May out-crazies Duff

| May 10, 2011

TSO sends us another link from Veterans Today, this one from the nuttiest of all squirrel turds Eric May. In today’s missive. May warns us that Madonna and Dick Cheney are plotting to take over a famous sporting goods chain store and then shoot all of the lawyers in the face…or something;

Cabala is the signal and signature of the Cabal. Without their Cabala there can be no Cabal. When it is exposed they are exposed, and they must scurry like cockroaches when the the lights are turned on. Their disconnection of the words Cabala and Cabal by changing Cabala to Kabbalah is one of their key kulturkampf achievements, right up there with turning BC into BCE.

“A secretive Cabal running American foreign policy is undermining American democracy” – LTC Lawrence Wilkerson, chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, 10/19/05

Real infowarriors are anxious about and preparing for these dangerous occult days:

5/11/11 6/11/11 7/11/11 8/11/11 9/11/11 10/11/1 11/11/11 12/11/11

So I’m guessing that the world is going to end on some day this year that has an eleven or two in it. I suppose that all of the days with eleven in them that already happened this year weren’t all that significant, because, ya know, nothing happened on those days.

You might be surprised, as I was, to learn that Alex Jones is a part of the Main Stream Media.

Real infowarriors should not be confused with Alex Jones and the mainstream alternative media (MAM), which can be informative until information becomes critical to expose false flag set ups. At that point they inevitably become collaborators. In my eight years as a tactical, operational and sometimes strategic commander, I have never seen AJ involved in any action, except as a fifth columnist.

Of course, those eight years of commanding “Ghost Troop” began when he detected the residue of a neutron bomb over Baghdad from his living room in Texas. The same command post from which he declared Jesse MacBeth’s war stories credible, years after MacBeth himself became a denier…and the VA tossed him in jail for his lies.

One of the members of May’s “Ghost Troop Info Warriors” wrote to warn May;

Subject: GHOST TROOP: Jewish Terror Alert, 5/5/11 – 5/11/11

“Perhaps THEY will go forward with their plans, despite exposure by you! Perhaps they are hoping to drown out your exposure with mass arrests after martial law is declared! And if they do that, what can you do? What can Ghost Troop do? YOU WILL ALL BE ROUNDED UP AND ARRESTED! They have to move forward with their plans, Captain May, and I DO NOT THINK YOU ARE A BARRIER TO THEM ANY MORE!!! God help us all!”

God help us all, indeed. Well, not the Jewish God, but the other one who is more contemporary and writes in English.

Category: General Whackos

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And here I was all set to go to Cabelas. Got my secret squirrel meeting locale all confused!

Old Trooper

Hey!! How dare you mock a true inforwarrior like Captain May-I!! He is the bravest of the brave, standing up and exposing himself…I mean the evil Joooooos and their evil plot to enslave us all!

You, who do not accept the truth that Captain May-I exposes, are all doomed!!

AW1 Tim

As a Pagan, allow me to note that these folks are also an embarrassment to us. Sigh.

“Occult Days”……. Dude hasn’t a clue about these things, so he’s resorted to making stuff up.


No mas no mas – I was just hoping for a sale at Cabelas. I need to pick up some stupid-spray. Keeps the zombies and Occult Days at bays.


And here I thought I was just picking up a couple of nice lounge chairs at a really good price. Who knew?


Why am I always the last one to hear about these secret cabals and fifth columnists. At this rate I’m never gonna get me a sweet piece of that paranoid action. That and coupons for low cost ammo at Cabelas. Don’t even get me started about the ammo shortage conspiracy.


Every time I show up where Eric, or one of his acolytes tells me to be, no one is there? WTF? How can I keep up on Cabals, Cabels and Kabbalahs, unless Eric and Jones keep me in the loop?
Wait, I’ve got it, Eric May is the false flag.
Must be careful, the crazy is very strong in Eric.

Frankly Opinionated

Old Trooper said: “…..standing up and exposing himself…….” Why didn’t that get him arrested? Can’t he see that “they” can’t see him, “ghost troop” n all. I mean, really, how many of us can see ghosts? I wouldn’t deny ol’ Eric the Stupid, his “Ghost Troop”, after all isn’t ghost defined as something that really isn’t even there?


[…] guess Gordon Duff and Captain Eric May have made the leap to the Iran state media organ. Good for […]