At it AGAIN!
This story has been making the rounds on the interwebs.
The controversial Westboro Baptist Church is planning to protest President Obama‘s visit to Joplin, Missouri Sunday. On its website, the church writes, “Thank God for 125 dead in Joplin.” Church members claim Missouri Governor Jay Nixon has attacked them by promoting laws banning them from protesting at soldiers’ funerals.
I don’t hate hippies (was one for a time), I don’t hate Code Pink or their ilk ( I kinda like clowns too), but this bunch really has a lot in common with radical Islam. That’s really not a logical leap. The things they they do in the name of religion are appalling. And suspect.
Category: Pointless blather, Politics, Protests/Rallies
Well, when Fred Phelps finally drops dead; maybe we should stand outside their compound with signs that say “Thank G-d for dead hate-mongering inbreeders like Fred Phelps”?
OT #1: That is why I can easily equate then Jihadist types.
It’s not about the Almighty, it’s about the almighty dollar.
Fred Phelps is a crackpot jackwagon.
I’m surprised they aren’t all Ron Paul supporters. He’s an anti-semitic jackwagon too.
It is only a matter of time until one of these asshats get killed.
JPJ #5: That is my greatest fear. Mind you, I have little interest in gays, but.. I have to wonder if martyrdom is a goal?
Didn’t they recently get their asses handed to them somewhere in the mid-west? I see that happening again very soon.
…but this bunch really has a lot in common with radical Islam. That’s really not a logical leap. The things they they do in the name of religion are appalling. And suspect.
These tools are appalling, yes, but to say they are akin to a religion whose people have mass murdered non-Muslims for Centuries, since the inception of the religion, and whose goal — which Muslim groups all across the world have been working to enact in every single Western nation — is totalitarian domination of the entire planet?
Come on. Being appalling assholes holding signs at funerals is not akin to a centuries-old totalitarian death cult.
That’s akin to saying that conservatives are NAZIs. It’s an insult to conservatives, but it also completely marginalizes the evil of the NAZIs.
Islam is evil. These tools are simply appalling jackasses. There is absolutely NO comparison between the two. None.
I expect much better from the authors of this site.
#6 Zero Ponsdorf:
No, martyrdom is not their goal. Nor is fulfilling the Great Commission. WBC’s goal: it’s cash – lots of cash that comes from insurance companies as payouts from successful lawsuits. WBC is a lawsuit mill (to create wealth) using the guise of a tax-exempt organization (to preserve their wealth); and also in that guise slander all Xtians.
WBC is extremely successful in creating wealth for itself, and has many willing assistants who will repeat ad nauseum that WBC is a Xtian organization.
They were never about Xtianity or Jesus – just Benjamin. Lots and lots of Benjamins. Why do you think they’re able to file suit nearly immediately after a confrontation? It’s already to go, just insert name and DTG and file it with a free-speech-friendly judge. WBC is a lawsuit mill.
What gripes me is people calling them Xtian. For Xtians, it’s what you say, AND what you do – and both must consistently match. Words and deeds are inseparable, and Xtians are enjoined to keep them inseperable in order to maintain the integrity of witness.
Contrary to reports, the WBC *critters* did not meet any opposition at Brandon,MS. Why? Because they didn’t turn out and the “news” story was false. However, I do believe this bunch of “tadpoles” will meet up with their reckoning.
MiM #8: We’ll have to agree to disagree, I guess? Both groups use religion as a shield.
Of course there is no comparison in terms of equivalent evils, but both do invoke the name of God while perpetrating their own particular brand of evil. I think that is what I said in the post?
WBC better tread lightly on this one, because if they get too close to Obama, they will surely run into God’s wrath: It’s called the Secret Service.
I’m betting that they call this off before it happens.