Pointless anti-war point on Omaha Beach

| June 6, 2011

So that’s what Omaha beach looks like this morning, according to our buddy Zombie. It’s supposed to be art by French artist Rachid Khimoune and it’s supposed to “denounce global violence” by demeaning the thousands of soldiers who lost their lives on that beach 67 years ago today as they booted fascism out of Europe. I don’t know what is worse – this bozo who thinks this is art, or the French government giving him permission to set up this piece of shit on Omaha Beach today.

I guess we’d all be better off if the Allies hadn’t invaded Hitler’s Fortress Europe. I know the French would’ve been happier, right?

Category: Antiwar crowd

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B Woodman

Those who forget their history are doomed. . . . .

Zero Ponsdorf

It’s okay Jonn… Kerry is there to set things right.


I’d expect nothing less from the french… thankless and tasteless. Screw the french. [Lower case f intended!]

Doc Bailey

I know I should just shrug and let it go but this REALLY pisses me off. 17, year old kids died on that hell raked beach, and yet, despite the extreme danger, minefields and bunkers that were murdering our troops, managed to pick themselves up and win the day. KIDS did that. This disrespect is flatly unbelievable. When next France surrenders, lets let them burn for a few years eh?


This makes me want to puke! The frogs have zero class. If it had not been for the thousands of lives sacraficed on that beach, they`d be sprechken zi deutche.