The media’s next RINO darling

| May 20, 2011

Conn Carrol, in the Washington Examiner, takes a look at who will replace John McCain in the upcoming election as the media’s hand-selected RINO candidate.

So who will be 2012’s elite-media darling? There are three main candidates:

Mitch Daniels: Much like McCain’s February 2000 attack on social conservatives, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels angered many social conservatives when he told the Weekly Standard’s Andrew Ferguson that the next president would have to “call a truce on the so-called social issues.”

And what social conservatives hate, the elite media love. The Washington Post’s Ruth Marcus, David Broder and Chris Cilliza have all since written columns urging Daniels to get in the race.

Marcus’ is a classic, writing: “I hope Mitch Daniels runs for president. Let me go further: I hope he wins the Republican nomination. I can’t imagine voting for him.”

You need to read the whole thing. The media has a history of backing GOP losers for candidates because, well, they’re Democrats for the large part. If we had believed those clowns in the 2000 election when they told us they’d vote for McCain (which they obviously wouldn’t do judging by the 2008 election) we’d have had Al Gore on 9-11 instead of a president who reacted properly.

In fact, I still have people trying to convince me they would have voted for McCain in 2000…but never Bush. Well, who cares now, dingus? Bush didn’t need your vote, did he? I guess it’s their way of trying to convince me that they’re independent.

Category: Media

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I confess! I voted for Bush.