Stupid hippie tricks

| May 20, 2011

Daniel sends us a link to some hippie piles-of-shit who want your vote on which billboard they should erect to assault the eyes of DC commuters on I-95;

I’m happy to see that 224 ignorant assholes have been separated from $14,000 for this worthwhile cause. That’s $14k that won’t get to al Qaeda.

I’m sure that the billboard will change how America sees the little bone smuggler who had a hissy fit because his boyfriend dumped him and got people killed.

Category: Antiwar crowd, I hate hippies

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“That’s $14k that won’t get to al Qaeda.”

Or Obama’s reelection fund … keep looking for that silver lining, Jonn! 🙂


Speaking of stupid hippie tricks:


Shouldn’t that read-Dick Blower??


What is $15,000 going to do for Manning, exactly?

Make a few mortgage payments for the guy who organized this?

Trip to the Bahamas for his daughter’s graduation present?


About 700 “His and His KY” packs.

Doc Bailey

how much would it cost to put a bilboard right next to this one that goes something like:

Traitor: A person who turns their back on their comrades and country for personal gain or motives.

See also: back stabber, Blue Falcon, Bradley Manning.