As useless as a shrimp on a treadmill

| May 26, 2011

Senator Tommy Colburn, the guy who brought to light the baby-man on Social Security, sets his sights on the National Science Foundation, who is involved in such important research as jello-wrestling at the South Pole, checking the recovery rates of sick shrimp when they work out on a treadmill (how does that even work?). From The Washington Times;

At a time when the federal government is struggling with record deficits and bumping up against its borrowing limit, Mr. Coburn said the agency is a prime example of the kinds of spending taxpayers should no longer tolerate.

“There is little, if any, obvious scientific benefit to some NSF projects, such as a YouTube rap video, a review of event ticket prices on, a ‘robot hoedown and rodeo,’ or a virtual recreation of the 1964/65 New York World’s Fair,” Mr. Coburn said in a letter to taxpayers he wrote introducing the 73-page report, documented by more than 350 footnotes.

What’s worse is that NSF isn’t even apologetic about the abuse of their funding;

said Dana Topousis, the spokeswoman. “We believe that no other funding agency in the world comes close to NSF for giving taxpayers the best return on their investment.”

Yes, shrimp on a treadmill are absolutely essential to the rest of my life – and it creates jobs and lowers the cost of gasoline to consumers.

So this is to all of you who keep telling me that veterans have to sacrifice along with everyone else and take our loss of COLA increases and hikes in health care costs for the good of the economy. While this shit is going on? Is “baby man” going to get his SSI payments cut? Is NSF going to take a cut in their ridiculous “studies” of shit that doesn’t matter?

Bite me.

Category: Veteran Health Care, Veterans Issues

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Heh. Saw this on the FOX site. NSF is another bureaucracy in need of severe cutting back if not completely terminated. Along with National Endowment of/for the Arts and their nonsense.

AW1 Tim

Shrimp on a treadmill OUGHT to be shrimp on a barbie.


Coburn, not Colburn. And WTF is NSF? I thought DARPA and NOAA were engaged in science. Oh, wait. Shrimp on a treadmill isn’t science, it’s about losers posing as scientists so they can buy Mercedes.


“Baby Man” gets his SSI, my brother-in-law has Parkinson’s, and he was denied SSI benefits twice, before he “qualified”? And, these assholes want to fund rap videos, shrimp on treadmills, review ticket prices and virtual recreations of a 46 year old event? WTF, over?


MY question is….how in the hell do they get THAT shrimp to work out on the treadmill? I am willing to bet the shrimp boaters down here would love to know how that works. It might save them lots of fuel and equipment monies…


maybe the shrimp need a workout before being fed to the human population to help maintain the appropriate cholesterol levels :/ (she said in her best “smartass” tone)


Streetsweeper, maybe they have this “evil shrimp cathcher” with some candy and goodies (or what ever it is that shrimp eat) and taunting them onto the treadmill.
“Shrimpies, I have lollipops. cherry Pies. Ice Cream…”


er…cathcher = catcher




whoa…that was toooo much fun…LOL….
I guess the shrimp on a treadmill (hey that could be a new “boybanb”, a dish @Red Lobster..ok..I’ll stop) and jell-o
wrestling ( eww..what grossness) is no worse than our tax dollars going to research to find out why bugs fall on their left side to die, OR why cockroaches die upside down…Oh and just for the record, I was in Daytona couple weeks ago and I forgot to look for those damned turtle tunnels…just sayin