The Pima County Republican Party Makes Itself Look Just As Stupid As Sheriff Dupnik

| June 14, 2011

This is un-fucking-believable:

The controversial case involving Jose Guerena led to some controversial comments by the Pima County GOP chair.  Those comments have Brian Miller under fire.

Republican Brian Miller is in the hot seat for comments he made after Guerena was shot more than 70 times by SWAT members.

“I think it was inappropriate to go out and make a policy statement on GOP letterhead,” said Tucson City Councilman Steve Kozachik.

This is what Brian Miller (who I must point out is a Paultard) said:

On May 5th, Jose Guerena, an American Marine, Iraq War veteran and fellow Tucsonan was killed in his home by armed government agents sworn to uphold the Constitution and whose declared mission is to protect and to serve the people of Pima County.

While an investigation is still underway to determine the facts immediately surrounding the killing, it is my hope that this tragic event will lead to a renewed discussion of the policies that routinely lead to heavily armed and militarized local police invading private homes and a renewed interest in the civil liberties codified in our Bill of Rights

This is basically what we here at TAH have been saying since the beginning of this story and what many in the conservative blogosphere  have been saying for the last month or so since the shooting. You would think that Republicans in Pima County would get on board, especially considering that the department involved in the shooting is led by Sheriff Dupnik, who libeled conservatives in Pima County after the Giffords shooting. But instead, they have chose to start a petty little fight among themselves and are now calling for Miller’s resignation over the comments. Wow, way to totally blow an opportunity to go after Dupnik and unite the party behind an important issue you fucking idiots.

The Pima County Republicans who instigated this fight need to grow the fuck up and stop covering for Dupnik, just like the hypocritical progressive blogs in the state.

Category: Ron Paul, The Guerena Killing

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As a former state Executive Director for the GOP, experience has taught me that party hacks on either side are not the brightest bulbs on the tree.

In this instance, they’ve lost sight of the most important issue: what may be the assassination of a citizen and combat veteran of the United States Marine by the department of a fringe left nutjob.

Having suffered through an inter-party blood bath a decade ago here in Washington State, I’ve determined that NO ONE eats their young like the GOP.

Getting caught up on issues like “letterhead” when blood has been spilled shows an inability to keep one’s eye on the ball that is frightening.

USMC Steve

Miller said absolutely nothing that was not true or accurate. Why are people handing him grief? That statement you have up there is perfectly correct in its sentiment and its facts.


Jesus. What Old Cav Ell Tee said.

It seems that this kind of utterly unthinking stupidity is what David Bellavia has had to deal with in New York. How do these morons get into ANY place of authority, however great or small?

Christ on high, no wonder the Republic is dying.


It sucks when someone calls a spade a spade and gets shit over it.


There’s probably more to this tussle than meets the eye. First clue is “Brian Miller…is a Paultard.” USMC Steve nailed it in that Miller is correct in sentiment and facts – but this is about eliminating Miller from the GOP gene pool.


Yep, to all of the above. As a life long Republican, two days older than dirt, it’s my hope to live long enough to see the Allan West and Paul Ryans of the party take over and throw the rest of the gutless wonders out. Just sayin…

Darla D

Yes something I have learned over the past few years is that many conservatives will shoot the messenger and eat their young….it’s astounding to me that we cannot unite around basic principles… But then that is exactly why we are where we are as a nation. So sad.

Str8 up

First off you have to know Pima County and the Sheriffs Dept. what has transpired here is attacking the Sheriffs Deputies only because of the Sheriff. This department isn’t a small department that is highly political at the grass roots of the deputies. These deputies are across the political board and are NOT dependent on Dupnik being sheriff for their jobs.
When I found out that Oath Keepers were planning a march on Memorial Day I contacted Stewart Rhodes via email and cautioned him against putting his organization into a political grinder that would only hang our deputies out.Obviously he didn’t listen and some of the Pima County GOP boad didn’t think about and jumped into this grinder.
As more has been reveiled from the investigation that the deputies were correct in their action and that they are NOT the only agency that does this style of search when the investigations warrant it.
One thing that clouded this issue that Jose was a combat Marine veteran and that set this story at the front front page level. The notion that this is the reason we should all rise in protest is absord. Regardless of veteran status we all can be lured at one time or another to break the law. One of the more infamous would be Lee Harvey Oswald need I say more????
In concusion, so because we don’t care for the poitics of Dupnik we will hang the deputies out and call them MURDERERS.
I have been vocal about this subject and I have had one from the GOP county boad send me an apology and said he acted out of ignorance.

Str8 up,

combat Marine veteran.


@Str8 up:

If Dupnik is not responsible, who is?

I have not seen that “the deputies were correct in their action” and I don’t care if other agencies do this kind of search. Had Guerena been the type of individual who warrants this kind of search, more than one deputy would no longer be with us. The video I saw showed a frighteningly unprofessional entrance, while I read that Guerena never took his weapon off safety.

I have lived a law-abiding life in Pima County for more than a decade, and I would like to believe that I am on the same side as our law enforcement officers. Unfortunately, I often get the impression that local law enforcement personnel don’t agree. It’s a mistake to approach everyone as an enemy. That is the issue that concerns me in this matter, and apparently many people feel this way, both Dems and GOP. This needs to be addressed, and the local GOP is failing to lead if it avoids the issue.

Operator Dan

First of all, Str8 up, we had our issues here with the Oathkeepers and the Ron Paul crowd. They are well-documented in past posts.

Secondly, to compare Jose Guerena to Lee Harvey Oswald is completely absurd. Lee Harvey Oswald was a shitbag Marine who left the Marines with a less than honorable discharge. Jose Guerena left the service honorably after two pumps to Iraq and was by all accounts a good Marine. Not to mention Oswald killed a President of the United States where Guerena was NEVER convicted of a crime. Not to mention, there hasn’t been any solid evidence released that links him the crimes that Dupnik is now accusing him of. Even the lawyer for the SWAT team admits this. At worst, it appears he was related to some shitty people.

Finally, as I have repeatedly said, even if Guerena was Tucson’s version of Pablo Escobar, the deputies and the department deserve to be reprimanded for piss poor mission planning, using bad tactics at the house, and terrible fire discipline. Choosing to execute the raid early in the day in a condensed residential neighborhood when they could have more safely picked up Guerena two hours earlier at the mine he worked at was the first mistake. Then they lied about how they announced their presence (i.e. they rolled up with sirens blazing, which isn’t true) and finally the whole shoot out was sparked by a negligent discharge from the front man in the stack. Let me ask you St8r up, since you say you were a Marine, what would have happened to you if you would have had a negligent discharge on a raid or during CQB training? Probably would have been in deep shit and maybe even had to deal with a company-level NJP right? So I am not going to cut these guys any slack, even if Guerena was some bad guy. I am not “hanging them out to dry”. I am telling the truth about how they operated.


One of the problems with the GOP in areas such as CA, NY, and other liberal areas is that they’re far too eager to appeal to the moonbats in a silly way of saying, “See? We’re really not so different than you!” way.

Then again, the RNC ain’t much better.


People are so focused on the email–that is a drop in the bucket. It is Miller’s rigid, my way or the highway attitude that has led to this debacle.