill. His little second place finish at last weekend’s Republican Leadership Conference was straight out of the Ron Paul playbook–pay for a shitload of people to be bussed in and vote for your guy, then claim victory. (Hint: Read Politico for that one.)
I try bragging about my 8 years in the military. You should see the hotties swoon when I tell them how spectacularly mediocre my career was. Especially when I go over the tense times as a staff weenie in USAFE and the harrowing escape I had one night from a local dive bar after too many Pilsner and not enough brats.
I mean, I’m telling you the Big Frau that ran that place was mean and she was swinging that baseball bat…man….I still have flashbacks every time I Bar-B-Q. I tried to get a Purple Heart for the black eye and resulting fat lip, but apparently local bar maids don’t qualify as “enemy combatants”.
One day, there was this particularly harrowing event–the Colonel dropped not one,but two sets of paperwork that had to be triplicated and filed. I got at least 4 paper cuts from those stacks and once again shafted for a Purple Heart.
Yeah, my “war stories” really help me to bring home the babes. Unless they are carrying a baseball bat and have a mean left hook.
“I would question whether he served when he said Apocalypse Now was the most accurate portrayal of the Vietnam War. Sure a movie derived from a fictional book about Africa, “Heart of Darkness” really?”
Yeah, the idea of Montagnards, which is French for mountain people BTW, relocating to a low land Cambodian swamp seems to leap through an atomic loophole in logic…
Capt. Willard was some sort of MACV-SOG ‘feller, that outfit tended to operate in teams, not as an “Army of one”… Sheesh, even in the conventional Army, you don’t take a crap without your battle-buddy pulling security.
A full bird Colonel, as Kilgore was portraied, would’ve been the 5th SF Group commander… etc. etc.
And, they don’t have to”turn off” R voters, Romney and Huntsman have done that all on their own.
My fear is that we’ll either see either a milquetoast candidate who cannot inspire people to show up, or a red-meat candidate that will repel most of the independents. As friggin’ retarded as it sounds, the deciders on these elections seem to have this idea that they need to feel good about who they elect, so if a candidate makes them uncomfortable, they avoid them like the plague. Case in point; all of the so-called moderates who voted for Obama thinking they were participating in some sort of historical event, instead of looking at the jackass’ record and making an informed decision. Many of these same dumbasses now have buyers remorse (yeah, I’m talking about you Gene Simmons). Any thoughtful review or vetting of Teleprompter Jebus’ “accomplishments” would have disqualified the guy, but for want of putting a skin tone in the White House instead of someone who could perform.
And for all of you who say, “Well, what’s wrong with Romney?” I present to you the following:
–What did he do besides take an incredibly corrupt SLC Olympic committee and make a modest profit?
–He created a healthcare system in MA that is a one-state version of Obamacare, complete with longest waits, highest premiums, and grossest cost overruns in the nation.
Bottom line: Never trust a guy who combs his hair with olive oil and a fork.
Huntsman & Romney are Republicans in name only. Their own actions betray them for the leftists in sheep’s clothing they are.
Huntsman was Obama’s butt boy until Obama decided to let him run, and Romney is just a white-boy version of Obama, complete with socialist healthcare and a love of big & bigger government solutions to every problem.
Neither will get my vote, nor will that imbecile Ron Paul. If any of those 3 are the GOP nominee for President, then it would be just as well to stay home and not vote, as there will be no difference between the current pretender and them.
So, what’s your thoughts on Herman Cain? Elevator version preferably.
Gosh, I wish I would have had that information eaelrir!